Monday, January 11, 2010

Yellowtail Cabernet Sauvignon is good, but HOT Yellowtail Cabernet Sauvignon with some mint is even gooder!


  1. You mean "Even more gooder." C'mon.. use correct grammar.

  2. Oops. You are absolutely right; "even more gooder" is in fact, the correctest.

    But you know what?

    Adding HotKittyMoo to my sore knees with two cups of HotYellowtailWine is even the most bestest!

  3. Mint in wine?

    Verrry interrresting...

    Was it mint leaves or drops or... hmmm.. .
    Gonna hafta do sum experimintin.

  4. Oh so you made your own "mulled wine".... its good with citrus too.... BTW.

  5. Looooove mulled wine in a tankard! Will try citrus next.
    Slept like shit from the wine, though.

  6. Jen - I had a petit brainstorm whilst cooking this morning (still eating actually)...

    Why don't you try putting some of the Japanese ginger into your wine, stirring it around, then heating it up? That, I think would be VERY good. People use that ginger in hot water to drink just the way it is on the cold days as ginger is good for warming up the insides (apparently).


    Gotta run. Hope your interviews went well today!

    I love you!

  7. I wonder does the ginger help somehow with circulation? I might need to try that, as I am starting to have trouble with mine. One hand will be somewhat warm, the other ice cold. Its odd... but I am constantly freezing.... even here in 70 degree temps....

  8. I have that too, P.
    I haven't noticed a difference with regular dietary intake of ginger, but don't know if larger doses would help.

    I'm also thinking capsaicin might be a circulation enhancer(?).

    I KNOW massage will help increase circulation ;-D

  9. Oh good I am not the only odd one... LOL Reed says its my two personalities... hot and cold. You mean getting or giving massage? I try to go at least 2x each month for 90 min. to help with that and also to keep healthy, but now that things are tight in the finance I am cutting back to 1x... one thing good soon about starting school is we will practice on one another. LOL

    Speaking of... just got an email from FASFA it was processed and they say I was approved for up to $1800 dollars this year with Pell grant. Its good and I am thankful for it, but.... um.... that's NOTHING who are they kidding?? What I am looking at doing is going to cost over 31K.... that won't even pay for 1/2 of one kit. Hopefully the school will help figure out something because spending $400 a month on a Student loan is not in the budget right now, ya know....

  10. $1800... that's it???

    Do they know what the tuitions will be?

    Huh! And i just got finished filing for unemployment benefits. Kept putting it off thinking ... i don't know what i was thinking. But anyway, IF i qualify (i own a business... they didn't ask about it so i HOPE it won't disqualify me) it'll probably mean only a few bucks a week, but at this rate and as far down as my income has dropped, every little bit will help.... until business picks up... which i hope will happen in this economy. You said yourself... a massage is NOT on anyone's priority list.
    So... i'll keep looking for a "real job", to also tide me over.

    But... if today's venture pans out things could start to pick up. More on that later maybe

    I'm cold all the time. Especially my hands.

  11. Gimme mulled wine when it is clod any day.

    "Slept like shit from the wine though", I take it you didn't sleep very well then? How's the head feeling then? LOL

  12. Yea $1800, apparently all the BS talk about "Moms" going back to school under Obama is a big line of BS..... I am not only a mom, but a displaced homemaker, etc.... so you would think?? Yea my income last year -262 dollars.... no not kidding, wish I was. I don't know what to do. Heck at this point I don't even know if I can get a loan for the remainder might need a co signer. I cant wait to hear about your venture!

    My hands are cold too, ALL THE TIME. I think its something that pinches off the nerves... I think its my boobs... honestly, that somehow they pull something out somewhere... ?

  13. And they wonder why i'm not rushing into divorce.
    It's almost always so for the woman... who has generally let her skills and career take a back seat to raise kids.

    I have a skill and a career that i love but am not sure it will provide enough income for home, food, health insurance, car insurance, etc. etc.
    But i'm just foolish enough to still want to get out there on my own.
    Oh... and all those ads you see about Obama wanting you to go to school, they're not him , or the govt.
    They are scam artists trying to sell you their service to get you student aid.

    So now what?
    Have admissions suggested other sources of funding.. grants or scholarships etc.?

    And it sounds crazy, but having the same boob issues, now you got me thinking...
    Dammit P! LOL!

  14. seriously mine didn't start until after I had them done, so I think it might have something to do with it. Really..... not sure what though? Its just odd. I hate it when one hand is freezing, and the other is luke warm. I feel unbalanced......LOL I am cold all the time too... unless its 95 I am cold. Today for example at 11am, and 70 degrees I was wearing pants, long shirt, sweatshirt, and scarf when i went for a run.... LOL I ran into a neighbor wearing shorts and T'shirt. LOL

    Not sure what is next, I plan to call them tomorrow and set up an appointment with their financial aid. But first I have to take my daughter over to her college and talk to their financial aid as well, since we are also trying to get something for her. I am not sure how I am going to do this??? I get overwhelmed, but then figure there is no option I have no choice. It is what it is and I better figure out something.

  15. Yeah, it's usually my right hand is much colder than my left. And lately my feet too

    Go figure!

  16. Have you tried switching hands when you masturbate? I know its difficult but maybe one gets a better workout than the other?

    As for your boobs pressing on the nerves in your feet and cutting off circulation... wow...

    Wings - I didnt drink too much. With my low carb high PEO lifestyle sugars are anathema to me and even a half beer disrupts my sleep.

  17. You just get back to work, TroublemakerPerv!

    Lunch hour's over.
    This is between me and Paula!


    Some people... think it was their page or something....

  18. Cam!!! This morning in my W.S.J. they did a whole "tour" on Tokyo dining! It was really fun reading it, and again pulls at me to want to return once more. Maybe I should send it to you?

  19. OK, you send me your new addy and I will pop this off to you in the mail tomorrow.
