Sunday, May 29, 2011

Country Music

Good goddess it's a nice day out here in Kobuchizawa (Yamanashi Prefecture) today! I can actually wear a long sleeved dress shirt (untucked and rolled at the sleeves) and feel perfectly comfortable!

The sound of the wind blowing in the trees is extremely relaxing, like music to my ears. I can still see snow in the ravines up in the Yatsugatake range. It is days like this that really remind me how much I loved living in the Fukui countryside, even though the humidity was always above 75% and it rained often. May and October were heaven, like living in Shangri-la.

Mayu and her boyfriend are making a weekend trip up here this weekend. She said she is soooo craving nature! That made me smile. Coming from Tokyo life for 25 years and then living in Fukui for 20 (adult) years changed her in ways that she can feel the primal pull of the goddesses, and not just the lunar one now. That is very good. I love to see how she has grown...

I love you!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lowering "bad" LDL and Raising "good" HDL is BAD FOR YOU

Brian Peskin has been telling us for over a decade that messing with human cholesterol levels throug the labeling of LDL as "bad" and HDL as "good", and then pushing drugs on us all to lower or raise those levels is WRONG WRONG WRONG!

A study performed by Abbott Laboratories to show that statins are "good" for lowering "bad" cholesterol failed miserably in the trial, and basically proved that messing with our natural cholesterol levels in any way whatsoever is BAD for us.

And yet, the people who comment on this study STILL are blind to the fact that statins destroy us through adjusting our cholesterol levels. People with low cholesterol levels and people with high cholesterol levels can be healthy, or they can have heart disease; it is NOT due to the levels of cholesterol! That is just a result of a different thing happening on the body, but they just don't get it. The problems arise when you mess with the natural levels.

Keep up the great work, Brian. Those of us who know you are with you. And WE will benefit from your research because we understand the science.

"Abbott down after NIH halts Niaspan study"


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Omega-3 PUFAs Don't Protect Against New AF in Heart Failure

Well, once again, Brian Peskin is proven correct. Everyone is going haywire over Omega 3 Fatty Acids now as the necessary essential oil to cure everything, especially heart disease. But as Brian states, the medical industry, health officials, nutrition, etc. have gotten it all wrong AGAIN!

As Brian CLEARLY STATES, Omega-6 PARENT fatty acids are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than Omega-3s. In fact, you need the correct balance of 2.5:1 of Omega-6 PARENT to Omega-3 PARENT, not the overdose of Omega-3 fatty acids that everyone is spouting on about. In addition to that the PARENT essential oils are crucial; derivatives WILL NOT WORK. The body cannot make the parent omega fatty acids, but it CAN make the derivatives FROM THE PARENT, thus any derivative (DHA, EPA, etc.) are NOT ESSENTIAL. Essential means that our body requires them, but cannot make them. That is the true meaning of the word with respect to fatty acids, minerals, etc.

In this article below (you need a free account to log in), it clearly shows that Omega-3 fatty DO NOT HELP. But if you have been following me these past 10 years, or Brian longer, you will already be well aware of this, and will have been ignoring all this stupid advice posted in the media, and parrotted around incorrectly, from the start. And you will also be MUCH healthier than those around you who aren't listening.

"Omega-3 PUFAs Don't Protect Against New AF in Heart Failure"

May 25, 2011 (Gothenburg, Sweden) With some evidence suggesting that intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may protect against atrial fibrillation (AF) and even more evidence pointing to an effect against heart failure--although the benefits have generally been mild--it seems a natural that they might prevent AF in patients with heart failure.

But they don't, according to a post hoc analysis of the GISSI Heart-Failure (GISSI-HF) trial, presented here at the Heart Failure Congress 2011 sessions of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Heart Failure Association.

I highly recommend you connect to Brian Peskin's fan page on Facebook and keep up to date with the information that will REALLY make you radiantly healthy.

I love you!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Weighing in: Kindle VS iPad2

OK, I have really wanted to do this for a long time as device weight IS an issue for commuting in the Tokyo rush hour trains and you can never truly trust manufacturer specs to reflect "street specs" .

