Monday, January 25, 2010

This is It!

In case you were wondering what it looks like where I go when I say I'm off to Kobuchizawa every monday... This is it!

This is where I work on Mondays


  1. Saw it on Flickr so i won't repeat my questions... see there if you get a chance.

  2. That was my question (and more), Stef.

    He posts an awesome shot with no details, yet we know what he ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner most days....

    It's a good thing i like weird!

  3. Answer: It's a photo in a meeting room.

    Pretty cool, eh?

  4. VERY COOL! I can see your reflection just barely ... and is this some sort of retreat / spa?

  5. No.... it's where I work on Mondays.
    Part of my group company.
    The town doesn't have spas, unfortunate for them.

  6. I wondered that too as there appears to be a huge swimming pool there.
    Is that the town or just your complex?

    And the mountains are awesome!

  7. Oh.... so your saying if Jen and I were able to bring our heads together we could open up a really great spa/ resort there... and wouldn't have any competition in the area? All the trees and mountains seems like a perfect place for such things....

  8. YESSS!!!!!

    Good thinking P!
    Cam's shown me pictures of the town. It's lovely... almost European in appearance.
    Very unique.
    Now you have me all excited....

    We'll talk when you come to my place... Can't wait!!

  9. Oh we will talk and talk... and talk... and talk.... and talk.... did I ever mention I like to talk?? LOL

  10. NON!!!

    Quelle suprise!

    LOL!!! You've been with me before... Someone will have to shut us up! LOL!!!

  11. Yea... true, maybe sleep will eventually take us over? Hard to say? But I don't ramble like your house-guest promise... anyway I don't think I do?? If I do your allowed to tell me to shut up!

  12. Yea but also last time we were together we were both unable to talk much, remember?? We were in mixed company and Miguel wouldn't shut up, but was entertaining... between him and Jose who didn't have shoes or socks on in the Crown Plaza NYC. restaurant... well it was, amusing to say the least.

  13. Or bop you upside the head?


  14. It was a blast....

    Hope it won't be that cold and slushy and nasty this time!

  15. Brilliant Cam!
    Low-altitude intel.
    Now the Box Kicker doesn't even need the inflatable turkey GPS device.
    I'm gonna miss you....

  16. Rob - I think I still have that baby somewhere... but you are right. She now knows exactly where to pinpoint the strike! What was I thinking! Oy vey!
