Friday, May 6, 2011

Yahoo Email "Compromised". Now THAT is "Interesting".

How very fascinating... All day I haven't been able to log into Yahoo Mail from my phone as the system would not accept my password. When I got home and turned the computer on, Yahoo mail automatically logged on. I thought that was unusual so I tried the mobile mail again to no luck. Then I thought I would log out of Yahoo mail on my computer to see what would happen.

Well, much to my surprise there was a window that informed me that Yahoo believes my Yahoo mail address has been compromised (how, Yahoo?) and that I need to change my password immediately. Upon changing the password I was able to log in on both the computer and the mobile site.

Now isn't that "interesting" how a cloud email address on a mega server like yahoo could get... "compromised". It's not like I let other people access my account on the yahoo server or anything like that, so one has to wonder how such a thing might have happened?

Has anyone else run into this today or recently? I AM curious...

I AM also hungry...

I love you!


  1. Yes I did! Yesterday as a matter of fact. Which was May 5th. I log on briefly before going to work and couldn't get my yahoo to open but didn't have time to fix it. So at work I had some time to get on one of the computers there and log into my email. Got the "compromised" message and the suggestion to change my password. Password changed and voila! I could log on. I find it interesting that you had the same issue. No one uses my email but me either. Maybe I should go change that password again without the prompt. Maybe it was some kind of trick to learn my password!

  2. Oye... hope it doesn't happen to my bf's account. Took 2 years for him to remember his simple password. Now gone are the days he would call me in extreme panic because he could'nt remember.....

    Yahoo!!!! Don't do this to me!!!

  3. Sheila - This also went to my WordPress blog and one person there commented that on May 6th, the same thing happened to them.

  4. For some strange reason every time I want to log in to Yahoo Email it tells me my password is wrong, so I try a second time and it works ? Every time !!

  5. Sharon - Try changing your password to your account.