Kindle with book cover: 450g
iPad2 with smart cover: 750g

And there you have it. It's kind of like reading the automaker's fuel specs and then actually calculating the real specs with your car loaded how YOU want it.

Have a great day!
I love you.


P.S. For those of you unfamiliar with metric weights, 454g = 1lb. That should give you a better idea in your head what kind of weight we are dealing with here.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My New Curtains

It took a while to figure out what would work, then to find a design and colour that would complement my simple room while adding a splash of colour without cheapening the entire ambiance.

It took several hours to fold, cut and tape these so they are finished and not just roughly slapped up there as if I were a guy with no fashion sense.

I think I succeeded.

What do you think?

I love you!


P.S. while everyone at work is panicking over our buyout, I see it as a grand new adventure that I am about to embark on. I have no idea how things are going to change, but I will say this: my original goal and reason for choosing to accept my company's offer of employment was to take them global. And that is suddenly achieved much faster than I had anticipated! The Universe really is amazing and does everything to get the right stuff as long as you believe entirely and work your ass off to prove it. Everything falls in place. And I am SO excited!!! (commuting time is likely to go from 20 minutes to 60 in jam packed trains with a transfer or two...)

The Big Shark Swallows The Little Fish

Wow... today started as a very strange day...
First I got a call saying my class at Kobuchizawa was cancelled.

Then I get to work and my Global Biz boss tells me to stop all of my work and wait until 15:30.

Then Kyoko comes down to the lunchroom and tells me to stay there.

Then the entire company assembles.

Then our president tells us that the entire group was bought by our rival CMIC.

Wow... It has been a very strange day.

The funny thing is that for about a month I have been telling my Global boss that the way the pharma industry is changing these days SMR would be best to be bought out by a rival CRO in order to compete with the global CROs who are restructuring like crazy...

I was right!


How cool is that! I get to experience a brand new happening!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011








Friday, May 20, 2011

Aooni: Blue Devil India Pale Ale

The dark blue of the can first caught my eye. "A microbeer!", I thought. When I looked again I saw the words, India Pale Ale.

1. I like pale ales; they usually have a fruity taste that you don't find in lagers.

2. I've never had a beer from India before.

Tonight when I opened it up after a week at work (anybody out there think beer tastes good on a Friday night?) I took the first sip. Sure enough there was that fruity flavour I enjoy in ales. After that a familiar and slightly bitter taste followed which reminded me of some beers from hot, Asian countries (Singapore, Thailand, etc) as well as beers from Trinidad, Barbados, and so forth. It was ... almost... a twang that I associate with tropical beers. and that made sense as India is definitely one of those hot, Asian, tropical countries (in the south anyway).

Another interesting thing I have found in my travels is that the hotter countries seem to have beers with a slightly higher alcohol content. I don't know why that is but I have seen it on more than a few occasions. Blue Devil Beer is on the upper end at 7%.

People in the UK might find this a familiar taste to some degree as the British brought their brewing technique to India during the 18th century when they were traveling to the continent. The label says that they had to bring a beer over the seas that would withstand the long travel and not lose its flavour.

I don't know what this is called in India, maybe "Blue Devil" as that is the kanji used for the Japanese name: 青鬼 AOONI.

It was good.

Have a great weekend.

I love you!

P.S. Here is a little history if the IPAs:

Britain's colonisation of India in the 1700's created a problem of beer transportation, as standard beers simply could not survive the long voyage from the UK to India, the beer would arrive flat, stale and of no use. The problem was the long journeys into a very hot county was simply too much for the beer to take. It was not until George Hodgson came upon the idea of dramatically increasing the hops used and increasing the alcohol level, that a beer could survive the challenges of travel to a harsh environment. The resulting beer was given the title IPA and was greatly enjoyed; a new type beer had been invented.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

From the USA With Globalized Love to the Fukushima Heroes

Practical Hermit & Potato Mousie, 


Thank you so so SOOOOOO much!

You guys rock!

