Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spiritual Garden

Coursing through the mana
Energy of the Multiverse
Forever connected
Forever Loved

It's amazing how we find people
across the oceans
We realize we've known them forever
and are just meeting them
for very the first time...

It's wonderful
To find
Those you need
in your life

for You.

It's spiritual.

Max' garden
Yamanaka Onsen


  1. yanno... i recognized this photo.. i would have loved to spend some time with max^ mom out here.... so peaceful and beautiful..... maybe next time.

  2. Not maybe, Baby... DEFINITELY the next time we visit Max we WILL spend time in their "spiritual garden". (I'm not exactly sure when the next time we will both be visiting Max will be, of course...)

    Isnt it neat that you can actually physically recall this garden now?

  3. i feel the placenta which connects and im lucky to have links in person offline beautiful garden now cam when you visiting the uk community om have a blessed day
