Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Death By Swine Flu in Texas & You

Well, the first death in the USA from the Swine Flu has been confirmed in Houston Texas.

It was a 23 month old baby. Tragic.

This will not be the last.....

Everyone is wondering why the results are so much more deadly in Mexico compared to the other infected countries and I have what I believe is a very plausible answer for that, and it is based entirely on diet and what Mexico (and third worlds) eat compared to what the 1st world countries eat (beans, rice, corn [CARBOHYDRATES] vs meat [PROTEIN AMINO ACIDS].

We know this from a scientific and biochemical standpoint is true and has been substantiated and repeated in experiment over and over, and in the real world as well. My only concern is that because the good majority of the world still believes grains are good for you and fat is bad, they won't ever make the leap and understand how bad grains really do compromise your immune system, and how cutting back on proteins, i.e. natural amino acids (and Essential Fatty Acids, the building blocks of our sustainable good health and vitality) is a recipe for cell deficiencies leading to cellular compromise and decreased ability to resist invasion by foreign particles (i.e. viruses, etc.)

You can dramatically increase your health and immune system by supplementing your diet with the proper ratio of parent essential Omega 6, and parent essential Omega 3 Oils. You won't get enough in your diets because these oils are extremely heat sensitive. Also, by following the nutritional guidelines these days talking about the "need to overdose on Omega 3" you risk making yourself even more ill.

Please consider visiting YES Supplements where I have been getting my PEOs (Parent Essential Oils), and where Jen, Stefnee/Scott/Shasta/Spencer/Simon/Silas, Paula, and more get theirs and have dramatically improved their health and their immune system far beyond that of most "mortal beings".

I am serious about this! VERY serious. In fact, I am so serious that I am going to work with Brian Peskin to see if he wants me to write the next newsletter exactly on this topic and give you some science to back up why I do believe this is the main cause of the differences in virulence.

Please everyone take precautions, wash your hands regularly, consider wearing masks in busy places (as dumb as it may seem), and just keep an eye out for any kind of fever or strange behaviour in your children, OK? And STAY HEALTHY and chock full of the essence of every living cell in our body: a proper blend of parent essential oils.

And Rachel, PLEASE be very very careful, or AWARE, OK? Beef up on that Texas Beef, you!

I love you!


Let's Take A Walk

I know I know...

call me weird....


but I haven't been out of the house for TWO entire days!




So today I said enough! I shut down the computer and went for an hour walk. I wanted to fix me.

I walked the "Tug Route", or where I USED to go mountain biking almost daily (kinda lost the verve for that these past few years). I walked 30 minutes up, sat on a flood control dam for a while, took this photo, got chilly, took some photos of myself, deleted them all because my nose looked funny... then took a 30 minutes slow meditation walk down. I spent time working on P5 and choosing to see some things differently as I changed my mind.

It wasn't at all far; seriously just behind my house actually.

Sometimes it blows me away that I can slip on my Chucks and in less than 30 minutes (8minutes if I ride my bike) be ... here!

It really is beautiful where I live.

Photo taken on my outdated prehistoric (compared to Stefnee's amazing technogadget *jealous!!!*) cell phone.

I love you!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Global Swine Flu Outbreak, Fear & Global Coherence

I belong to the Global Coherence Initiative team, working hard to utilize our positive energy around the world to bring changes to the energy flow on our earth, thus bringing peace and greater harmony to ourselves, the citizens of our great world and Earth and the Universe themselves.

Here is what they write on their site:

"The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based initiative uniting millions of people in heart-focused care and intention, to shift global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace. "

You can read more about them on their Global Coherence Initiative website.

Today this request for a focus of energy to calm the panic that is rising rapidly over the quikly-spreading deadly seine virus arrived in my inbox. It is important, and I would like to share the letter, and also the techniques that you can easily work on to expand your energy (good energy please) outward, so that the Universe will magnify it and send it back.