Google Vs. Amazon

For all you techies out there, this article on the Google/Android vs Amazon/Android is fascinating. Up until now it has been Google/Android vs Apple/iOS, but things are going to change big time. It seems that Amazon is not satisfied with its e-reader Kindle which can only read e-books and do nothing else. So, it seems they are very close to rolling out a tablet that is going to be running Google's Android. And once they do that, they will be competing with all the other tablets that run Google's Android, as well as Google's tablet that will run Android.

"What Happens When It’s Google/Android Vs. Amazon/Android?"

I love you!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stroll down memory lane (38 years ago): MY FINGERTIPS HURT!!!!!! I wonder how many hours of guitar practice it takes before the pain finally goes away?!!?! Anybody remember?

Almost 20km on the Skates Today

Today was a good day, weatherwise. I got out on my skates for about 75 minutes and covered almost 20km. I am able to go longer between breaks now so that's good too. My legs are trashed tonight, though and more than a few times some muscles decided to rebel on me.

Getting out in the sun was nice but the wind was quite strong. It's a good thing I go back and forth 500m rather than all the way out 9km and all the way back.

There were a LOT of people out there today so space was somewhat limited; however everyone seemed in a good mood so the positive energy was flowing. I saw the surfing/skateboarding ojisan-dude and we chatted a bit. A woman from Africa chatted me up while her kids (half Japanese) were all over me with questions about my skates. A beautiful 9 year old black lab barked at me when I gave her my hand to sniff. The owner told me her dog is a scardeycat and doesn't like helmets so I removed mine and we had an agreement, the dog and I. I said hi again to a woman who was practicing with her daughter on one of those articulating two-wheeled non-skateboard looking thingies. She is better on those two inline wheels than I am on my 4X2 inline wheels. I drank about 3L of water and I think my face is a bit sunburned.

Now it's time for dinner, dishes, a shower, rolly, stretches and guitar practice! We'll see how well that goes; my fingers are a bit tender from yesterday;s practice.

I love you.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Cirque du Soleil ZED Ticket Purchase: Mission Accomplished

I just bought two premium class tickets for Cirque du Soleil's performance, ZED, at their Tokyo Theatre on Saturday, May 21st at 16:00. I am excited!

At work, the first several units of our new English textbook use Cirque du Soleil as the medium to teach the Skills. It is awesome to have a text that uses modern topics, companies, people and issues.

This is going to be so cool; I have heard about this troupe for years and how amazing their shows are. Finally I am going to attend one!

I'll let you know what I think.

I love you!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rise to the Challenge, Man!

I love the title of this article: "Climbers use Viagra to rise to Everest challenge" How... unique!

What a novel use of viagra for a group of (self-proclaimed alpha) male hard core mountaineers.

Imagine using viagra to increase the oxygen capacity to your lungs on the way up to the summit of Everest. Who would have thought?

I wonder if this would be considered "prescribing off-label"? If so, it could get the doctor in trouble when he comes down off his "high".

Also, is this doctor getting payment from Pfizer? They don't mention that in the article. They should, especially these days where transparency is a requirement in the pharmaceutical industry.

The climbers were concerned that it might affect them in "natural ways" on the way up... I could tell them it's not going to happen. I'm a curious guy. One time on a business trip to Italy, while driving in the car, my friend Sox was telling me about his customer who is in his 60s, has tons of girlfriends and brags about all the sex he has. He claimed that he used viagra regularly (customer, not Sox). And so me, being me, I thought it might be cool to try Viagra and see what happens under non-sexual conditions. Would I get an erection? Would I experience anything? Or would it be a limp experience? I wanted to know. So I asked if he could get me some to try. And he did. But it did absolutely nothing for me other than give me a facial rash and a massive headache - exactly as is written in the side-effects section of the the label. I didn't have a sexual partner around at the time there was no occasion to rise to. (damn).

Anyway, the article is interesting and worth a read. But I don't know if I would recommend that extreme athletes start taking Viagra just to get Oxygen into their lungs. There are better ways to do that than through meds (and iffy ones at that).

I love you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Emotions You Transmit...

ALWAYS Come Back, for better or for worse. Let me give you a real life example...

