Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Global Swine Flu Outbreak, Fear & Global Coherence

I belong to the Global Coherence Initiative team, working hard to utilize our positive energy around the world to bring changes to the energy flow on our earth, thus bringing peace and greater harmony to ourselves, the citizens of our great world and Earth and the Universe themselves.

Here is what they write on their site:

"The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based initiative uniting millions of people in heart-focused care and intention, to shift global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace. "

You can read more about them on their Global Coherence Initiative website.

Today this request for a focus of energy to calm the panic that is rising rapidly over the quikly-spreading deadly seine virus arrived in my inbox. It is important, and I would like to share the letter, and also the techniques that you can easily work on to expand your energy (good energy please) outward, so that the Universe will magnify it and send it back.

This will not only benefit you, but everyone around you, as well as those far away from you. It will also help to heal our sick earth. I believe that a good majority of the illnesses, the crime, violence, and even the rapidly degrading environment is caused by an imbalance of energy; there is too much negative energy "out there", and too little of the love, gratitude, respect and appreciation. We need to bring this back into a positive balance with the good outweighing the bad before any of our scientific and technical attempts at "healing" will have any real, lasting effects.

Because energy, the electrons in the mana of our Universe... IS. Everything is connected. Everything... simply IS.

If you are interested, please give it a try and see what you think. Even if you don't believe it will do anything, trust me. I believe. Therefore because I believe in energy, and I believe in YOU, it WILL have an effect.

And that's kinda cool, don'tcha think?

I love you! - Cam


Greetings Cameron,

You are probably aware through news reports that a public health emergency has been declared in numerous countries because of an outbreak of swine flu virus. The World Health Organization characterized the outbreak as "serious." Researchers were still trying at the start of this week to determine how easily the virus is transmitted from person to person, but it was too early to predict whether this outbreak will turn into a mild or serious epidemic.

Reports like this, of course, create concern and fear in millions of people worldwide. We are addressing this situation early because heart-focused care sent now can help dissipate or reduce the level of fear and emotional discord.

Please consider dedicating a few minutes of focused time as often as you’d like during the next week using the Introductory Coherence Technique, or whatever method you choose, to send care toward easing this situation.

Thanks for your participation.

The Global Coherence Steering Committee


Introductory Coherence Technique

Being coherently aligned while radiating compassion and care increases focus and effectiveness. However, any genuine care and compassion you radiate benefits the planet, whether or not you are in total coherence. You can radiate care and compassion for the planet while riding down the road, exercising, working in the yard, standing in a grocery line or at any time you can squeeze it in. It all counts and adds to the collective intention.


  1. Breathe and calm yourself in whatever ways you choose.
  2. Choose something you appreciate – a person, pet, nature, etc. – and radiate the feeling of appreciation to them for about 2 minutes.

    This helps open the heart more and increases your effectiveness when you start sending care to the planet or to a situation in need.
  3. Now evoke the genuine feelings of compassion and care for the planet.
  4. Breathe the feelings of compassion and care going out from your heart.

    To help with focus, some people imagine the compassion and care flowing out the way an ocean wave flows toward a beach. Some imagine their compassion radiating as a beam of light. Others simply radiate it out with the rhythm of their breath. There are no hard and fast rules on how you do this. People are different, so find what suits you.
  5. Radiate the genuine feelings of compassion and care to the planet or to a specific area of immediate need.
  6. See yourself, along with other caretakers, participating in this process of healing and facilitating peace.

Q: How long should you do the technique?

A: That’s for you to decide. Most people do it at least 5 minutes a day to help build their personal coherence. As people increasingly understand the wholeness benefits of coherence for the sender and the receiver, they often increase the length of time. Sometimes you’ll want to spend more time and other times less, based on how you feel and your schedule.

Know that compassion for others is never wasted. It just has its own timing and higher discernment in how it plays out."  —Doc Childre


  1. I guess I kind of already do this.

    I've been a reiki healer for years and when I meditate, I push out the good juju to those that need it and I've even been told by some people that they've felt better for no known reason.

    Maybe it was me!!!

    I'm honestly not that worried about the swine flu, and I think people are over-reacting, but I'm willing to give it a shot the next time I meditate :D

    Love you!!!

  2. This is a lot like the Reiki circles and remote healing meditations i have participated in before.

    Those are conducted at a specific time and we all focus our energy together.

    I like knowing i can simply stop... right now if i chose and focus on sending my positive, calming, healing thoughts out into the world to help heal this planet.