This will not only benefit you, but everyone around you, as well as those far away from you. It will also help to heal our sick earth. I believe that a good majority of the illnesses, the crime, violence, and even the rapidly degrading environment is caused by an imbalance of energy; there is too much negative energy "out there", and too little of the love, gratitude, respect and appreciation. We need to bring this back into a positive balance with the good outweighing the bad before any of our scientific and technical attempts at "healing" will have any real, lasting effects.

Because energy, the electrons in the mana of our Universe... IS. Everything is connected. Everything... simply IS.

If you are interested, please give it a try and see what you think. Even if you don't believe it will do anything, trust me. I believe. Therefore because I believe in energy, and I believe in YOU, it WILL have an effect.

And that's kinda cool, don'tcha think?

I love you! - Cam


Greetings Cameron,

You are probably aware through news reports that a public health emergency has been declared in numerous countries because of an outbreak of swine flu virus. The World Health Organization characterized the outbreak as "serious." Researchers were still trying at the start of this week to determine how easily the virus is transmitted from person to person, but it was too early to predict whether this outbreak will turn into a mild or serious epidemic.

Reports like this, of course, create concern and fear in millions of people worldwide. We are addressing this situation early because heart-focused care sent now can help dissipate or reduce the level of fear and emotional discord.

Please consider dedicating a few minutes of focused time as often as you’d like during the next week using the Introductory Coherence Technique, or whatever method you choose, to send care toward easing this situation.

Thanks for your participation.

The Global Coherence Steering Committee


Introductory Coherence Technique

Being coherently aligned while radiating compassion and care increases focus and effectiveness. However, any genuine care and compassion you radiate benefits the planet, whether or not you are in total coherence. You can radiate care and compassion for the planet while riding down the road, exercising, working in the yard, standing in a grocery line or at any time you can squeeze it in. It all counts and adds to the collective intention.


  1. Breathe and calm yourself in whatever ways you choose.
  2. Choose something you appreciate – a person, pet, nature, etc. – and radiate the feeling of appreciation to them for about 2 minutes.

    This helps open the heart more and increases your effectiveness when you start sending care to the planet or to a situation in need.
  3. Now evoke the genuine feelings of compassion and care for the planet.
  4. Breathe the feelings of compassion and care going out from your heart.

    To help with focus, some people imagine the compassion and care flowing out the way an ocean wave flows toward a beach. Some imagine their compassion radiating as a beam of light. Others simply radiate it out with the rhythm of their breath. There are no hard and fast rules on how you do this. People are different, so find what suits you.
  5. Radiate the genuine feelings of compassion and care to the planet or to a specific area of immediate need.
  6. See yourself, along with other caretakers, participating in this process of healing and facilitating peace.

Q: How long should you do the technique?

A: That’s for you to decide. Most people do it at least 5 minutes a day to help build their personal coherence. As people increasingly understand the wholeness benefits of coherence for the sender and the receiver, they often increase the length of time. Sometimes you’ll want to spend more time and other times less, based on how you feel and your schedule.

Know that compassion for others is never wasted. It just has its own timing and higher discernment in how it plays out."  —Doc Childre

Notes from the Universe [Gratitude & Criticism]

Always be grateful for criticism, Cameron.

You're gorgeous,
    - The Universe

P.S. As if there was ever a time to be ungrateful.
Huh, Cameron? 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! (r)
(c) (r)


I am! I am! (in both aspects of the abovementioned thoughts!!)

I am especially grateful for the opportunity to be looking for new work and expanding my horizons on what is actually out there. There's a lot more than just my little old Shangri-la! I didn't even realize that not everyone understands the languages bearease, borish, and kamoshikan! I have a lot to learn! And for that, I am extremely grateful!!

I'm... even doing my best to be grateful... of NC Bob's... criticism.... yep. ... Uh huh... Grateful... "Keep tellin' yerself that, Cam and one day you'll believe it!"

