Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trimming back the yard again

It is time to call in the Silver Guard(eners) to work on our yard and cut all the trees, shrubs and bushes back for winter so everything can have a fresh start in spring.

I recorded the yard before, and after so if you would like, you may see the difference.

I talked to one of the gardeners about how differently we look at trees and greenery in N.A. compared to here. His reply was that in N.A. the lots are much bigger therefore there is much more space, and overlapping onto someone else's yard probably isn't that big of a problem. But here in Japan "we japanese" do not like "overlap" and everything must be contained within the required boundaries. Also, like our old neighbour, the gardeners do not like trees growing naturally, because they tend to be too dense, can get illnesses, cause insects to spread, and mainly because natural growth does not get enough air flow, the trees get sick, and branches die.


  1. Yes... good pruning is very important... especially in smaller spaces.

    I used to care for indoor trees an pruning was key.

  2. Wow!!!

    YOu NEED serious pruning!

    Your stuff grows so wildly... i've not seen that here.
    Growth is much slower... wow!

  3. HEY!

    We couldn't see Keiko!


  4. The yard is BEAUTIFUL, MOU. They did a great job.
    I like how it's still so green

    I wish i could see it up close... hell, i'd do some of that for you. Except for the really tall stuff... i'm skeert o dat ladder.

    I love pruning....
    you get to rake up though ;-)

  5. Jen - Up close photos on Flickr.

    I'll let you know what the cost is in total for the two guys, 1.5 days plus paying for the stuff to be carted off and burned.


    I love you!

  6. The opening shot on this video is awesome.

    Goin to steal this.

  7. Very neat and nice which reminds me I need to do that too (trim around outside) the thing is it has been so warm here I still have miniature roses blooming, so I am waiting, it has turned colder today so maybe next week I can get out there and get everything ready. It is raining and cold today brrrr. I love your broom you have there in the closing, I am going to ask leo to make me one , they used to have them here in the "olden" days lol


  8. They do this sort of thing in my condo complex every year, they started I believe late sept or was it early october, anyway its done, its a good thing cause it can be a mess.

  9. You have a fantastic yard!! Great video, Cam.

  10. No don't send anymore of those trucks over here. We have them at work and with a tool belt and 20 minute escape pack on the belt, it is almost impossible to get in or out of the damn things. I will take a full sized ford any day. Ha ha ha
    The yard looks great, Can't wait to see it in full bloom this spring.

  11. Randy - Well... they weren't made for sasquatches!

  12. Ha ha ha no they were not. One for each shoe maybe.
