Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Let's Take A Walk

I know I know...

call me weird....


but I haven't been out of the house for TWO entire days!




So today I said enough! I shut down the computer and went for an hour walk. I wanted to fix me.

I walked the "Tug Route", or where I USED to go mountain biking almost daily (kinda lost the verve for that these past few years). I walked 30 minutes up, sat on a flood control dam for a while, took this photo, got chilly, took some photos of myself, deleted them all because my nose looked funny... then took a 30 minutes slow meditation walk down. I spent time working on P5 and choosing to see some things differently as I changed my mind.

It wasn't at all far; seriously just behind my house actually.

Sometimes it blows me away that I can slip on my Chucks and in less than 30 minutes (8minutes if I ride my bike) be ... here!

It really is beautiful where I live.

Photo taken on my outdated prehistoric (compared to Stefnee's amazing technogadget *jealous!!!*) cell phone.

I love you!



  1. Takes a pretty cool picture for a cell phone. It looks like a painting!

    It is always good to get out and "touch" the earth.

  2. Don't I know THAT, Sheila!
    Thanks for popping in.
    I love you!

  3. Oh yeah? Well... i have pretty scenery out behind my house too.
    The little stream and trail where i walk Tash.

    I know... you just had to get out of the house after being glued to the puter for hours, right?

    That happens to me ... hee.

  4. Its good to touch the green and refreash..i suffered agrophobia for years..and still get it helps if i can get out in the green...also my housing helps as im never home and use net cafe..i do miss my own home though..huggles.and it looks lovely..(((((((((((((((((((((((HEALING HUGS))))))))))))

  5. Solvitur Ambulando - as a number of brainy Latin usin' dudes have said down through the years.

  6. WOW What a view........thank you for sharing it with us....your blessed to have it.

  7. I think that it looks like a painting too. Way different view than my back yard.

    We are on our way to the park with lots of big trees before it rains.

  8. Deb - Don't encourage him.
    He's vain enough... and yet weirdly wonderful.

    He definitely is something alright ;-)

  9. You've got no idea how many photos I've deleted because of my nose.

  10. ... hee...

    But the rest of him makes up for it.
    xo xo xo

  11. i am sich today
    but i will fly over to this place and rest up a bit
    that should cure me
    i need some humidity
    this pacific northwest freezing dry winds are killing me

  12. I am headed out for a walk here shortly as well. IF I can finish up my work...back to it, I suppose.


    Lovely photo.

  13. I have deleted all kind of pictures because my face looks funny.

  14. Your nose looks like your nose, Cam. It doesn't look funny!!! <3 What was the most beautiful thing you saw on your walk?

  15. Jaime - Ummm.... My nose?

    Just kidding. One little mountain flower. All by itself.

    And me!

  16. *laughs* Your nose IS beautiful!

    That little mountain flower had a point to make, I guess, eh? *grins* I'm sooo glad you noticed it. I really get a huge ... jolt? boost? feeling of ubertastic happiness? when people notice little things like that!

    And of course... you!!! *laughs*

    Have a glorious day, Cam!

  17. Are you getting oot an aboot again today? Getting any sun on that ...ahem... fiiine body in the yard?

    Have fun weeding. I had a great time discovering that whole new stand of daisies that came from volunteer seeds from the plants i bought last year.
    I had enough to plant around to fill out the garden and more left to hopefully (a big hope) bring down to plant in Ker & Jon's back yard.

    Cool stuff, despite the raging allergy attack from the pollen and/or the dirt.

    Oh... and i'm up at this wee hour because i took Nikki to the airport.
    So it's just me and the dogs for the next week...

    WOO HOO!!!

    "Single ladies clap your hands
    clap your hands
    clap your hands"

    Come dance wit me, Mou!

  18. *dancing*

    I'm at the gym on the 3rd floor checking in. I just finished my workout. I fell asleep for 7 minutes on the floor mats as I always do after these workouts because the weights get heavier and heavier each time. Whew!

    I did weed for ... 2.5hrs today and got about half of the yard done. All I have left is the front area where nothing but fake asparagus grows, and the cold side of the house where the sun don't shine. I think I got some sun because my back felt a little... tight of skin when doing workouts that required me to brace myself with my back.

    Oh, I thought I would lie on the deck for an hour or so after weeding as well, but as soon as i started to lay down, I put my hand down and got a bazillion teeeny wood slivers in four of my five fingertips on the right hand. I then spent the next hour trying to dig them out, but failed spectacularly. So now I have stinging holes in my fingertips, and wood slivers that sting all the time. So typing is kinda like ouch! ouchouchouch! ouch ouch! ouch! Iffin yanno what I mean?

    Time to bathe and shave.
    Then grocerinate, and finally proteinate (at home). If I make it.... zzzzzzzzz

  19. Guess it's time to refinish that deck... ouch!
    Glad you're having a good day too.

    Just woke up from a 3.5 hr. nap(?).

    Need to get in gear..... kwoffee!

  20. no wonder you fell asleep, weed makes you tired man!

  21. I should to take a walk. I have slept most of the day. Time for a drink of water first. I was thinking about taking pictures of my back yard.

  22. OMG .... Carrie!!!

    I just snorted beer!
    Dammit, CrazyWoman... LMAO...
