Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Professor Peskin & Beyond 50 Internet Talk Radio

For those of you out there always listening to my soapbox healthtalks on EFAs, carbohydrates, etc. you have an amazing opportunity to hear it directly from the (healthy as a) horse's mouth. Take an hour and tune in to Brian Peskin as he is interviewed on an internet talk radio program. This info went out today to everyone subscribing to the "Science NOT Opinion e-Newsletter" that I post here for your educational and healthy pleasure. I love you! - Cam


Professor Peskin and Beyond 50 Internet Talk Radio

We are proud to announce that Professor Brian Peskin will be participating in a very important live radio talk show from 12:00 noon (PST) for one hour on Friday May 1st, 2009.

He will be discussing his landmark book, "The 24-Hour Diet," with talk show host, Daniel Davis of Beyond 50*, an internet-based variety talk show for Baby Boomers. You can tune in to the live show at Beyond 50's website ( to listen to this landmark interview as well as call in to ask Professor Peskin specific questions regarding critically-important information on health and diet that is based entirely on science, not opinion. Much of this information is beyond most nutritionist's or physician's command of science, and is unknown outside of the medical textbooks. This is amazing information you won't get anywhere else.

Interview Details
Date: Friday, May 1st, 2009
Time: 12 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Background Information
Obesity is the saddest word in the English language. We are told that obesity is "in our genes" and that aside from starving or working out in the gym every day there is nothing else you can do to avoid it.

Decades ago, the world's leading medical textbooks and medical journals pointed to the prime cause of obesity, but no one knew how to make use of this remarkable information until now.

The prime cause of obesity has little to do with current weight loss recommendations such as: eating more fruits and vegetables, denying yourself delicious meats, making exercise a "second job," making your home "fat-free," counting every calorie, and so-called "healthy eating."
The concepts Professor Peskin will discuss are based upon the most current, up-to-date science as found in the leading medical textbooks and journals, along with Professor Peskin's unique insight and ability to "connect the dots."

Topics of interest
Some of the topics to be discussed during this landmark interview may include:

・ Why obesity is not genetic.
・ How misguided attempts at "eating healthy" cause obesity and exhaustion.
・ Why more exercise is not the answer.
・ Why increasing your metabolism can actually make you fatter, faster.
・ Why eating more than 3 meals a day leads to obesity and diabetes.
・ Why low glycemic index (GI) foods are NOT "the answer."
・ Why dietary fat cannot become body fat.
・ Learn protein's miraculous weight loss properties.
・ Learn why, contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates are NOT your body's preferred energy source.
・ Uncover why fiber is worthless for weight loss and can actually harm you.
・ And more!

With Professor Peskin's amazing knowledge at your disposal, you will discover how to stay lean-for-life and energized WITHOUT calorie counting, starvation, or endless exercise. You will begin to live a "diet-free" sustainable lifestyle, almost effortlessly! "The 24-Hour Diet" is a book everyone needs to have at their disposal to help dispel the misinformation propagated by the health and nutrition industries, and parroted by the mass media.

Listen to Professor Peskin discuss many of these topics and more. If you have any questions for Professor Peskin, now is a perfect opportunity to call in and have your concerns allayed!

Tune in to Beyond 50 Radio at from 12:00 noon (PST) on Friday, May 1st, 2009 and learn how to create that lean for life, healthy body you have always wanted!

Interview Details
Date: Friday, May 1st, 2009
Time: 12 p.m. (Pacific Time)

"Prof. Peskin takes the problems of obesity and food cravings back to root causes, using understandable science to dispel the misinformation and confusion, then delivering a beautifully simple diet solution which has literally been right under our noses. Best of all, the solution is easily applied by anyone, anywhere, and it works immediately! You will especially like the Food Utilization Chart and great tasting recipes. You'll be empowered as you become lean, fit, and more energetic."
--Brian N. Vonk, M.D. Board certified: Internist, Cardiologist, and Radiologist

Professor Peskin
Professor Peskin has been called "the most insightful quantum nutritionist of our age." To many, he is THE MOST TRUSTED AUTHORITY ON HEALTH AND NUTRITION IN THE WORLD.

Professor Peskin earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in 1979. He received an appointment as an Adjunct Professor at Texas Southern University in the Department of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (1998-1999). The former president of the University said of the professor's discoveries: "...His nutritional discoveries and practical applications through Life-Systems Engineering are unprecedented."

Physicians around the world rely on his insights and conclusions concerning obesity and other health issues.

To order your copy of "The 24-Hr Diet", please visit: today!

* "Beyond 50 is a new and unique radio program for Baby Boomers that promotes active, Beyond 50 lifestyles. Listeners can learn from their forum of innovative and visionary leaders who are catalysts for profound societal change. Their message is both solution-oriented and practical. Beyond 50 honors the wisdom and mentorship of elders from diverse cultures to bridge the gap between generations." (

Pinnacle Press, PO Box 56507, Houston, TX 77256, USA


  1. Looking forward to hearing Brian live.
    It'll be great to hear him reconfirm all that i've been learning about being "fit for life".

    I love you!

  2. are you going to post a reminder the day before????
    i will be at a race the weekend before this and i will be focusing on only that!
