Saturday, November 22, 2008

The NOT Family Album

This morning he kept bugging and bugging me, crying "kyaaaam, kyaaaaam, kyaaaam" until finally I fed him. Three damn times!

Pretty self-explanatory, one would think...


  1. Oh......he is still an outdoor cat?

    Hmmmm.....he's going to be cold soon. Reeeal cold. I bet he could keep you feet warm at night Cam.

  2. Well if these are family pictures, that must mean he's a member of the family, yes?

    Who leaves their family out in the cold? Hmmmm?

  3. I know Jen!!!

    I was thinking how warm my 2 little dogs keep me when they curl up with me now. I LOVE it. Keiko would be a great source of heat.....

  4. I don't even like cats but this lil guy is sooo cute!

  5. I like cats, just not the litter box thingie.....ICK!

  6. I don't like the litter box, the walking any where on any surface but the floor, the scratching ( i wouldn't declaw), the tendency towards diabetis and kidney disease (have friends dealing with both), or just the smallness.

    I like big animals i can keep an eye on at all times.
    Don't trust anything that can hide ;-)

  7. Jen, would not like my little kids.....they hide.

  8. In the snow Cam?

    That poor little guy.

    Sorry, but I am a mushmellow when it comes to pets.

  9. he is a ferral cat, Lin.
    he's survived through at least one other winter.

    i'm sure he'll be ok with Cam feeding him the six times a day. lol!

  10. Jen......but it is going to be cold soon.

    Everyone needs to feel the warmth!

    ;) Cam

  11. The only time Keiko is here, is when he wants food. Seriously, aside from that we NEVER see him. Ever.

  12. He's very cute. Who is starting to pool as to when Keiko becomes an "inside cat"? I'll take Jan 4th... ;o)

  13. Hehehehehe.....

    Poor Mou... your girls are all workin on ya.

    Maybe just put up a lil leanto for his food and he can hunker down in there if he feels the need.

  14. He HAS the outer genkan where all the wind is blocked. He HAS his own captain's chair which has newspaper, and cloth on it for insulation. He HAS his own water bowl. He HAS his own food bowl. He comes, he cries "Kyammmmm kyaaaaammmmm kyaaammmmmm" until he gets a bowl of food. then he comes and cries, "kyammmmm, kyaaaaammmm kyaaaaaammmmm" until he gets ANOTHER bowl of food. Then he goes away, totally disappears, and comes back again between 1pm and 3pm to repeat the entire process for another two bowls of food. Then he goes away again until he shows up at 7am pretty spot on, sitting in front of the sliding glass doors to the deck, calling, "kyaaammmmm kyaaaaaaammmm kyammmmmm" until he gets his bowl filled.

    For a stray outdoor cat, he already HAS UTOPIA!!!

    Jan 4th? Not on your life!
    Spring? Fuggeddabouddit!

    Now maybe one day this week I need to scoop him up, box him up, take him to the vet and castrate him.

  15. Ohhhh... i didn't realize the genkan was available to him!

    That very different... i n the words of Emily Latella...

    Never mind!!!

    Cat's pretty damn lucky

  16. Ok, Cam...I think I can get them off your back over Keiko.... All 10 of my cats stay outside, have to have that many due to the mouse population and our neighbors; they lure in lots of critters from the They go in the garage at night and sleep; I fixed them beds in there....

  17. Cute kitty... a bit chunky.

    Cute Cammy too!

  18. No kidding the damn cat is chunky! This is an awesome experiment I am conducting on somebody else's cat! To go from a bag of bones to THIS in a mere five months on cat food alone is incredible! Imagine feeding your feline cat food for years? No wonder feline diabetes exists now! Holy Cow!
