Friday, September 25, 2009

Ferret Mode

Ahhhh... IAm sure glad I didn't have to give up the sento. There is one here at the gym...

I just finished my workout and bath. Actually the workout only took about 90 minutes including my floor work but after that I did some deep breathing... and fell asleep for about 40 minutes! That's how heavy my weights are;as soon as I slow down my body goes into "ferret mode." Good thing there are numerous mats.

Now Im cooling down the core after the hot soak so I don't sweat all the way home.

I like being naked...

See ya later!


  1. Naked is good.

    Enjoy the rest of your night, Mou.

  2. I LOVED the sento! I was cool with the hot soak, but the cccooollld one was not so cool.... LOL I did it once just to say I did it once....LOL And once was enough!

    I still love telling the story of walking naked through the bath with all the Japanese ladies staring at this tall white woman as if they had never seen anything like it before... I am sure I must have looked completely out of place!! One lady was so curious she was peering at me so curiously behind a fan.... LMAO.... I was impressed with myself, and my ability not to feel totally insecure and awkward.

  3. Imagine how i would have looked, Paula!

    I so wanted to go to THAT sento and the temples in the Fukui area, because i wanted to be something different for those rural Japanese people to behold and talk about... stories they could tell ... yanno?

    Dang Cammy had to bust up my plans to bring some "local color" to Fukui... hehehe...

    Well... i'll get to Tokyo someday. It's not the same though. I'm sure it's a pretty international city with lots of young people who aren't really phased by us Westerners... even those of us of color.

    Thanks a lot, Mou!

  4. Jen - if you make it over here you have to have a weekend in the middle of the trip free so we can make a weekend trip to fukui/ishikawa see max the temples and let you strut your colourful personality all over relaim!

    Paula - Im sure they were only entranced by your beautiful skin and your statuesque goddessness. The aura of course. Was there something else? I cant recall... I love you, Sis.

  5. Ummm yea it was my big feet and little head... remember! LOL

  6. Oh yeah. Your... big... ummmm... feet. Now I remember!

  7. I love being naked, too.

    I love my son in law to be to death, but he's hindering my naked forays through my own house.

    I don't want to scare the poor little bugger.
