Sunday, January 31, 2010

Charlotte's Eggs

I was waiting for my friend Masami at Roppongi Hills yesterday late afternoon/early evening, sitting underneath this ginormous spider statue.

See her eggs? (Charlotte's, not Masami's....)

Charlotte's Eggs

Photo taken on my Toshiba Biblio Keitai at Roppongi, Tokyo, 17:45, 2010/02/31.


  1. Those are really meant to be eggs? Or is it something else and you call them eggs?

    That's an awesome sculpture =D

  2. *laughs That statue thingie TOTALLY creeps Jason out.

  3. What the FUCK?!

    ugh... I'm so offa this page.


    I forgot about Stef...Bad Cam!
    Two days in a row, Cameron.... poor Stef...


  5. It seems your new found city is filled with whimsy and surprises! LOL

    When I was running today with Casale I found one of these tailless whip scorpions..

    Sadly, it was the same blue of your page, just walking right in front of me, It startled me as I almost stepped on him, but then stepped over... and stopped and watched for a bit. He was a big guy and probably about 6-7 inches including and whip.

    I felt sorry because I don't think the blue was his idea.... I think he got in the way of a spray paint or something.... they are so gentle, BTW... and you can pick them up without harm. We get them in the house from time to time and usually try to gently move them out. Unlike bark scorpions that we also get all the time, and usually squish with a shoe.

    So were full of surprises here too...

  6. oh my GOOOODDDD!!!!

    Paula.... I would freaking MOVE!!

    6-7 inches!!!!


  7. Move Paula, as fast as you can. Bloody hell, that freaks me out just reading about it, let alone LIVE with the little stingers. YIKES.

    At least the angle of the photo Cam didn't show the whole bloody thing. Spiders? YIKES to them too.

  8. LOL Stef, did you see the photo and two videos of how they move, its delicate legs are most of the inches, with the body being only a portion of it. They are so gentle, its hard to explain but they seek things with their long whip legs because their eyesight is so poor. They have these small little "hands" that are a bit like crabs... they really are cool when you get over the creepiness of them. They mean me no harm, and I am sure that poor thing today was far more scared than I was. I stood over him, watching until he was off the road.

    I do the same for snakes, here .... we have rattlers, kings, gophers and racers... and I will always stop the car and help them cross without being hit. They were, after all here first not to mention they eat rodents... and well, I very much dislike rodents!

    The scorpions can be troublesome... but as much as I dislike them, have their place. They keep the cricket population in control.. but living here its always wise to see where you touch or step, meaning don't stick you hand in holes and make sure you bang out your shoes before putting them on. The black widow spiders also love dark holes so its just best to avoid them... common sense and all....

    Did I mention for most of my life I have been TERRIFIED of spiders?? And insects in general? I finally got over my fear (although I admit I still get a bit nervous with them) by gardening and touching them. They are the best friend to a gardener, trapping invasive insects.. So I have learned we must co exist.... LOL

  9. I think Paula is awesome for not killing the creepies.

    I'm forever saving spiders etc in our house.

  10. Spiders are goooood...

    not as good as bacon, though...

  11. I wouldn't have killed it.. I would have done just what paula did... from a distance.

    I have compassion... just.... not happy about them being near me. Ever.

    Paula.. yes, I watched the videos and then.. had nightmares that night. No lie.

  12. Really??? I am sorry they creeped you out that much...

    I had one on the wall once right near the bed.... he was just moving his big long arm around trying to figure out how the hell he was gonna get outta there. I slipped a piece of paper under him and sent him on his way.

  13. oh my god.

    Until right this minute, I was thinking about maybe visiting you this summer.

  14. Stefnee - But remember... there are people out there who would pass out just THINKING about you putting snakes in your pocket, or catching fish with your hands like Gollum. I'm glad you don't have protruding eyeballs like Gollum. I think it would be a little bit harder to love you so...

  15. Oh DO DO! I will call out the bug guy, don't worry....

  16. I do love snakes!! And... yeah.. the catching things with my bare hands is something I do pride myself on...

    Don't know anyone who can catch grasshoppers as good as me... or pull turtles out of the pond while wearing a bridesmaids dress. :)

  17. Now there's a story I want to hear!

  18. lol... I can catch anything.

    I was at my sister in law's wedding.. an outside shindig.. and there was a pond, My boys and I were tossing bread to the giant snapping turtles and I squatted... put my hands in the water and held very still. Coaching my boys to keep feeding the turtle and when it got closer... I snatched it out of the water. He weighed close to 8 lbs and was bigger than a dinner plate.

    We played with him and then let him go.

    I can also catch fish with my bare hands.

    And grasshoppers.

    And snakes.

    I just hate spiders...

  19. She hates them so much that she has been known to almost sometimes be tempted to jump out of moving vehicles (while driving said vehicles) when she sees spiders in the cockpit.

  20. LOL!!!

    If a spider was in the car with me, I'd probably scream and squish...
