Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where Colour Matters

Last night while Mayu and I were sitting in our hospital room at Saiseikai hospital after our day's battery of tests for the "ningen dock" or "human docking" were complete, there was a program on TV that Mayu was watching which showed some amazing commercials that did not use any CG SFX (Computer Graffic Special Effects). One of them was the Sony Bravia commercial entitled "Colour".

Imagine 250,000 coloured superballs being shot out of three cannons and let to bounce their way to life down the streets of San Francisco....

In the high tech world, colour really DOES matter!

I hope you enjoy this brief video. We certainly did.


I love you!


  1. Did you see the one shot in Glasgow where they explode paint all over buildings due for demolition? That one gives me goosebumps. Set to Rossini's The Thieving Magpie overture.

  2. Lyvvie - I did! I did! It's amazing what they do!!!

  3. Jazzman - You couldn't have picked a better word to describe it! Brilliance in motion.

  4. Y'know, if you're a dirty minded individual, "Human Docking" sounds like a procedure that needs more looking into.

  5. Makes me want to go back to San Francisco....

  6. The next one makes me want to get naked and run around in NYC...

  7. Rob - Yes, this is true. I did my best to translate 人間ドック....

  8. That is breathtaking. I wish I could have been there standing in the middle of it all, absorbed in color.

  9. *hands Amy a full-faced motorcycle helmet and a kevlar flak jacket*

  10. whats human docking? is it a an over all?

  11. i love this video..always makes me smile...i flew home made kites on saturday..this saturday i will send up ballons to teh universe with names and thoughts on..i will send oneup for you and mayuxx love joolsx

  12. the frog jumping out was great....

    this cmercial reminds me of you as your community join here..spreads colour and hope and lots of love....

    feel free to join my 365..basically post a picture with a thought or quot eof traying to get 365 to make a calender...

  13. Jools - It's where you check into a hospital for an overnight stay, and run through an entire battery of tests. "ningen dock".

  14. it like a full docked a service lol..MOT

  15. Sounds more like a docking station in a space vehicle...

    Maybe Cammy was probed by aliens.... LOL!

  16. ... or maybe I was probed by Fox Mulder! Yum!!!

  17. Ok... this made me weepy.

    Can't explain it... it just did.

    I gotta know what that song is.

  18. Sensational!


    This is absolutely beautiful!

    Was that a frog jumping out of the gutter drain?

  19. LOVED the frog jumping out! He was like "OH SHIZ!"

    This was so totally cool!

  20. Linda - It wasn't me!

    Stefnee - You lovable hatted sap, you!

  21. whoa, that was SO very cool! makes ya wanna buy a Sony something eh?!

    froggy got me smiling too!

  22. Celeste!!!

    It does NOT... not you... or me... LOL!!!

    Well... i guess some people will go out and buy Sony stuff in the coming Christmas season.

    Let's hope... for the economy's sake.

    They better not count on me though.

  23. (laughing my tushy off over here, Jen!)

  24. I loved it !! I would love to be around when they would do another one , fat chance of them coming to MIscou Island to do one though lol

    Ok my Mom side has me wondering who cleans them all up ?

  25. Yes, Jen knows very strongly what her needs, and her wants are and she is absolutely in no way influenced by marketing, or advertising. Not at all. Nope. Not in the slightest. *wink*

  26. Sharon - Probably the people who used to work for the Big Three Automotive Industry!


    I'm amazed I didn't end up a junkie or an alcoholic....


    Push over me. Show me a puppy... and I'll buy that brand of .. whatever..


    Sharon. I too thought.. gah.. they'd be cleaning up balls for weeks, and most likely finding them unexpectedly for years. In gutters... in flowerpots.. etc...

  28. ... kind of like a kaliedoscopic (not endoscopic) eternal easter egg hunt!

  29. Advertising involves... oh nevermind...

    i just don't like people trying to sell me stuff so i resist.
    That and being broke helps. I don't buy what's advertised. I by what's on sale.

    Sony... can't think of anything i'd need or want from SONY... sorry guys. Nice commercial though... pretty... fun.

  30. What did I miss, why were you both in the hpspital for test!?!!? what happend now!?!?!?!

  31. Kristen - Nothing bad at all. We had the opportunity to have our community subsidize a general overal medical checkup, so we took advantage of it.

  32. It was Mayu's first mammogram as well. She said, "it didn't hurt nearly as much as everyone says it does..." So, I don't know what that means.... "gentler technology? more pain resistant breasts? higher pain threshhold? enjoys pain? passed out and can't remember the actual event? suppressed the real pain?" Only she will ever know...

  33. It's really not bad at all... just pressure.

    I can attes to that as going from smaller mammos going up to larger mammos...

    Still not that much pain.

    Discomfort would be a better word.

    Brava Mayu!

  34. I had a mammos... this summer... Yes and it was not comfortable.. The Tec said it
    would be easier if I was fatter.. MMMMM

  35. " tests for the "ningen dock" or "human docking" were complete" What was that all about????

  36. The Mammo turned out ok if anyone is interested.!!! They didn't know what the lump was but they said it wasn't anything to worry about!!

  37. Um... if they didn't know what it was (is?), then how do they know it's nothing to worry about???

    I don't like when doctors say crap like that.

    It's like, if THEY don't see a problem, there IS no problem... huh?

    If the lump is gone now it must have been a swollen lymph node, which is not a problem.

    Be well, SweetJim!

    P.S. the "docking" stuff is their term for the battery of tests he and Mayu went through at the hospital in a thorough, overnight stay.

    Sounded like a space probe to me.

  38. I hate those space probes..!!!!!! They are more uncomfortable than the Mammo... The lump
    has just about dissapeared now. Thats take 3 or 4 months.!!

  39. The lump on my noggin is permanent, I think. Permanent calcification due to protecting my grey matter from all the time I bash my head against things that are (for me) too low in this country.
