Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where White Rules

The second ad they showed on that TV program, an alternative ad for Sony Cameras and Handycams was this one, where they let loose something like 450,000 tons of pure white foam in the city of New York. Again, no CG SFX (Computer Graffic Special Effects) were used. This was real foam!

Imagine losing yourself in the clouds for those brief moments in time... It must feel like this...



There are a lot more amazing commercials like this that Sony has done... the music that goes with them soothes my soul. I hope you enjoy this one as much as we did. I love you! Cam


  1. WTF happened to the comment i wrote here just a while ago???

    ...sigh... whatever...

    Fun video... cute.

  2. again... with the tears.....

    what's my deal?

    this just... moves me. the simplicity, the beauty, the people forgetting their troubles for a few minutes.......

    I dunno.. I'm a sap, I know.

  3. Hasn't anyone here been to a foam party?

    Well... i haven't either but have picked up one or more wet children after an evening of dancing in a room filled with foam.

    Looks like a lot of fun... wonder if is big kids could get to do it.

    Would have been fun to be there.

  4. Never heard of a foam party. I must be from the boondocks. The only foam I know is the foaming mad... wild boars.

  5. Nope, Mou.

    Dance clubs fill up a room with foam just like in the video.

    Then the young folk cavort amongst the bubbles to wild techno music.

    I could get into the foam... not the techno... oh... headache, just thinking about it.

  6. it is beautifully done.

    do they have a commercial of anyone swimming in jello?

    (one of my bucket list fetishes)

  7. Hey, Celeste...

    Is jello wrestling good enough?

    They have it every spring in my son's college.

    The dean challenges the students. Maybe you could tag team with him against those younguns

  8. nah, i want a deep pool of the stuff!

    wow, someone has as twisted of a mind as me out there :\
