Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Death By Swine Flu in Texas & You

Well, the first death in the USA from the Swine Flu has been confirmed in Houston Texas.

It was a 23 month old baby. Tragic.

This will not be the last.....

Everyone is wondering why the results are so much more deadly in Mexico compared to the other infected countries and I have what I believe is a very plausible answer for that, and it is based entirely on diet and what Mexico (and third worlds) eat compared to what the 1st world countries eat (beans, rice, corn [CARBOHYDRATES] vs meat [PROTEIN AMINO ACIDS].

We know this from a scientific and biochemical standpoint is true and has been substantiated and repeated in experiment over and over, and in the real world as well. My only concern is that because the good majority of the world still believes grains are good for you and fat is bad, they won't ever make the leap and understand how bad grains really do compromise your immune system, and how cutting back on proteins, i.e. natural amino acids (and Essential Fatty Acids, the building blocks of our sustainable good health and vitality) is a recipe for cell deficiencies leading to cellular compromise and decreased ability to resist invasion by foreign particles (i.e. viruses, etc.)

You can dramatically increase your health and immune system by supplementing your diet with the proper ratio of parent essential Omega 6, and parent essential Omega 3 Oils. You won't get enough in your diets because these oils are extremely heat sensitive. Also, by following the nutritional guidelines these days talking about the "need to overdose on Omega 3" you risk making yourself even more ill.

Please consider visiting YES Supplements where I have been getting my PEOs (Parent Essential Oils), and where Jen, Stefnee/Scott/Shasta/Spencer/Simon/Silas, Paula, and more get theirs and have dramatically improved their health and their immune system far beyond that of most "mortal beings".

I am serious about this! VERY serious. In fact, I am so serious that I am going to work with Brian Peskin to see if he wants me to write the next newsletter exactly on this topic and give you some science to back up why I do believe this is the main cause of the differences in virulence.

Please everyone take precautions, wash your hands regularly, consider wearing masks in busy places (as dumb as it may seem), and just keep an eye out for any kind of fever or strange behaviour in your children, OK? And STAY HEALTHY and chock full of the essence of every living cell in our body: a proper blend of parent essential oils.

And Rachel, PLEASE be very very careful, or AWARE, OK? Beef up on that Texas Beef, you!

I love you!



  1. Cam,

    You know and i know all this but i'm just anticipating the retort you will get either directly or in people's thoughts.
    I can hear them now countering with, "well it's the swine flu... from pigs/pork... so eating meat isn't so good for you".
    Please help me. I'm not good at making an argument if i get this response.

    You know the science and are good at explaining things.

    When you wake up, tell me some things i can say, OK?

    Now back to the gardens... I discovered the daisies volunteered like crazy, so the 3 plants i put in last year are now at least ten now.... awesome.
    I love you for this, Sweety.
    We all appreciate your concern and love for everyone.

  2. The swine flu is a virus that jumped hosts from animal to man. This is one of those things that can happen. But people aren't getting this virus because they are eating pork; they are transferring it like a flu (6ft away and you can get the virus if someone coughs or sneezes). So, I am sorry to say that quite simply, anyone who tries to disregard this simple fact and blame it on meat is just plain ignorant, stubborn and stuck in their brainwashed ways.

    And this comment may piss a lot of people off, and I hope it does because people you gotta get off your asses and stop believing the shit you have been spoon fed about grains and fats and meats and vegetarianism and stuff and start thinking, testing researching for yourself. You SHOULD be pissed that you've been misled all these decades! Not pissed at me for sharing the truth (but go ahead and shoot the messenger, I don't give a fuck anymore), but pissed at the industries for killing us for their bottom line.

    Jen, I really wish I could tell you something, but if you want to know the truth, I'm done rubbernecking with the naysayers because I know the truth from the science and the info I have learned over the past 10 years. If anyone wants to "armchair nutritionist" me, they can blow steam all they want. The science will put them in their place every single time.

    I love all you guys, and I will lovingly and gladly spend tons of my own time sharing this info with you all, but I'm really sorry... I'm just too tired to bother bitching with anyone over it any more. Take the info I have to offer, do your own due diligence (as I have been doing for 10 years), come to your own conclusions and do what you gotta do. The science is all there. You just have to want to know, and keep an open mind.

    I love you!

    P.S. I'm not pissed at you, Jen, btw. Just so you know. The "you" is not referring to you, Jen.

    And I won't even bother wasting my time

  3. I think their living conditions played a good part in it, too.

    I had pork for dinner tonight. I laugh in the face of death.

  4. Mmmm... pork chops...



    I know, Mou...

    I love you!

  5. I lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve BACON!!!

  6. i am sicker than i have eveR been
    i have the worst flu on the planet
    i am not even going to practice tonight
    but i am not snorting or digging for roots with my nose yet
    so i CANT be the swine flu

  7. We MAY have 5 cases here in Utica. Scary! NOT confirmed yet. I will find out more tomorrow. The hospital I work in is taking precautions...notes on all entrances, brief screening of employees...all preliminary, but we are discussing the next steps. We are getting prepared, but are not prepared yet.

    *fingers crossed*

  8. So young.... :o( Thanks for keeping us updated on this kind of thing, Cam. I hope Brian does let you write about it!!!! Knowledge is Power!
