Friday, November 14, 2008

Traveling with Toto

Japan has the most amazing toilet culture... I guess you really have to experience it to believe it. Even Madonna is a devout believer of the toilet religion we call TOTO.

I HIGHLY recommend you come to Japan (my Japan) to experience this amazing technology... first... bum?

Look at what I found on Amazon!!!


I love you!



  1. ROFLMAO I was hanging out watching this and towards the end started the very end, I almost fell out of my chair!! I'll leave it at that so I don't spoil it for others! HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, but you KNOW that's funny!
    IGLU! Take Care Of You!

  2. You, my love, are a seriously strange individual.
    But as i always say to Colin (you two could be related... cute, weirdo twins).."you are my strange and wonderful boy!" It is a compliment...

    BTW... your hair looks great in this... very nice indeed.

    Amber... don't laugh... it only encourages him!

  3. lol I laughed, I cried, I cried again!

  4. TMI! TMI! * Holding my ears and shutting my eyes and running out of the room now.*

  5. B thought the end was funny, too~! LMAO

  6. LOL.....

    *Well, your birthday song sure made me smile....but are too much Cam!

    Well, not toooooo much.

  7. lmao! Cam you are to much! I though, He is not going to squirt himself , but Yes ! you did and that was so funny.

  8. Just in case some of you have been wondering if this washlet thing is really as ubiquitous as I claim or some weird japanese novelty...

    This house has had one since it was built 15 years ago.
    Mayu's parents' has had one for close to 20 years.
    I enjoyed one at the factory I was working at on Wednesday (very nice time there).
    They have one at the gym that has a great automatic function... after you stand up, in six seconds, the toilet flushes itself! How cool is that?!?! Now you may be asking... "why in god's green earth would you need something stupid like that?" Well, let me just ask you... do you know where the previous person's hand has been? Oh yeah... you do know! The same parallel place where YOUR hand has been!!! Gross!!

    Yes, most homes have washlets now, and most businesses do. We installed one on my previous employer's work when we built the new office. ... They ARE everywhere. And now, they can even be on trains, and in public washrooms where they often are not located!

    Lisa - Go for it!!!! You will not regret it!!

    No more itchy bums, gang!

    I love you!

  9. I think it's a great idea, but doubt it'd catch on except as a luxury item in the newer built homes over here.

    Unfortunately, Americans, maybe Westerners in general are not overly concerned with bathroom hygiene.
    They figure if they at least wash their hands, they've done enough, and will wait til shower time to clean up the body.

    This seems to be more of a problem for males... If i may be blunt... women don't seem to have the "tire track" problem that men almost universally encounter.

    Whazzup wit dat?

    My theory? Mothers, of course being in charge of ALL things children are responsible for toilet teaching and cleanup down there... and once the little darlings get older, they no longer want Mom "helping" them. So they go it alone and do a piss poor job (no pun intended).

    So if American males have put up with this for lo these many years i think it'll be hard to convince them that this could be of monumental assistance...
    I'm not sure they care enough.

    How much does one of them cost anyway?
    The bathroom kind... not your portable seltzer bottle imitator, LOL!

  10. Men universally have much more hair in their ass, and shit sticks to the hair of the ass, even if you use toilet paper to wipe it away. Can I get more graphically real-life-results than that?

    As for cost, you'd have to go and check out Toto USA at I don't know how much it would cost there.

  11. And I might add that it is generally extremely uncommon (though not unheard of) for men to shave their asses, and around their testicles. Nor do they wax, as seems to be fairly more common among women.

    We men, being hairy brutes, moreso than perhaps even women, could really benefit from making the Toto Washlet system ubiquitous in our lives.

    Unless we want to start going "metrosexual" and getting "ballkini waxes" and hyperactivating the tear ducts by ripping out the hair in our bummy bum bums with some sort of waxy chemical compound.

    Time for breakfast!

    I love you!!

  12. Don't think I could take the pain of a waxing......just a little think down below the equator....
    That was an amazing the way you explained "tire tracks"; there "racing stripes" unless you have hemorrhoids and they bleed....the guy has started his "monthly"..... thought I would enlighten you this evening..

  13. Jalopy - Once finishing the "morning business", one most definitely is "en-lightened" in a very real life sense.

  14. Well that thing better have the force of a power wash system if hair is the culprit.

    Sounds like a sticky mess that i would think would take more than a gentle stream of water from the little battery operated thingy.

    Guess you'd need to wash/wipe/wash/wipe....