This morning I was standing on the platform waiting for the 8:20 train to work as usual. A woman I see regularly was waiting as well, but at the space for the door to the next car (we do that in Tokyo, try to get on the train at just the right spot).

She had a shoulder bag with a bunch of patches sewed onto it.

One of the patches said... are you ready for this?

"I love Cameron"

It made my morning!

You see how the love, appreciation and gratitude you transmit to the world comes back to you multiplied and when you least expect it? A stranger loves me! That. is. awesome!!

How cool is that, eh?!? (getting accent practice in for my trip back to Winnipeg)

"I love Cameron"!!

And I love you!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Yahoo!! You May have been Violated!

The other day I wrote about my yahoo account being possibly "compromised". Well, that blog has garnered a few interesting comments over on my WordPress blog.

"I just experienced the same thing today when I tried to log onto my Yahoo account. After changing my password, I checked the recent account activity log (available under Account Info) and saw that someone had logged in twice from Texas in the last 2 days. I live in California :("

And this one:

"The same thing happened to me this morning, May 6. I would like to know how, also."

I have two Yahoo accounts (another I used for work purposes). The other one I could not log into and had to do some major hoop jumping just to get it back. 

It seems to me that these "compromises" are not happening because of what the Yahoo FAQ suggests (our fault), but more likely because Yahoo has been compromised and data has been absconded with (like SONY).

If you have a account, for your own piece of mind, I highly suggest you change the password ASAP. 

I'm wondering if Yahoo is going to come out with a press release stating they had data stolen, or if this will all just stay under the wire?

Back to cooking breakfast and lunch. I love you!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Nothing Noteworthy? Just Wait One Minute!

An attractive young woman in a very short one piece jean dress, with nice stockings and high heels just walked by (I'm outside Shinjuku Stn). Then a very short buzzcut, unshaven busines suited ape-like man passed by. He must have seen me in advance because as he passed by he said in English, with a leer on his face, "I love fuck. I love fuck." And I thought to myself, "Is that so? Well go fuck a donkey, you ass." After about 10 more paces he turned and waved at me.

*gasp* Maybe he was referring to me!

The things one sees and hears when one looks and listens. There never is a dull moment...

Time to catch the train.

I love you!

Happy Mother's Day! I love you!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Here is another video I made of my trip to visit Max of the Mountains:

Seeking Serenity IX: Aoyama Cemetery - After visiting with The Rock Action Hero, I took a peaceful stroll through this very large cemetery...

YouTube Video Blogging for Japan

I received this great email from Google/YouTube Japan asking the YouTube Japan partners in a project they are working on now. I think this is a fantastic idea, and this is how it goes:

"Hello Japan-based video blogger partners,

We at Google and YouTube Japan have been running several crisis response programs for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that hit Northeastern Japan. Today, we are writing you to ask for your help in a new initiative for Japan.

As you may know, the number of tourists to Japan this March declined by 50% compared to last March. What is most surprising is that many tourists also canceled trips to Osaka, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and other areas that were not directly affected by the disaster.

In order to help tourism in Japan recover from the recent troubles, YouTube/Google Japan will launch a new program called "Japan is Genki, Message from Japan Channel (working title)" to bring together message videos from Japan-based video bloggers who are reporting the conditions of the cities/towns in which they live. The videos will be introductions and promotions of local business, sightseeing spots, events, festivals, restaurants, amusement areas, etc.

If you would like to make a video, please speak your native language and add English subtitles (even if you speak English in the videos, English captions will allow users to translate it to other languages).

Please include in the videos:

- Your name, where you are originally from, where you live in Japan now
- Introduction of the city/town you live now (on-site reports are most welcomed, but shooting in your bedroom is okay too)
- Promotions of local business, site seeing spots, events, festivals, restaurants, amusement areas, and etc
- An encouragement for the audience to visit Japan

We will really appreciate if you can upload the video by May 10. We may introduce some of your videos at the press conference on May 11, at which Google Japan will announcement the project as one of our ongoing initiatives. We are aware that some of you have already made
similar videos, so please feel free to send the videos links if we can include these videos in our program.