I love you!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Moving Beyond Fish Oil (Yes Supplements)

The following VERY IMPORTANT information arrived in my latest order of Parent Essential Oils, Minerals, Herbals order from Yes Supplements. For those of you looking for a "cheaper" alternative (i.e. "fish oils" or derivative EFAs), I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you read this first. If you would like to learn more (for those of you who have not yet taken the leap, and changed the way you think, thus changing your world), please follow the link above and read more about this critically important essential oil. I love you! - Cam
Moving Beyond Fish Oil
Omega-3 or as it is most commonly promoted in the marketplace, fish oil, has served the purpose of introducing many to the need to supplement their diet with Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). There are two Essential Fatty Acids that must be ingested each day Omega-6 and Omega-3. The parent form of these EFAs can not be manufactured by your body. As a brief review, fish oil consists mainly of Omega-3 derivatives, which are quite different from the required parent form.
One must distinguish between parent and derivative forms when considering EFAs. Biological pathways clearly show that our bodies make derivatives from the parent as needed by the body. The early literature on EFAs often overlooked this important and critical fact. While fish oil has many advocates, real-life results prove that patients show marked improvements when changing their daily EFA supplementation from fish oil (Omega-3 derivaatives) to a more complete and biologically correct formulation of Parent Omega-6 and Parent Omega-3.
Based on the best nutritional information and noticeable results, as well as the latest, most complete science, it is clear that while fish oil can start you on the path, using a correct blend of Parent Omega-6/Parent Omega-3 significantly maximizes the benefits of EFA supplementation. 
Major Newsflash 2009:
American Heart Association Champions Omega-6 PUFAs to Counter Popular Nutrition Advice)
[O]mega-6 PUFAs also have powerful anti-inflammatory properrties ..."
"'[W]e're telling people not to stop eating their omega-6.'
"To reduce omega-6 PUFA intakes from their current levels would be more likely to increase than to decrease risk for CHD."
Newsflash 2008:
The Importance of Parent Omega-3 is Highlighted:
"Alpha-Linolenic Acid & Risk of Nonfatal Acute Myocardiallnfarction"(2):
"Greater alpha-linolenic acid [parent omega-3] ... was associated with lower risk of myocardial infarction [fewer heart attacks].
"Fish intake was similar in cases and controls, ... Fish or eicosapenntaenoic acid [EPA] and docosahexaenoic acid [DHA] intake ... did not modify the observed association:" [Note: Fish consumption didn't stop heart attacks.]
2008/2005 Major Newsflash:
CONFIRMED: EFA Derivatives Made "As Needed"
"Conclusions: The consumption of ALA-enriched supplements ...
shows the effectiveness of ALA [parent omega-3] conversion ... The amounts of ALA required to obtain these effects are amounts that are easily achieved in the general population by dietary modification."
Newsflash 2008:
Diabetics need to know ...
"'Diabetic patients have the highest risk of coronary artery disease,' Dr. Schindler pointed out. 'We found that 80% of diabetics had abnormal vascular function...'''
(1) " Heartwire 2009, 2009 Medscape, January 28, 2009 (Dallas, Texas), based on Journal of the American Heart Association, Ref.: AHA Science Advisory, Harris WS, Mozaffarian 0, et al., "Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association Nutrition Subcommittee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; and Council on Epidemiology and Prevention"; Circulation, February 17,2009; 119(6): 902 - 907; and American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine referenced February 2,2009 at .
(2) Hannia Campos, PhD; Ana Baylin, MD, Dsc; Walter C. Willett, MD, DrPh, Circulation, 2008; 118;339-345.
(3) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 88,No. 3, 801-809, September 2008 and Hussein, Nahed, et al., "Long-chain conversion of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in response to marked changes in their dietary intake in men," Journal of Lipid Research, Volume 46, 2005, pages 269-280.
(4) 2008 meeting of the Society for Nuclear Medicine-Advancing Molecular Imaging and Therapy (reported New York (Reuters Health) June 23, 2008).

