Tuesday, January 5, 2010

All Alone On the Platform... for the Moment

Wow... I'm the only one here on the platform... Now somebody else is here. I see that I arrived at 1924 (not 1004) and the train left at 1923. So the one other peson just walked alllll the way down to the other end.

I decided to try and leave as close to 6pm as possible whenever I can because even delaying by 30 minutes kills a lot of my rapidly waning residual energy which then has me too tired/too hungry to go to the gym. But I got home tonight at 1840 or so, grabbed food, changed, left some comments, grabbed my stuff and headed out. That little bit makes a difference whether I go to the gym or not.

I'm on my way to the gym...


  1. And now it's time for a bath and soak in the sento. I might make it home before 22:30 tonight!

  2. I did in fact make it home by 22:30 tonight!

  3. You're such a dork ;-)

    I love you!

  4. Good for you Cam, it is so easy to say forget it, putting ourselves last and making an excuse for not taking care of your own temple.... everything else matters little if your temple breaks down...

    I struggle with this as well, but for example last night I ran/ sprinted up an incline during Kobes entire basketball practice that's an hour, not the gym, but something..... I have learned that if I don't take care of me, no one will.....

  5. I just did a huge comment about this on the other site where Cam posts.
    It might be the beginnings of a blog but i'll post it here in case i get busy living life.
    Here it is...

    There was one of those teaser headlines on my AOL site a week or so ago that i meant to click on and read but forgot…
    It had the headline that said something like “he Worked 43 Years Without a Day Off” …WTF???

    How sad and stupid that here in America (and apparently Japan too) that that is seen as something laudable.
    It’s ridiculous!
    I wonder if he had a family and how much time and attention he put toward them…
    I’m going to have to go back and try to find it so i can see if he did. I’m making myself angry as i write about him.

    And the thing is, in the beginning, his family probably did miss his presence, but after time it’s possible he became sort of like an acquaintance to them… it was fine when they saw him, but equally fine if they didn’t. And if things get really bad, they’d just as soon NOT have him around, cuz you know, when you get into a routine that doesn’t involve him, his presence then becomes an intrusion into the routine… even an annoyance.

    I wish i could get that fact across to workaholic husbands and fathers who think they are indispensable to the company, or who think they are doing their family a favour by making a bunch of money that they can spend at some future time… the future finally gets there and the family has little interest in spending time with that …acquaintance now.

    Remember the Cats in The Cradle song…

    Cammy, i’m not referring to you at all… just went off on an all too familiar tangent. Even Greg was never bad like that but i’ve just seen too many stories like the one i mentioned, and it always occurred to me, even when i heard it as a kid, that it didn’t seem so “great” as the media were making it out to be.

    Here’s to BALANCE…

  6. Jen, I couldn't agree more. We are so unbalanced as general rule...its the "American Way"...when your achivements are measure in your work record, and not in how your family turns out.

    I remember a few years ago my Ex husband brought home a "working woman's" magazine... about a bunch of high powered women CEO's... and he was telling me, if these women did it so can you... and i just looked at him blankly and said, I wonder who raises their children, or how many times they have been divorced, because to find balance with both is nearly impossible, and since it was apparent that her work and career were not suffering...the only other place would be her home and children. The nanny, or whomever was taking that role.

    We had a fight... about that. And didn't see eye to eye..

    Flash to another moment when I asked him "would you prefer a business owner or a wife".. because I can not be both. He clearly made his choice, and I am now single. Women can't "do it all" no one can.... sure were strong, sure were smart, but there are only so many hours in each day.

    I was a damn good mom, and homemaker for a lot of years (I also worked but my priority and "career" was my family. So I know, and let me tell you to be able to have and do that it took a LOT of work, time and attention.

  7. Oh and Cam your single... work all you want! But do take the time to take care of other priorities... like YOU.... your important too, and we can not be a whole person unless we care enough about ourselves to make time. We also are better to others when we do, our work production goes up, or personal lives improve as were happier people... its a "win win"... if you work 43 years without a day off.... I will have to send a "swift kick" your way. LOL

  8. Thank goodness our Cammy is far from the typical man!
    Not only does he " get it" but he's a good example for other men... IF they would take heed.. Especially when
    they see how great most of us women think he is.
    You rock, Mou!

  9. Excuse me as I rush off to put in my 8hrs + 1 today. I love you both! You melt me!!!!

  10. Don't work too hard, Mou!



  11. AMEN. Paula and Jen you both have the right attitude in this, I too have heard stories about American families just like you said. No doubt there are families in my country that are like that too, but it is not common here.

    Keep up the good work Cam but do remember to play too.

  12. There is a "healthy" snack made of killer soy and fiber that goes straight through you, called "BALANCE Cup". Food for thought...

  13. Oh you just be quiet, you wouldbe workaholic!


  14. I can barely drag myself into my office three days a week, no way I would ever be a workaholic.