  15. That is why a lot of us guys have those hand held showers, full force and a scrub brush.....or you can use that Black and Decker Scrub Brush for cleaning the shower stall/bath

  16. some times the enlightenment might happen twice in a

  17. must shared to much information on the "tire tracks"

  18. And considering that they were available in powder blue, or powder pink, I think that more than likely the less hairy sex would be the ones ordering, carrying, and using. Besides, I wouldn't want to carry this thing around in a pocket or tucked into a blazer pocket (imagine the ensuing conversation at a client's business meeting when you lean over and it falls out on the table? but then again, it might make some of the other male users blush knowing exactly what it is...), and men don't carry "man bags" all that often...

  19. And again, women will remain the cleaner of the population....

    and men will continue to leave tire tracks.... Oy!

  20. Maybe rather than trying to change the nation, you should start with something simpler, like trying to change the tire tracks...

  21. HEY
    most houses in PR have the doube set toilet/bidet except my house
    the bath was so small we had it removed
    i get clausterphobic and swear by wet wipes
    they clog the toilet easily

  22. oooh btw our new bathroom is 3 times the size
    next time you visit you will like it
    but bring your portable toto!

  23. Should I bring my own cockroach motel also, Carrie? Or did you get rid of that problem?

  24. sitting or standing my son wipes! His dad has tried to teach him to shake it off - he doesn't like it. When he poops he'll do his best to wipe then ask for my help! This coming from the kid who never cared (even as an infant) if he had a wet/dirty diaper, and it still doesn't phase him if he poops his pants! *BOGGLE*

  25. Mine never did either, Amber....

    Men.... sigh.


  26. I can only imagine the japanese infomercials , I can see the demonstrations right now

  27. They certainly can't be any worse than watching North American commercials where they pour beautiful blue water on Tampax pads that turn into beautiful white doves and fly away....


  28. Those are commercials, im talking about informercials, 30 min long or longer commercials!!!
    and for your information those do turn into white doves and fly off.

  29. Ah! So that is where the expression, "women can be so flighty" comes from! Now I know! Thank you for the enlightenment! And a 30 minute infomercial on how to gracefully wash the bum... that would be terrifying because those infomercials are always done so amazingly well with such beautiful people (bums?) that when they are finally done, you are so sorely tempted to pick up the phone and order.

  30. That must also be where "flying by the seat of your pants" comes from! Who knew?!

  31. Don't forget, women also have "wings" now.....always.....

    At least Charmin uses the red bears to show the fuzzies that is left by using regular toilet paper, they could have used some big hairy ass guy....lmao.

  32. OMG....this has taken on a life of its own!!!!


  33. Of course like all things that come out of Japan, it has the undertones of a sexual object This will be up there with the panasonic magic wand and the fleshjack

  34. no, when you leave an appartment empty for any length of time the roaches come
    you have to move in to scare them all out
    or spray a TON of chemicals about three and two weeks before
    but the chemicals make me VERY sick
    extra protein

  35. Its after 3am and I think I woke everyone up, laughing. This is a priceless video. Absolutely the best.

    The add-on bidet's that I spied, last year, when my friend was first crying about her amazing loss, that seems like a religious rite, didn't even consider water temperature. Who knew?

    I do have a question.. umm.. how long do you sit to dry off? Doesn't TP stick to wet bum?

    I noticed that gizmo has a strap. Do ppl carry them around like wristlet purses?

    When you mentioned the business meeting, I was thinking more like what it might look like in your pants pocket, not having it fall out, onto the table.

    I've missed you, Cam.

  36. CD - Well, we use washlet-paper which is a bit thicker... the regular stuff does tend to melt when it hits a wet bum. Or.... once you have rinced off, the other option is to use little hand towels to dry off. Used once, thrown in the laundry and washed. I have seen many places in Italy doing that.

    As for the strap.... good question.

    I like that you are interested to see what it looks like in my pocket. I would love to say, "I'm just happy to see you!"

    Thanks for missing me and my toilet humour. And thanks for popping back in again. I love it!

    Oh, I'm off to the sento to get naked with a bunch of men in about 25 minutes. You should come and try it some time. On the women's side, of course...

    Everyone is welcome to come for a visit during 2009! Please do! I would love to have you!!!

  37. That naked with a bunch of men is a bit more difficult to understand than the washlet.

  38. That naked with a bunch of men is a bit more difficult to understand than the washlet.

  39. And I just came back... and aaaahhhhhh.... it was wonderful!

  40. I just got out of the shower. I'm rather thrilled I was alone. LOL

    I'm glad you are back, safe, and had a good time!

  41. You didn't go to sleep tonight, did you?

  42. the pooh blogs of cam lol

  43. omg i just saw the end..youre funny love yzxx

  44. I thought for sure when you lifted the little cover there was going to be a place for But softner or air freashner. LOL The bum flush? does it come with air dry? Way funny.

  45. Randy - Yes, it's called the "Pat-Dry System". Very efficient.