Cool Invite

I just got an "invite" on Yahoo to be friends with a guy named Jeremy Amelin. I visited his page. He is a musician and I guess he's trying to increase his subscriber list.

Actually, if I was going to be out dancing, I would prefer to be rocking to this kind of music. The heat, the bodies, the movement, the sweat, the lights, and the humanity....

It's not for everyone, but from a nightclub dance perspective, tell me what you think. Could you move, sway and lose yourself to this music?

I know my condor arms would flap to the beat of a different drummer!

Always moving... always flowing... like a river.

I love you!



Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Professor Peskin & Beyond 50 Internet Talk Radio

For those of you out there always listening to my soapbox healthtalks on EFAs, carbohydrates, etc. you have an amazing opportunity to hear it directly from the (healthy as a) horse's mouth. Take an hour and tune in to Brian Peskin as he is interviewed on an internet talk radio program. This info went out today to everyone subscribing to the "Science NOT Opinion e-Newsletter" that I post here for your educational and healthy pleasure. I love you! - Cam


Professor Peskin and Beyond 50 Internet Talk Radio

We are proud to announce that Professor Brian Peskin will be participating in a very important live radio talk show from 12:00 noon (PST) for one hour on Friday May 1st, 2009.

He will be discussing his landmark book, "The 24-Hour Diet," with talk show host, Daniel Davis of Beyond 50*, an internet-based variety talk show for Baby Boomers. You can tune in to the live show at Beyond 50's website ( to listen to this landmark interview as well as call in to ask Professor Peskin specific questions regarding critically-important information on health and diet that is based entirely on science, not opinion. Much of this information is beyond most nutritionist's or physician's command of science, and is unknown outside of the medical textbooks. This is amazing information you won't get anywhere else.

Interview Details
Date: Friday, May 1st, 2009
Time: 12 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Background Information
Obesity is the saddest word in the English language. We are told that obesity is "in our genes" and that aside from starving or working out in the gym every day there is nothing else you can do to avoid it.

Decades ago, the world's leading medical textbooks and medical journals pointed to the prime cause of obesity, but no one knew how to make use of this remarkable information until now.

The prime cause of obesity has little to do with current weight loss recommendations such as: eating more fruits and vegetables, denying yourself delicious meats, making exercise a "second job," making your home "fat-free," counting every calorie, and so-called "healthy eating."
The concepts Professor Peskin will discuss are based upon the most current, up-to-date science as found in the leading medical textbooks and journals, along with Professor Peskin's unique insight and ability to "connect the dots."

Topics of interest
Some of the topics to be discussed during this landmark interview may include:

・ Why obesity is not genetic.
・ How misguided attempts at "eating healthy" cause obesity and exhaustion.
・ Why more exercise is not the answer.
・ Why increasing your metabolism can actually make you fatter, faster.
・ Why eating more than 3 meals a day leads to obesity and diabetes.
・ Why low glycemic index (GI) foods are NOT "the answer."
・ Why dietary fat cannot become body fat.
・ Learn protein's miraculous weight loss properties.
・ Learn why, contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates are NOT your body's preferred energy source.
・ Uncover why fiber is worthless for weight loss and can actually harm you.
・ And more!

With Professor Peskin's amazing knowledge at your disposal, you will discover how to stay lean-for-life and energized WITHOUT calorie counting, starvation, or endless exercise. You will begin to live a "diet-free" sustainable lifestyle, almost effortlessly! "The 24-Hour Diet" is a book everyone needs to have at their disposal to help dispel the misinformation propagated by the health and nutrition industries, and parroted by the mass media.

Listen to Professor Peskin discuss many of these topics and more. If you have any questions for Professor Peskin, now is a perfect opportunity to call in and have your concerns allayed!

