Sunday, September 13, 2009

Update from the Land of No Internet

I am on a computer at the moment... yes, my Toshiba baby that I love so much! And since I am writing this, you may assume that I am connected to the internet. But it's not my apartmet, nope. I'm out at the library....

The library has free wifi so I got a library card and brought my computer over here after shopping at the supermarket below the library. The library is next door. The supermarkets (three of them) are next door. The book store is next door. The DVD shop is next door. The drug store is next door. The dry cleaner is next door. The station is next door. The cheapest parkade in Japan is next door (JPY 100 / hr or JPY 500 for 12hrs). There is a great curry restaurant next door. McDonald's is next door. There are several pachinkos next door. The pharmacy is next door. The dentist is next door. I have seen over 10 hairstylists now... all next door! This is a pretty convenient spot!

If only my home were as convenient....

I went to Mayu's yesterday to pick up her folding sofa bed (I bought her a new bed so the sofa isn't free.. essentially I paid for it). We were going to come back on Saturday, then she would leave the car and go to work. But instead, we did home center shopping in her neighbourhood (because there is no home center next door!!!!! how inconvenient!!!!) and then she went to work. I stayed at her place over night. She came home at 6:30am, and we left her place around 8am. We got here about 9 or 9:30, and she slept for a couple hours. While she slept I put together the sofa bed and organized more things. I started to cook us brunch.

We ate about noon, finished about 1pm, and left the house about 2:30 for a bike ride. We rode 20kg round trip along Edo River. It was fabulous! Then we came back and hung around for a bit, had a beer, and such. Mayu left a couple hours ago, and I did my grocery shopping. Now I am here. The library closes at 9:30 but I will probably be gone before that as I have to eat dinner, and have a shower. I am still sweaty and sticky from the 30C bike ride today.

It was a very good day (except for no internet connection!!!). It will be even better once my tummy is full, and I get myself showered and shaved for work tomorrow. Oh... I ironed 5 shirts.

I love you!


P.S. Hang in there... I'll get internet eventually!


  1. I neglected to mention that there is also a medical clinic next door.

    Except for the fact that there are no mountains no forests no wild animals to speak of... I live in a pretty frikkin awesome and convenient part of Tokyo!

    I am even having dinner right now at my favourite curry chain shop (remember it, Stefnee?) which is a two minute walk from my place! Nd right next door to that there are three coffee shops and four convenience stores! I even dropped my too small leather loafers that Matt Paula and I bought in Tokyo at a shoe repair shop to get stretched. Guess what? Yep: next door!

  2. Won't be long before you're dragging your fridge and your couch to the library!

    Good luck on the internet connection thing, Cam.

    I miss your rambly posts!!!

  3. WOW! That's a lot of doors....

    Also, don't you find it odd that they changed the name of the city from Edo to Tokyo, but the river is still the Edo Gawa? I think there's something suspicious going on there, like maybe they didn't want to offend the kappa... So you be careful lest you get dragged under and exsanguinated, and I'll have Skully and Mulder check this river thing out.

  4. Sounds wonderful Cam glad your getting settled, have you met any neighbors?

  5. There's so much next door, I'm amazed there's room for neighbors!

  6. There's room for you and a visit, Jaime! Just like you visited Matt!!

  7. Perhaps if I bring a friend named George? ;o)

  8. Yeowsa...sounds like everything is next door.
    Are the people nice?

  9. Jaime - I'd love him (and you) to life!

    Linda - That my dear is not a question to ask a prolific blogger who has only thumbernet. I havent met a Dickhead yet. Traffic runs infinitely smoother here than Fukui because they seem to hsave a collective common sense here. In Fukuivit is vevery farmer for himself. I finally met the woman next door but I could only get her dog's name: Moosh. Its hard to strike up a conversation with unknowns iunlike Fukui where all you need to do is make a comment aboutthe weather and the next thing you know you are anvhour late! But... there is rage. And when people get angry they get really angry. And i could say so much more but I want to go home now.

  10. "The library is next door. The supermarkets (three of them) are next door. The book store is next door. The DVD shop is next door. The drug store is next door. The dry cleaner is next door. The station is next door. The cheapest parkade in Japan is next door (JPY 100 / hr or JPY 500 for 12hrs). There is a great curry restaurant next door. McDonald's is next door. There are several pachinkos next door. The pharmacy is next door. The dentist is next door. I have seen over 10 hairstylists now... all next door! This is a pretty convenient spot!"

    That must be one big ass building!

  11. It's amazing, actually. Hopefully I can show you what I mean some time in the not too distant future!

  12. Just teasing as, typically when one refers to "next door" it means THE next door (at most, two) after yours.

  13. Oh. Then should I say that my "hopefully I can show..." was just teasing, too? *wink*

    Back to work, Cammy!
