Sunday, January 24, 2010

12 Point Sunday

Today was another good day; I actually got a fair bit done. Here is what I did:

1) I had a good breakfast and read some more of my book while enjoying the best coffee in the Multiverse.

2) I cooked up most of my vegetables, and made a big salad. The lunches for the week will be much easier as long as I don't eat those vegetables for breakfast!

3)  I put my boxed bike on top of my other bike and walked it to my storage compartment (1km). Then I went to Seven Eleven and had some oden and fried chicken. I also bought a can of 7/11 shaving foam, and a can of hot (no sugar) coffee. They use another kind of sweetner but it isn't as sweet as regular canned coffee. Why don't they make coffee with milk and no sweetner? That's a mystery and something Kanna asked me at work the other day.


4) I came back and went for a ride (just a little one). While I was getting some fresh air I found a bulk food store (designed to serve companies like restaurants, etc.) and was shocked at the low prices! I bought several bags of frozen vegetables (much cheaper than fresh ones), really cheap steaks (1kg), other meat, and a bunch of nuts. This stuff was much cheaper than anything I could get in the supermarkets I usually shop at. I got some other stuff that is cheaper than at the supermarket as well and carried it all home on my bike.

5) On the way home I found a Workman store and went back to that. I wandered around to see if there was anything of interest and ended up getting a neck warmer that was only about 750 yen (about $6).

6) I paid a bill at the convenience store.

7) I printed out my accounting information and emailed a copy to my accountant in Fukui. I also put my accounting info that I need to send him in an envelope and will mail it off in a few days.

8) Then I enjoyed a big cup of hot, mulled wine on my balcony while watching the helicoptors over the night view of Chiba City (I think).

9) I got dinner all ready and now I just need to cook the steak.

10) I am going to iron my shirts tonight as well (the iron just "pinged" so I think it is ready), then fold the laundry that is all dry and ready to be put away.

10) I think I'll read more of my book and finish it off (#6 in the series of 14 from Darrell) while I am eating.

11) I'll pack up my stuff for my trip to Kobuchizawa tomorrow (it's nice not going to the office at all on Mondays!)

12) When all that is done I'll have a shower and head to bed about midnight.

Speaking of Darrell, he sent me two t-shirts for Christmas. One is for me, and the other for Mayu. He got them from an online t-shirt shop called Threadless ( You should be able to tell which is for me, and which is for Mayu by the way they fit.

The first one you see above is called "Red". Can you tell why? The other one you see here to the left is entitled "No More Bento". I laughed when I saw the name of the shirt and the art on the shirt. Surely enough, someone won't be getting any more obentos anymore.

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday as well.

I love you!



  1. We went out for breakfast with friends and came home and I have no motivation to do anything, it's been like that lately , but reading all what you did makes me want to go dust and do laundry !!! Have a great week Cam :)

  2. LOL @ Sharon...

    You're as daft as he is, Sharon!

    Must be a Canukian thang.... hee...

  3. how come the is only one shirt foto posted?
    i wanna see the other
    hopefully tighter

  4. I washed floors and did some laundry that is all lol Hope it keeps on tomorrow !!!

  5. The "No More Bento" made me laugh too.

  6. Cam, sounds like Japan has been introduced to the concept of "Costco"...

    Sounds like you have had a splendid day. Love the T-shirt...

    What are you mulling in your wine?? That sounds so good... I should do that tonight. I have been craving warm lately because its been chilly here... I usually do oranges and cinnamon sticks (whole).. you???

  7. Paula - I add some mint. microwaving the wine with the mint leaves in it add just the right touch.

    Matt - Yes, I thought that might tickle your fancy.

  8. mmmmmmmint sounds ok, but cinnamon... Yum!
    And orange... mmmmm...

    Add some cloves and mm mm mm mm mmmm...

  9. Put in a little zest (lemon or orange rind), then heat it up and it likely will take on a brand new appeal. Cloves should do the trick, too!

  10. Well... we had Sangria's instead. We went to a really GREAT Cuban restaurant tonight. The second time this week actually..... I had this eggplant dish that was TO DIE FOR,... all cheese and veggies, I asked for peas instead of the traditional moro (black beans and rice) and it was GOOOOOOD!

  11. The shirts are awesome - the names are fab. Must be fun to be in t-shirt design, eh?

    Paula - there are already Costco stores here ;o) It amazes me how many people head to Costco from base. Where do they STORE stuff they get from there? *boggle*

  12. Jaime - That is why Costco failed the first time here. When you are accustomed to teeny weeny cakes who wants to buy a case of 12 muffins the size of a newborn's cranium when one alone would feed a family of four (or one eternally hungry teen).

    Where I went wasn't at all like that, really as the size was a fraction of a Costco. However compared to supermarket prices it was a breath of fresh air!

  13. I kinda got the impression that it was a little different than the typical "big box" store, for lack of a better description - I'm glad you found the place! The Costco here is still different than the US, catering to this society, but still.... I'm stunned by the loads of stuffs

  14. I'm still waiting for George to come and cook my steaks.

  15. He's shy :P (ok, really I just suck. I sowwy)

  16. Redeem thyself, woman!

    (but I still love you)

  17. WOW, you have so much energy you should bottle some and sell it. I got jabbed with vitamin B 12 this morning, big ouchie too. Supposed to give me some energy. (I wonder when).
    Sounds like you had a fabulous though busy day, the best kind.