We have not decided the official name of the campaign, but will inform you once we have decided. Please add the official program name on your video title, description, or tag. There will be no reward or guarantees paid for your contribution, but you are free to monetize the video. We will promote the video and the central channel including your videos on our homepage, blogs, Twitter, and Facebook.

Please reply back to this email with your video URL when you finish shooting the video. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reply back to this email too.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

YouTube Japan Team"


And you know me, I can't turn down an opportunity to 1) help people, and 2) pimp myself out to the world!

So, here is my very brief (2') blast, on how wonderful Tokyo is. I hope the world enjoys:

I love you!

Yahoo Email "Compromised". Now THAT is "Interesting".

How very fascinating... All day I haven't been able to log into Yahoo Mail from my phone as the system would not accept my password. When I got home and turned the computer on, Yahoo mail automatically logged on. I thought that was unusual so I tried the mobile mail again to no luck. Then I thought I would log out of Yahoo mail on my computer to see what would happen.

Well, much to my surprise there was a window that informed me that Yahoo believes my Yahoo mail address has been compromised (how, Yahoo?) and that I need to change my password immediately. Upon changing the password I was able to log in on both the computer and the mobile site.

Now isn't that "interesting" how a cloud email address on a mega server like yahoo could get... "compromised". It's not like I let other people access my account on the yahoo server or anything like that, so one has to wonder how such a thing might have happened?

Has anyone else run into this today or recently? I AM curious...

I AM also hungry...

I love you!

Strolling Through Aoyama Cemetery

Aoyama Cemetery is a very large and very old cemetery in Tokyo. It is a gorgeous place to visit. The trees and gravestones are just so peaceful. My spirit is calmed here. There is a foreigner Section that is quite old. Most of the people seem to have passed away over 100 years ago. They must have been very important people to have received such a burial here in Japan...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Cherished Chest of Cheese from Chitaly

In the last week of April Sox agreed to purchase and ship my beloved stravecchio cheese. It's a tricky time of the year as the humidity is rising. If the cheese were to get lost for a month or more (as happened in the past), or got delayed in customs for a few weeks and then stored in a warm place for the duration (as happened in the past) then the cheese quality can be severely compromises.

So it was with great trepidation when we decided to ship it on April 26th hoping it would arrive on schedule after the Golden Week Adventure to Shangri-la. There is a fairly small window for error as I will be heading to Canada for two weeks in a scant three weeks.

Today it arrived, just as I was about to head out to buy an international driver's licence for Canada (I no longer have a Manitoba licence) and the meet The Rock Action Hero for a Farewell Japan tour. Today will be the last time we hug in Japan.

Oh! Earlier I gave my seat in the train I'm in now to an elderly lady. In exchange they just gave me a handful of candies.

Today is a red letter day!

I love you!

Three Patty Bacon Egg Cheese Burger Snack

This baby and the beer cost a whopping 2500 Yen but it will be worth it! (beer @ 680yen). JS Burger in Shinjuku. It's definitely not McDonalds...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Out to the Sea and Back

We had another good ride out to the sea, enjoyed coffee and a galette at Uminobozu's coffee shop. The galette was really good: a 100% buckwheat crepe on a plate with ham, cheese, thin slices of tomato and a soft fried egg on top. I should have taken a photo but I was too busy enjoying watching the hot, fit surfer chick squeeze herself out of her wetsuit and then pour fresh water over her bikini-clad body... I think we were looking out over a beach, but I don't recall much beyond the girl.

The ride was the same as Monday but this time I had my cyclocomputer running so I can record the distance of 46.7km and 2hrs 38minutes of riding (total door2door with breaks was 3:55:23).

We enjoyed the bofurin forest along the sea again. The yellow sands of China are not so bad today so the sky was much clearer. I probably would have gotten a good sunburn/tan today but since I have been taking my PEOs for so many years now I rarely get a tan any more as my skin is chock full of the omega fatty acids we require for excellent health.

The futon... well that's a different story. Sleeping on a futon after riding all day leaves me with a locked back the next morning. It is difficult to get dressed, but that's life. Even under normal circumstances futon just don't do it for me any more...