Tune in to Beyond 50 Radio at from 12:00 noon (PST) on Friday, May 1st, 2009 and learn how to create that lean for life, healthy body you have always wanted!

Interview Details
Date: Friday, May 1st, 2009
Time: 12 p.m. (Pacific Time)

"Prof. Peskin takes the problems of obesity and food cravings back to root causes, using understandable science to dispel the misinformation and confusion, then delivering a beautifully simple diet solution which has literally been right under our noses. Best of all, the solution is easily applied by anyone, anywhere, and it works immediately! You will especially like the Food Utilization Chart and great tasting recipes. You'll be empowered as you become lean, fit, and more energetic."
--Brian N. Vonk, M.D. Board certified: Internist, Cardiologist, and Radiologist

Professor Peskin
Professor Peskin has been called "the most insightful quantum nutritionist of our age." To many, he is THE MOST TRUSTED AUTHORITY ON HEALTH AND NUTRITION IN THE WORLD.

Professor Peskin earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in 1979. He received an appointment as an Adjunct Professor at Texas Southern University in the Department of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (1998-1999). The former president of the University said of the professor's discoveries: "...His nutritional discoveries and practical applications through Life-Systems Engineering are unprecedented."

Physicians around the world rely on his insights and conclusions concerning obesity and other health issues.

To order your copy of "The 24-Hr Diet", please visit: today!

* "Beyond 50 is a new and unique radio program for Baby Boomers that promotes active, Beyond 50 lifestyles. Listeners can learn from their forum of innovative and visionary leaders who are catalysts for profound societal change. Their message is both solution-oriented and practical. Beyond 50 honors the wisdom and mentorship of elders from diverse cultures to bridge the gap between generations." (

Pinnacle Press, PO Box 56507, Houston, TX 77256, USA

Notes From The Universe: Loud & Proud (090415)

Give it thought.
Consider every angle.
And then speak your mind.

You've not been drawn into anyone's life just to listen.

You're not here to be quiet.
Actually, you're one of my spokes-peeps.

Loud and proud,
    The Universe

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! (r)
(c) (r)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Caution! Dry Air!!

Right now there is an announcement over the village PA telling everyone that the air is extremely dry and we should all take great caution when using fire.

Today, going in and out of my sunroom, I received several static shocks when I touched the door handle. I have NEVER experienced that here in Fukui in my entire life!

When I look at the hygrometer, the humidity in the house is about 35% which is something that absolutely NEVER happens, either! Usually it sits about 60-85% on the "dry" days.

No wonder my hair is so straight!

Thanks for the public announcement, village hall!

I love you!


Spiritual Garden

Coursing through the mana
Energy of the Multiverse
Forever connected
Forever Loved

It's amazing how we find people
across the oceans
We realize we've known them forever
and are just meeting them
for very the first time...

It's wonderful
To find
Those you need
in your life

for You.

It's spiritual.

Max' garden
Yamanaka Onsen

The AHA Does a 180! & Cilantro Scallops & Veggies

Revolutionary: American Heart Association Recognizes Importance of Parent Omega 6 Essential Oils!
March/April 2009

For decades the American Heart Association (AHA) has been naively feeding the general public with the biochemically-incorrect misinformation provided so conveniently by the pharmaceutical industry, that ALL fats, and cholesterols are harmful to our health and lead to increased incidences of heart disease, and numerous other illnesses. Thanks to the power of the pharmacy and their lobbyists, this information has become so completely ingrained in our lifestyles and education, that we fail to see the reality of the situation!

In spite of religiously following the advice given to us by our governments and the health community we are continuing to become increasingly and dramatically unhealthy as seen so obviously in the skyrocketing disease rates of illnesses directly related to the recommendations made to us by authorities like the AHA: obesity, heart disease, and cancers! It is exciting to see that an organization as critically important as the AHA is finally starting to see the light with respect to the absolute positive VALUE of essential fatty acids in our diet!

