Monday, January 18, 2010

A Nice Way To Work on Monday

Things change from yesterday regarding some of my work. (This didn't post from my keitai yesterday due to the Multiply Move so I am posting it now).

I still go to Kobuchizawa on the 1pm train from Shinjuku and get back to Shinjuku at about 915pm. That is fixed. I have about 1hr of overtime I can log on Mondays.

Wednesdays I have to teach two classes after 6pm so I won’t be clocking out until 9pm. That works out to an additional 3 hours of overtime I clock on Wednesdays.

The company prefers we take the time off the same month rather than paying out overtime if it is at all possible. And in a way that’s a good policy because no matter how much one may ned the etra cash eventually it weas a body down.

Also the chances of having the odd hour overtime here and there (or even half hour) are quite high as is so a bit of extra cash will come in that way.

As for the Wednesday Weekly 3hrs I have decided to take the time off on Monday mornings. Instead of getting into a suit, going to the office for three hours then rushing off to catch this train I’ll just catch an 11:52 or 11:56 from my station and go directly to Shinjuku. That will give me 15-30 minutes to get to the platform and catch this 1pm train.

It’s perfect because I can wear more casual clothes and dress for the biting chill in Kobuchizawa rather than sweat my way to work and be underdressed standing on the platform waiting to catch the 7:18pm train back. When I was there at the end of December my leather jacket was not enough… but too much for me commuting in Tokyo.

The end result is that I can stay up or out later on Sunday, and completely avoid rushing Monday morning. I get to sleep in to 7am withou any stress of not making my 8:20 train, can cook breakfast and pack a lunch, roam the net, do some year-end accounting, write a few emails re. IMS work or private, iron shirts that took the weekend to dry, clean up and basically take my time getting to the train where I actually get a seat all the way to Shinjuku!

And… in the months when people come to visit me I will just hunker down and work a full Monday (no bigdeal really as the day consists of about 5.5hrs on trains). That way I can build up the overtime and then take it off for my friends, thus increasing the tme I can spend with them even if I don’t have enough paid holidays to take off the entire time they are here.

So it works well for me and for others. Also if I want to extend a weekend longer to say visit Max in his part of the country to enjoy a riding weekend to recharge my batteries (he told me two nights ago they have about 2m or 7ft of snow already and our heavy snows don’t even begin until January! Lots this year and I gotta miss it…)

And that’s about the size of things today.

From the keitai…

I love you!


  1. Wow Cam, that is wonderful, its funny how the small details of your new life in your new place is working itself out so well. Positive thinking I guess~ LOL

  2. Thanks, Paula!

    Off to the sweatshack!

    I love you!

  3. Once again, the Universe bends to make life better....

  4. You've got it all down pat !! Have a great day !!!

  5. As Howard Jones sings, "things can only get better" (wow... he looks a lot older than the last time I saw him!)

    And there is no Ringo Starr in this video! I've been gyped!

  6. Ringo was busy on Larry King last night raising money for Haiti lol (not that Haiti is funny )

  7. He was on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart the other night.
    One of the few occasions when Stewart has an entertainment segment, but it was great. He had a band with Ben Harper and some other names which i forget now, but they rocked out!

  8. Lieu time is your friend, especially for people living in the big city.
    Enjoy your time off and recharge yourself!

  9. I hope you'll come for a weekend getaway one of these days soon. I have one of the most unique wines in the Multiverse awaiting decorking with a friend...

  10. This is a great post Cam because it tells me more about you and how you think. Sounds like you have it all sussed out, however, have you thought about the unexpected happening and upsetting your time table? You can bet "Murphy's Law" will upset the apple cart one way or another. I am lucky enough not to have to work to a time table. When I do make plans something always happens to change what I have planned. Grrrrrrrrr.

  11. Actually, Wings, that's just the Universe's way of giving you some unexpected excitement!

    Well, that's the way I see it anywhoo...

    Thanks for the compliment.

  12. You can bet your boots it's the Universe up to it's tricks.
    I planed to watch a movie this afternoon, ..........nnooooo,,,,,,Have now got one of my clients coming over for some psychic advice.
    I ain't grumbling though, am here to help.

  13. Look at who is living happily-ever-after! I am soOo glad you landed on your feet!
    Global Love from California,

  14. Not quite psycho I'm pleased to say. LOL
