Monday, September 21, 2009

I had a THN... and a THD!

My neighbour is moving today and I only got to say hi to her and her gorgeous french bulldog Moosh twice. *tears* But today I caught her having a smoke on the balcony so we got to chat as the movers are taking her stuff away. She even showed me what her apt looks like so I got to see how different it is from mine. (And then I showed her my apt under the auspices of layout comparison... but really I wanted her to see my metrosexual decorating ability. She was impressed! Yaaay!!)

Moosh just recently started to be a bit more vocal so she was worried it would bother me. However she was relieved to know I love dogs and it didnt bother me at all.

THN is a PR marketing manager for Givenchy (so you can imagine why I call her "THN") and when she told me that I just had to do a bit of name dropping and tell her my all-time favourite perfume for me is my PI. She was impressed (again). I can't complain. It's kind of nice when a country bumpkin like me can impress a gorgeous big city woman...

I'll miss my THN (The Hot Neighbour) and THD (..Dog). She is a welcomei (and great conversationalist as I discovered today) sight compared to my previous six years of living next door to The Dickheads and 12 years before that living surrounded by lovely chatty geriatrics who dont bother putting their teeth in in the morning because they are just going out to work in their gardens and the plants don't give two shakes of a wildboar's tail. It was a good 30 minute or so chat. (She was impressed by my Japanese... woohoo! Third time lucky!!)

I think Ill go for a short ride to the river to test out the new slick tires Max sent me for my birthday then head into work. Even though it's a holiday I have some major editing to do by friday and might as well clock in for my time. At least the company will know I'm working. Tomorrow is the last day of a very long weekend and the first day of autumn but we have to work anyway. This kind of ELW (extra long weekend) is a great way for the government to make people happy but it is really not sustainable in the business world so many people will be working tomorrow in spite of the official holiday.

Have a great day!


P.S. Don't forget we/you are moving into winter time now so you will all go one hour further into the past while we in Japanese stay firmly fixed in the future. So if you were "two" back you will now be "three". And if you were only "one" for the next six months you'll be "two".

P.S. My thumbs are tired!

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