Newsflash 2009: American Heart Association Champions Omega-6 PUFAs to Counter Popular Nutrition Advice. There is important groundbreaking information that all cardiologists need to know[1]: 

A great deal of discussion in the world of nutrition has given omega-6 fatty acids a bad reputation, which, according to the American Heart Association is unfounded. The debate originally came about because one of the components of omega-6 fatty acids, called arachidonic acid, is a "building block" for some inflammation-related molecules. This had led to concern that omega-6 consumption would lead to a greater risk of heart disease.

* "That reflects a rather naive understanding of the biochemistry,' says William S. Harris, Director of the Metabolism and Nutrition Research Center of the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine and the nutritionist who led the science advisory committee that issued the report in Circulation.  'Omega-6 fatty acids give rise to both pro-inflammatory compounds and anti-inflammatory compounds. To say that they are bad because they produce pro-inflammatory compounds ignores the fact that they give rise to anti-inflammatory compounds as well,' he explains. (note: this is analogous the misunderstanding of cholesterol where the medical community has tried to make us believe that there are "good" and "bad" cholesterols; they are neither good nor bad, but both HDL and LDL cholesterols provide an essential building block function in the body)

* "'There has been a lot of talk about this concern,' says Dr. Robert H. Eckel, a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado and a past president of the American Heart Association. 'I'm glad that the American Heart Association went ahead and looked into the evidence of such a harmful effect, and it just isn't there. This will comfort everyone who likes vegetable oil as part of a healthy diet.'

* "According to Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian (Harvard University, Boston, MA) one of the advisory writing group members, the AHA (American Heart Association) has zeroed in on omega-6s to counter nutritional advice from other sources that has deemphasized the role for plant-based PUFAs. 

*  "'[O]mega-6 PUFAs also have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that counteract any proinflammatory activity,' say the advisory authors. 'It's incorrect to view the omega-6 fatty acids as "proinflammatory." Eating less linoleic acid will not lower tissue levels of arachidonic acid because the body tightly regulates the synthesis of [arachidonic acid] from [linoleic acid]....' states lead author for the writing group, Dr. William S Harris."
Dr. Harris continues: 
* "'[W]e're telling people not to stop eating their omega-6.'

*"Advice to reduce omega-6 PUFA intakes is typically framed as a call to lower the ratio of dietary omega-6 to omega-3 PUFAs. Although increasing omega-3 PUFA tissue levels does reduce the risk for CHD, it does not follow that decreasing omega-6 levels will do the same. Indeed, the evidence considered here suggests that it would have the opposite effect. Higher omega-6 PUFA intakes can inhibit the conversion of alpha-linolenic acid to eicosapentaenoic acid, but such conversion is already quite low, and whether additional small changes would have net effects on CHD risk after the other benefits of LA consumption are taken into account is not clear.

*  "To reduce omega-6 PUFA intakes from their current levels would be more likely to increase than to decrease risk for CHD." [Emphasis added.]

Life-Systems Engineering Science Commentary: The first quote above, "reflects a rather naive understanding of the biochemistry" says it all. In the past we have shown you that omega-6 is the substrate for PGE1, the body's most potent anti-inflammatory. Unfortunately, today's physicians, nutritionists, and athletic trainers simply and naively "parrot" what they read. Yet, nowhere to be found in any of these articles is there a discussion about the adulterated, nonfunctional, non-oxygenating, destroyed omega-6 PEOs caused by food processing requirements, which stop oxygen transfer. That is the FUNDAMENTAL issue that was completely overlooked. Regardless, this is an amazing, long overdue revelation for the American Heart Association. For the cardiologists of the American Heart Association, this new line of reasoning is truly revolutionary.

There is more insight this article offers to health professionals. Although many physicians mistakenly think that parent-to-derivative conversions are very high, these researchers understand that the parent- to-derivative omega-3 conversions are ALWAYS very low (likewise with the omega-6 series conversions, too). As you have already discovered, the conversion rate is a mere 1% - 5% with at least 95% of the parent PEOs of both omega-3 and omega-6 series STAYING in PARENT form.  

