Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dinner's done... but look what I found! I think I'm going to have to invest in some... how you say... "expelimentation".


  1. OMG.....


    He's just... he's...

  2. LOL He likes to get a "rise" out of us that's all.... start a little controversy.... see if he can make us blush. The best strategy is to just ignore it.... and not encourage the incorrigible!!!!

  3. Hehehe...

    well i'm off to the pub for the Jets game.

    Behave while i'm gone.


  4. Blushing and rising to the occasion is good, my Goddesses!

  5. Stefnee wrote: "omg." <--- Yep. It worked. *wink*

  6. There is only one teeeny weeny problem with my "expelimentation".... Nobody to expeliment with. Minor glitch. Minor glitch. I'll work on that.

  7. Yeah, but I have such a Sonny disposition, I like to Cher!

  8. And i don't think you want to know what i was thinking when i read that first part about the "teeny weeny" problem..... hehehehehe....

    YOU said it.

  9. Well now Cam, that was interesting to say the least, one is never too old to learn. Who, me, blush??? Hahahaaaaa.

  10. Oh, THAT! That's a given. I've lived with THAT teeny weeny "problem" all my life so it's really no problem at all. One learns to adapt. I am an expert with "teeny weeny" (gotta be after 44 years of use).

    Wings - I always aim to please! Who knows? Maybe you and your partner can now take your sexual experiences to knew heights!

  11. Would if I could sugar, don't have one of them. *sigh*

  12. Wings - "Them" ... meaning ... Toys, partners, or penises? Toys can always be purchased. Partners can eventually be found. And if you don't have a penis, well, there's always the clitoris, g-spot and other sensitive locations to enjoy!

  13. OMG....

    too tired to get on him about it just now....

    Oy, Cameron Cameron, Cameron....

  14. None of the above apart from the clittoris. LOL ME go to a 'toy shop'? Good grief I would die of embarrisment. *blush, blush, blush*. This party is getting rough, I'm going home. LOL

  15. Oh I have been to a "toy store" many times.... but, not going divulge too much info HERE..... LOL If you do go you will find Its interesting, shocking, occasionally gross, but never boring I assure you....

  16. BTW just got back from a Balloon festival, and I am totally drunk.... from the "Captain" going to watch the rest of the Dallas game...... now before I get into trouble!

  17. Boo. Dallas...

    We're secondary Eagles fans. Jon, my son-in-law is from Philly and he and Ker live there now.
    As for toy stores... been to sleazy ones, busy normal ones, and a really nice, quiet one in NYC... mostly for women called Eve's Garden.

    You can learn a lot in those places!

  18. forget the blushing
    doesnt that steal toy hurt and or feel too cold??
    I was kinda checking out them toys and some seem dangerous!

  19. Bob took me into a toy store for men and women in Asheville (he bought something for his wife). But it was very bright, airy, and extremely professional. The people working there were knowledgeable, well-dressed, polite, friendly, and very professional regarding explaining the use of the products. It was a joy to see it being treated as a genuine business not something that has to hide behind smoked windows, tucked in the back of some place... I didn't get anything, but I did come out ... "pleasured" and not in a sexual way at all!

  20. i dont think they have any of those stores in my newly developed area. gotta go tot he bad side of town for it

  21. Hmmmm. Do you remember three or four years ago when the whole prostate stimulation boom hit Japan? And a lot of dudes went to the hospital with various, er, internal complications that fall under the heading, "Wrecked' im? Damn near killed' im!"

    I'm just saying be careful, because an ass is a terrible thing to waste.

  22. OMIGOD, Rob!!!

    The HOSPITAL???

    Were they using broom handles???

    Most of the legitimate toys for anal play don't look like they could do the kind of damage that would land you in the hospital.....YIKES!

  23. Rob - They probably used the butts of their bokuto. That would fuck up anybody.

  24. we are the weirdest group of bloggers on the planet

  25. Yes. And like attracts like, just like The Universe states.

  26. ROFLMFAO, you guys crack me up. Hahahaaaaaa, ecuse the pun. LOL

  27. Yeah Jen, you wouldn't think so, but they were mostly overuse injuries. The refractory period of the penis prevents one from overusing it, but I guess one can stimulate the prostate all day & all night, and apparently Japanese men really, REALLY like stimulating their prostates!