    Thanks for this, Cam.

    I really NEED to focus my energy on something good so this is a perfect opportunity.

  3. i also practice distant reiki and try dailey to express love and giving , sending love and ease of panic and ill be sure to do some rak and pay forward today love to you julie

  4. Jen, Deb, Jools - If you are all familiar with reiki, let me ask you this.... I know there is a fool born every min --- oops. Sowwy. I mean a new reiki born every minute.... (*wink*) but over here in Japan, Mayu's girlfriend from Tokyo has been studying "Planetary Reiki". It was quite interesting. I of course being totally oblivious to almost all kinds of energy felt absolutely nothing when she performed it on me, but apparently it's the "hot new thing" in the "reiki industry" these days.

    Without going to research it all out at Google first, can you tell me off the tips of your chinny chin chins if you have ever heard of this variation of reiki, and if so what you know about it? I'm curious. I wonder if it is a new Japanese variety because I was told they wanted me to learn it and "take it to America". *cue deep eastern European accent to say the word "America".

    Good thing they didn't ask me to take it to Mexico! Andale Andale!

    I love you!

  5. I've never heard of it I'm afraid. I just do the old-fashioned normal generic reiki and that seems to have done some good in the oncology circles I've traveled in.

    It's not cured people, but it has provided pain relief for dozens and dozens of people who have spent 15 minutes under my hands and I love the fact that I get back what I put in.

    I'm an intuitive healer, so Planetary Reiki sounds like a waste of time for me...

  6. No i havent heard...I am involved with a italina group of reiki healers who seem to have found me on facebook..as I dont speak Italian i was rather confused..but the ones who speak English said my energy drew then *puzzled* ..I believe if it make syou feel good when you are doing it carry on..to do absent healing, or send out loving energy and thoughts helps me to keep balance..and smile..so that how I try to live..embrace my negatives and wrap em in some positives..lol...dont alway work but hey Im human!!!
    im imperfect as we all are

  7. I'm not a Reiki practitioner so i'm not in a position to judge how or how best it works.
    I have only heard of the Planetary Reiki through you and have not had the chance to research it.

    I am a believer in energy work, and have tried it, but like you i did not feel much more than warmth... a great feeling in and of itself though

    Although i did have a friend once practice what she called Therapeutic touch, which is a slight misnomer for her hands never touched me but were held very close to my face and head . I had complained of headache and i could feel the amazing warmth of her hands which seemed to alleviate my pain.

    I would very much like to try having Reiki performed on me again as i am in a more open place now.
    I am open to the possibility of ALL kinds of healing.
    I wish i had the touch to provide that kind of healing myself.
    Perhaps some day i will try to learn it as i want to heal in any way i can.

    Like Deb, i love touching people and sensing where they need my healing and then being able to FEEL it happen.

  8. I love your outlook, Jools.

    "so that how I try to live..embrace my negatives and wrap em in some positives..lol...dont alway work but hey Im human!!!
    im imperfect as we all are"

    I love this and i think it is something we all should try to do. I certainly will take a lot from what you said about wrapping negative feelings (not trying to deny them) in the positive...

    Yup. I like that a LOT!

    I'm all too human too.

    I'm going to wrap my feelings in the warmth of the morning sun on my deck with a warming mug of coffee now.


  9. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  10. i was in a healin gcircle fo rtwo years we did healing and hands on..and hands off depending what the person felt most comfortable we always asked...as some people do not like ot be touched ..I personally anm touchey feeley... and have done workshops for otehrs on touch therapy..and teh importance of touch...
    I have masage babies and elderley the disabled and sick, I think we all crave touch..and our skin hunger...we do not realise how much a hug or the touch of a hand on yours can lift you..and make you feel loved..and respected...
    i particularly like to massage feet..it show respewct..but also is humbling...when my Bf was ill i woudl masage his feet...and just hold them...and send all the love I could through his body...

    Touch is such a powerful weapon of love..in the most positive way..if sent with kindness..and hopexx

  11. excuse my typos..im terribel i never spell check!!!! dam impatient aries!!

  12. What you write (typos or no) speaks to who i am and how i feel about touch also, Jools.
    I crave it and love giving it.
    When i put my hands on someone, either in a simple hand on an arm, or a loving caress, or in a deep muscle relieving massage i am transformed. I circulate their energy through me and send it back to them in healing, love or relaxation.

  13. ... some of us can, Jools. Believe me when I say this that some of us realise this very very much...

    I love you.
