Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I've been waiting over an hour for the city hall to register my address change and my inkan. For some reason they are having trouble with my inkan (official stamp that is used in place of signatures in Japan). I think 50 people have come and gone as I sit and wait... Then it is off to another place by train and bus to go to the cop shop to register my address change on my driver's licence. At least I can do overtime to make up for this lost time @ work. Sigh... I miss my Bumfuck Japan!


  1. Poor, Mou...

    Big changes... new work ... new people...new stress...

    You need a massage!

    I know somebody good... hee.

  2. I need somebody good! Save up for a dream trip to Japan and Ill give you all the body you need so your massage skills don't go rusty during the time you are here. Still waiting... Stress building... I asked if they could mail it to me but they will not.

  3. *putting pennies in a jar*

    Saving up, Mou...


    LOOK OUT!!!

  4. LOL Cam.... sounds like a trip to the CA Department of Motor Vehicles to me...LOL Hopefully by now your back home safe and sound.

    I sent you a text today from my phone, just curious did you get it or was that connected to your Yahoo email account?

    How are you settling into Tokyo so far?

    Changes bring new adventures, some good like a cool 11th floor apartment in Tokyo, some not so good like sitting in city hall for a short eternity... and loosing hours at work.

  5. If you come for the latter half of whatever month you come in Ill overwork my ass off in the first half and then take a couple extra days off so we can go to Kyoto then on to visit Max and see my (old) stomping grounds for a long weekend!

  6. Paula where did you send it? To the Yahoo IM I use totext you? If so I wont get it until I have net access. Please email my keitai? I miss you! And you too come back and play in the big city you loved with Matt, Jaime and me! I love you!

  7. Yes your old text number I had... text me your new one so I will have it.

    Get my room ready (aka my cute little futon roll)...LOL I will try to figure it out sometime.. sooner rather than later!

  8. Thanks for reminding me! I need to do a change of address with the post office today as well. Everything else can come tomorrow....

    You cannot drive your vehicle?

  9. Lin, he doesn't have a vehicle anymore.
    Too much trouble in the city. I honestly don't know why people in NYC insist on having a car... Parking can cost as much as rent !

    Did you know you can do your change of addy online?

    That's what my room mate told me.
    I guess go to USPS.com or something... Google it.

    I'm so excited... today's the day for you... YAY!!!!
