Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mayu's Got Crabs!

Yesterday, as I explained in one of my recent videos, Mayu went off to meet two of her former coworkers for dinner, and an overnight stay at an onsen restaurant in Miyama. It was a brief 30 minute drive to Miracle-Tei which is on the other side of the mountains that you see in so many of my photos, behind my house.

She met her friends about 5:00 in the afternoon. They talked, had baths, had late dinner, she gave them massages, they had baths, talked again, she gave more massages, they ate, they ate, and they ate. She said she got three hours of sleep.

The meal consisted of a large variety of traditional foods, including tempura, sashimi, some other various dishes, sukiyaki, soba (buckwheat noodles), mashed rice dango (dumpling), grilled fish, kani (crab) rice, frozen kani "pickles", dessert, and more. Then the chef brought out that crab you see at the beginning of my story. Mayu thought it was for all of them, but the other women told her that it was JUST FOR HER! So after many mouthfuls of crab after crab after crab, she was absolutely stuffed!

But look at the size of what she ate!!! (the photo above doesn't tell the entire picture.) The blue tag indicates that it came from Ishikawa. If it was Echizen-gani, it would have had a yellow tag. (Note on pronunciation: crab, by itself is pronounced, "kani" with a "k" sound, but when it goes with another word like Echizen, the k sound softens and becomes a "g", thus kani --> Echizen-gani.)

Apparently the seas are not "giving" their bounty nearly as freely as they used to. The kani that come from the seas off of Fukui (known as Echizen in the Edo period) are called Echizen gani. They are very well-known across the lands, and command a very high price. One this size at a restaurant usually costs over $100.00 for the crab alone!

Well, apparently the chef at the Miracle-tei restaurant could not get the Echizen-gani, but he was able to get one from the prefecture next door to us, Ishikawa. They are the same crabs, but when they come from NOT off of the Echizen coast, they are less expensive. It's kind of like getting Kobe beef. If it is kobe beef it is very expensive here, but if you get it from across the waters where they grow it, it is less expensive as it does not have that name.

After jumping into the early morning onsen bath and soaking at 7:00 in the morning, Mayu got ready for work, and headed out to a full day (including the evening volunteer work at the hospital hospice where she massages and talks with terminally ill cancer patients).

So, Mayu lucked out and apparently the chef was able to serve an even larger kani than originally planned for the price that Mayu's coworkers had booked for her!

Holy Kani, Batman, that's a whole lotta crab!

I love you!



  1. I'm.... not.. sure I could eat something that .... actually resembled a spider.


    Mayu sure is looking crabby these days. *snicker*

  2. Hahahahaaahaha! *spank* (I just added a bit more to the story, you may want to refresh... just above the second photo)

  3. It looks delicious and remember the legs aren't that much meat.

    Mmmmmm.. hungry now... i could polish off that baby easily!

  4. Personally, I am not all that fond of crab in the shells, because there is so much work to get out the meat, that I end up with crab juice everywhere, and find that in the end, I'm hungrier than when I started because of all the *crack* *cut* *split* *pull* work of dealing with getting the meat out. But, Japanese most certainly do love their crabs!

  5. looks nice but yep bit too much like spider to me too ...mayu is so cute and hard worker too...you two are so good together..love jooslx

  6. That headline was exactly what I needed today. Thanks.

  7. Matt - The "pleasure" is all mine... By the way, are you running Mr. V with your heater now? Is it working as well as it did in the summer, to get the warm air circulating so the temperatures in front of the heater, and your bedroom are not like 50 million degrees kelvin different?

  8. I miss eating crab. I developed a severe allergy to them when I was younger. : (

  9. I just added more photos of Mayu's crabs for anyone interested.

  10. I ate in Maryland once....friends of my ex's purchased crabs....by the freakin' dozen. We lined the picnic table with newspaper and cracked, broke, snapped, pried away! It was delicious!

    But THIS crab looks...menacing, lol.

  11. The really interesting stuff is the soft shell crabs... they deep fry and eat the whole dang creature... in sandwiches even!!!

    It's so popular throughout the mid Atlantic coast.... um... i ain't feelin it, yo!

  12. I hope Mayu did not eat the mustardy looking stuff........blah.

    OMG...I just clicked on the larger version of the bottom photo....and my tummy rolled.

    Holy cow. Yeah. I prefer the smaller crabs I ate in Maryland. This looks slimmeeey!

  13. Jeez you'd sure notice a crab that size if it was in your pubic hair, huh!!!

    I'm not a real fan of crab. I used to be till one of my dickhead friends put a live crab into boiling water and I had to run out of the house because I swear to god that poor little bugger was screaming.

    (but I remember they used to be yummy...)

  14. Deb - That would probably do me in, too.... I had trouble watching the restaurant chef carve up a living fish and serve it to the customer while the tail still flapped, but it had no meat left on it....

  15. I remember going to a restaurant that sold crayfish (lobster) but you had to pick your own.

    There were these cute lil crayfish with their pincers all muzzled and they were frolicking in the (sea) grass and the sun was shining and they wanted me to pick one to kill????

    I had a very very lovely salad.

    I'm all for eating meat and seafood, but only if it comes from the supermarket. I can't take the guilt that comes with choosing which critter dies. Unless the crayfish in the tank are willing to point out the bully, but with their pincers muzzled, how can they point? What if I'd chosen the next crayfish William Shakespeare?

    It's all very unfair...

  16. Stop!

    Laughing so hard i'm having a coughing fit... OMG!

    I do know how you feel though... i don't wanna know... just serve it up!
