Sunday, April 12, 2009

Caution! Dry Air!!

Right now there is an announcement over the village PA telling everyone that the air is extremely dry and we should all take great caution when using fire.

Today, going in and out of my sunroom, I received several static shocks when I touched the door handle. I have NEVER experienced that here in Fukui in my entire life!

When I look at the hygrometer, the humidity in the house is about 35% which is something that absolutely NEVER happens, either! Usually it sits about 60-85% on the "dry" days.

No wonder my hair is so straight!

Thanks for the public announcement, village hall!

I love you!



  1. Gawd just about all you get in Western Australia is dry heat, which is good, because I don't like it when it's so humid it's like you're breathing through a warm wet blanket.

    Aren't those static shots NEAT?!?!?

    Over here, you learn very quickly to get used to it :D

  2. Deb - I grew up in Canada which is extremely dry as well. I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE rubbing my feet on the carpet and then shocking my mom's ears, or my brother's neck, or my dog's nose. I was a real hellion in my younger days! Now, life is shocking in different ways.

    I love you!

  3. LOL I zap my kids all the time in shopping centres. WAY more fun and more sneaky and subtle when it comes to disciplining them for acting up in public.

    Cheyenne screeches "eeeeeee the finger" and runs! :D

    Love you, too!

  4. We had lots of dry air here too. Saturday we had several wind fires going on due to high winds and no rain.

  5. oooooooooooooooh
    i luv humidity
    NOT the dry heat
    head for water

  6. I love the dry... it dries up my exczema... but... it makes my asthma worse...

    the moist air makes the asthma good.. but then.. the skin is rashy..

    so.. I can't win.

  7. Stefnee - I saw that when you were here! It was amazing how almost instantly upon landing your exczema flared up. Then when we went to Tokyo it went away. Then when we came back here, back it came. And then when you arrived in Stefnee, KS, it disappeared.

    But then... you had one (maybe?) very minor "breathy" incident while you were here... otherwise NO asthma at all... THAT was amazing, too. And then you told me that as soon as you got back to KS, you had asthma problems.

    Talk about the amazing experimenting we did on your trip! I love being experimental!

  8. We had an extra long announcement yesterday...

    but I have NO idea what they said...

    and there were bells ringing (sounded like an old school telephone?) for like... an HOUR last night. I contemplated stabbing forks in my ears to make the sound stop, but decided on using my earbuds/iPod instead. Considering I'm used to helicopters, jet engines, sirens, and random kids yelling at the park, I have no idea why this bell made me so crazy, but ohmigosh it did!

  9. I think Stefnee may agree with you on that one, Jaime. She didn't really like the 6.45 morning "waaa wah waaa wah waaaah" announcement, followed by the 7am chimes... But then again Jet lag had her up by about 6.30 every morning... still, until you get that first mug of java in... and are kinda groggy... it really is kinda communistic-esque.... Life in Shangri-la.

  10. *grins* When we first got here, the messages and chimes always made me nervous, being used to community announcements over loudspeakers being emergency messages only..... It was odd to experience for awhile.

    These weren't the typical chimes (which you do eventually get used to, Stefnee, promise!) but more like a weird old school telephone ring. From a bad b-flick horror movie. *laughs

    It was definitely eerie and made me want to go bonkers it lasted so long!

  11. community chimes
    isnt that what WE all are?

  12. Hey you, Pink Duck! Quit Chiming In!

    I mean I love you and all but.... quack!

    Are you really heading to PR this July, Carrie? What are your plans after that? Back to Oregon for more work/study and stuff?

    I love you!

  13. i wanna go to japan
    that is top of the list
    i have to wait for some issues to settle first

  14. i am working on a retreat biz idea for pr or even oregon
    but i prefer pr

  15. I'll definitely come work there for extended periods, but i don't want to leave my Babies for good just yet.

    Hurry up and get it goin, Chica. Not too far form an airport or they won't come... 1 hour tops!

    I know, Cam... OK OK OK...

    i'm going.... to bed.... now... promise...

    Just noticed the time... YIKES!!!

    Night, Sweeties!

    I love you!