Max dropped me off at the airport and I am about to have an early dinner so we'll catch you in Tokyo again.

I love you!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day Three - Different Route, Same Distance, Same Time. Interesting!

Today we took a completely different course but surprisingly when we got home we discovered that we were pedaling for the same amount of time as yesterday (3hrs) and covered the same distance (47.5km)! That was a surprise.

The Yellow Dust from China kept everything hazy and it bothers Max' throat a bit it seems. But nonetheless even with our arses and "man-chan no tokoro" killing us from yesterday's ride, out we went for another day in the saddle. Of course the total time out and back (4:38:11) was longer than the pedaling time as we took breaks to pick mountain flowers to fry with dinner tonight, to watch a giant frog, to rest our arses and to take video (yes video!), and generally enjoy life (as always). We even stopped and chatted with a roadie for a bit at our destination, Kenmin no Mori, before firing up the campstove, getting the coffee going and digging into our six boiled eggs, 10 weiners and 10 cherry tomatoes.

We crisped up the weiners on the burner this time and on the way back Max didn't complain about weiner burps once! In fact, this morning he said he wasn't going to eat any weiners today as they gave him the weiner burps. But I guess when he saw me enjoying them he changed his mind. He he he... as if I didn't know that would happen.

I'm heading back to tokyo tomorrow evening but if all goes well we should get in another several hour ride out to the sea again. I changed my tires to skinny 1.5in road tires to enjoy a little less rolling resistance tomorrow. We will see how that goes.

Anywhoo, all in all it was another fantastic day in my Shangri-la. Now it's time for a hot, soapy shower. Anybody want to join me? I'll scrub your back, wash your feet and shampoo your hair...

I love you!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hugging Max' 1,300 year old Tree (with a capital "T")

Paula asked me to hug Max' 1300 year old Tree for her...

So I did!

And Stefnee remembers it, too. It's hard to forget a Tree like this... Impossible, actually.

I love you!

Kissing The Water Dragon

Wow... long long LONG ride today. I'm amazed that I can do this much riding after not riding for almost an entire year. I guess that the Tokyo stairs and gym really do help.50km and three mountains. Just like the old days before I met Max! Heck if I'm still in as good a shape as I was 15 years ago that's rockin' it!

Let's keep going. Gotta get back to the Max(i) Pad for a hot shower and then a trip to the supermarket to buy some meat (unfortunately the quantity they eat at their family is about half of what I normally feed on. Throw in this exercise and...)!

I love you!!

P.S. This is Paula's water spirit I am hugging on her behalf. Because I love her!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Max and the Monster Rain Storm

It's 8:25pm and Max just went up to bed (to read his bike parts magazine).

We went out in the rain, thinking to go into the mountains but the rain and wind picked up. So we veered away and rode back through his town, thinking to go home for the day. Then the rain let up so we headed away from the ominous black clouds over the mountains and worked our way toward the sea.

It was a great ride to and along the seaside. Of course we talked about the earthquake and tsunami as we rode. Resting on a hill by the sea we wondered where we would go if a tsunami hit this side of the country. We realized that there would be no escape and the best we could do would be to say goodbye to each other. These kinds of thoughts NEVER occurred to us in the past while looking out over the beautiful sea. Everything changes...

The ride took us to our favourite seaside coffee shop, but having planned to be in the mountains neither of us brought any cash. Umibozu let us put our coffees on a tab! How nice of him. I guess it pays to keep coming back, even all the way from Tokyo. He remembers us and we always have a great chat.

The ride back turned very nasty; the wind picked up to a howl and the rain came pounding down in sheets so heavy we could barely see. But what could we do other than to ride back the hour it took to get home? So we rode.

The shower was hot and felt so good on my cold body. The body soap and shampoo fragrances brought back memories of visiting here regularly. The food Max' mom made was great (though I could eat more meat if they had it which they don't).

Overall a great day, in spite of doing our drowned rat impersonations.

And Max has gone to bed...

I love you!

PS Four hugs given to shy Max so mission accomplished.