[1]  The above newsflash was based on the following 3 articles: Heartwire 2009, © 2009 Medscape, January 28, 2009 (Dallas, Texas), based on Journal of the American Heart Association, Ref.: AHA Science Advisory, Harris WS, Mozaffarian D, et al., "Omega-6 fatty acids and risk for cardiovascular disease," downloaded from on January 29, 2009, to be published in Circulation, February 17, 2009, pages 1-6, and American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine referenced February 2, 2009 at .

If you have any questions of comments about this month's newsletter please e-mail the professor at:

This Month's Low-Carb Recipe: Cilantro Scallops & Vegetables

1 cup chicken broth
1 teaspoon dark sesame oil
1 teaspoon chili oil (hot or mild to taste)
1 chopped green onion
1 tablespoon fresh, finely chopped ginger
1 cup chopped cilantro
2 medium zucchini, cut to 1/2 inch slices
2 medium yellow squash, cut to 1/2 inch slices
1 medium onion, cut to wedges (sweet or hot to taste)
8 large mushrooms
1 pound sea scallops
water-soaked wooden skewers

1. Coat grill grid with coconut or peanut oil. Preheat grill to medium high heat.
2. Heat chili oil and sesame oil in a small saucepan on medium/low heat.
3. Add green onion then cook about 15 seconds or until fragrant.
4. Add ginger and cook for 1 minute.
5. Add chicken broth then bring mixture to a boil. Cook until liquid is reduced by about half.
6. Place mixture in a blender or processor with the cilantro, blend until smooth then set aside.
7. Thread scallops and veggies onto wooden skewers. Grill for approximately 8 minutes per side until scallops turn opaque.
8. Serve with cilantro sauce and garnish as you like. Best served hot.

Serves 4

Pinnacle Press, PO Box 56507, Houston, TX 77256, USA

Friday, April 10, 2009

Japanese Bears

This sign is located at one of the entrances to a national park in Japan.

It says:

"Fuji-Q is the home of bears.
They can be found everywhere.

If you find a bear, DO NOT
Pro wrestle or tackle them."

Now why on earth would they have to have a sign like this?
Who in their right mind would want to wrestle, or tackle a bear?!?!?!?

It would be akin to having a sign in front of a tiger's cage that says,
"Do not pet the tiger."

Am I living in a country of people who are really that stupid?!?!?!

I love you!


Notes from the Universe: Lean on Me (090410)

This note arrived in my inbox from the Universe today.
I thought I would like to share it with you.
I love you! -

Have you been leaning on me lately?

A lot?

For absolutely EVERYTHING?

Day and night, rain or shine, Gummi Bears or Gucci?

There is no task too small, no dream too big.

Count on me...

Just checkin' -
    The Universe

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! (r)
(c) (r)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spiritual Walk With Me

The Higher Road is more difficult to traverse, yet much more rewarding when you reach your destination.

My friend Dunnster came for a little R&R.
The weather was perfect.
We wandered about the area.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Globalized Rug: Home @ Last

Thanks to each and ever one of you who participated in this Globalized Rug venture! It is a wonderful example of how Love can transcend borders, and time. It is beautiful, expressing all of your inner and outer beauty. This rug says to me: YES WE CAN. I don't have the words to express the deep and loving emotion that I feel inside me for all of YOU out there, who have spent so much time investing in my little corner of the world over here in Japan. I owe you a LOT!

Thank you, Stefnee for coming up with this idea, as it was absolutely PERFECT! I love you!

I have read our Globalized Rug Journal a few times and all the letters you all have sent to me... and I am truly eternally grateful. Don't listen to my words... see my love for you in my eyes.

And I say to you,




Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank YOU!

I love you!
