Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Spy with My Little Eye...

... something that is SUPPOSED to be green!

Kappabashi no kappa

But that's the living version of the kappa, the mythical beast who lives under bridges and eats travelers trying to cross his waters... or cucumbers.

If you plan on traversing a river, always carry a cucumber because that is the only thing the kappa loves more than human flesh.

... this kappa found at Kappabashi (or Kappa Bridge) should rival some of Harmaceutical's wacky photos!

I love you!



  1. Hah!!!

    Cute! So he's supposed to be green?
    Then he'd look a lot like Kermit. Nobody's afraid of Kermie!

    Have a great day, Mou.
    I love you!

  2. He probably hates Kermit. In fact, Kermit may actually be a ronin kappa, one with a heart and conscience of gold. Perhaps he left the clan as he couldn't stand the policies of the tribe... And now he is the shame of kappadom. Maybe they even have a price out on his head! I wonder if he has forsworn cucumbers.....

  3. Maybe the put out a fatwa on him... oops ... wrong culture.

    More like a hit on him...Yakuza style. hee...

  4. Hmm I thought he was a frog like guy.... like Kermit. That's how he looks on my incense burner....

    He may have ALL of my cukes. Thankyouverymuch. I wish he'd a lived under my table when I was a kid and my mom used to make me gag them all down.....

  5. I've never tried to cross a cucumber, and now that I've seen this, I'll make double sure I never do!

  6. So Deb what DO you get when you cross a cucumber with... with... with whatever you cross it with?

    Stefnee - They are supposed to be green and froggy. He is in a way. Sorta. But not green. Just all gold and shiny. You know how they love to make people look beautiful when they "statuesque" them? Kinda like that.

  7. Although he does have some nice pecs and abs! And the calves are to die for! I wonder who that model was??

  8. I think the model was a frog as far as the legs are concerned.
    You've seen their legs... maybe even eaten them...ew!
    Them suckers got great calves, yo!
    You'd kinda have to have great gastrocs to propell yourself the way them froggies do.


  9. The pecs?
    Prolly some dude projecting what he either looks like or WANTS to look like.. Men!


  10. We call those trolls.... but they want goats not cucumbers. LOL

    Stef... I totally forgot that you hate cucumbers... and remember well your video where you were trying to be brave and eat them.... not so very successfully either. LOL Yea... you and this green buy would have been good friends...

  11. He doesn't look frog like at all!! He looks like some little japanese guy in a skirt wearing a fake beak and gloves.

    Frogs don't have abs... or pecs... or stand up holding a fish and a staff.

  12. Ugly s o b, but I do like the fish LOL
