Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chilly Night & Computer Maintenance

I'm sitting on my balcony sipping my bedtime triple espresso...

I decided not to go to the gym tonight as I definitely have the cold that seems to be running through the company. Since there is nothing that can be done about colds and flus other than to let them run their course I figured I might as well get it over with now.

I spent the evening backing up all my data on my desktop then deleting them from the computer sand deleting a lot of programs. I decided to send my computer to my friend Rob and his wife. They were kind enough to offer me a little compensation for it as well. From now on I will live off my notebook and make that my at-home computer. after all I really don't need three. I lan to travel with my mini notebook and this hone from now on.

It's after 11pm so I stopped doing all the maintenance for the night. I'll continue another day. As anyone who has ever been a power user knows working on altering your computer after 11pm is rather dangerous as weird stuff starts to happen at that time. Who knows why but it just seems to be the case.

Have a great day!



  1. So much for an early bedtime. Computer work... UGH!

    Say good night, Cameron.

    Good night, Mou!

  2. Cam, I only have a notebook no desk top there is in this age no real need for one. I store almost all of my documents on Google Doc's and so if something ever happened to my notebook I can simply buy a new one and be good to go.

    Good job in downsizing.... LOL

  3. I agree Paula but when as Ive been upgrading it and using it since the day notebooks were $4,000 and it runs like a charm it has been tough to give away. Online storage is defnitely a good way to go unless that file is linked to local software that needs it to operate ... like my Microsoft Money accounting stuff.

  4. Morning Jen. Got to bed after 1am so Im a bit tired with this cold in me.

  5. So.... gym tonight... or get home early and get some.... rest?

  6. Microsoft Money?? Why I don't need would mean I would have to have some money to actually manage... LMAO....

    Rest, and be well... don't push your body all the flights of stairs and walking you have to do day to day is enough till your feeling 100%.
