Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rise to the Challenge, Man!

I love the title of this article: "Climbers use Viagra to rise to Everest challenge" How... unique!

What a novel use of viagra for a group of (self-proclaimed alpha) male hard core mountaineers.

Imagine using viagra to increase the oxygen capacity to your lungs on the way up to the summit of Everest. Who would have thought?

I wonder if this would be considered "prescribing off-label"? If so, it could get the doctor in trouble when he comes down off his "high".

Also, is this doctor getting payment from Pfizer? They don't mention that in the article. They should, especially these days where transparency is a requirement in the pharmaceutical industry.

The climbers were concerned that it might affect them in "natural ways" on the way up... I could tell them it's not going to happen. I'm a curious guy. One time on a business trip to Italy, while driving in the car, my friend Sox was telling me about his customer who is in his 60s, has tons of girlfriends and brags about all the sex he has. He claimed that he used viagra regularly (customer, not Sox). And so me, being me, I thought it might be cool to try Viagra and see what happens under non-sexual conditions. Would I get an erection? Would I experience anything? Or would it be a limp experience? I wanted to know. So I asked if he could get me some to try. And he did. But it did absolutely nothing for me other than give me a facial rash and a massive headache - exactly as is written in the side-effects section of the the label. I didn't have a sexual partner around at the time there was no occasion to rise to. (damn).

Anyway, the article is interesting and worth a read. But I don't know if I would recommend that extreme athletes start taking Viagra just to get Oxygen into their lungs. There are better ways to do that than through meds (and iffy ones at that).

I love you!

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