Sunday, May 15, 2011

Almost 20km on the Skates Today

Today was a good day, weatherwise. I got out on my skates for about 75 minutes and covered almost 20km. I am able to go longer between breaks now so that's good too. My legs are trashed tonight, though and more than a few times some muscles decided to rebel on me.

Getting out in the sun was nice but the wind was quite strong. It's a good thing I go back and forth 500m rather than all the way out 9km and all the way back.

There were a LOT of people out there today so space was somewhat limited; however everyone seemed in a good mood so the positive energy was flowing. I saw the surfing/skateboarding ojisan-dude and we chatted a bit. A woman from Africa chatted me up while her kids (half Japanese) were all over me with questions about my skates. A beautiful 9 year old black lab barked at me when I gave her my hand to sniff. The owner told me her dog is a scardeycat and doesn't like helmets so I removed mine and we had an agreement, the dog and I. I said hi again to a woman who was practicing with her daughter on one of those articulating two-wheeled non-skateboard looking thingies. She is better on those two inline wheels than I am on my 4X2 inline wheels. I drank about 3L of water and I think my face is a bit sunburned.

Now it's time for dinner, dishes, a shower, rolly, stretches and guitar practice! We'll see how well that goes; my fingers are a bit tender from yesterday;s practice.

I love you.


  1. Good going, dude. How many face plants did you do? And what the HELL is that in the pic?

  2. Steve - Thanks for the moral support! No hills where I practice, so the falls were controlled. And that is, um... dinner.

  3. Yeah. But what IS it * lol *

  4. Yes. Babe. As in the famous Babe in the movies, not to be confused with Ruth.

  5. Pig? It doesn`t look like pig at all, dude. Sorry.

  6. Yep. Thinly sliced pig. It has the appearance of bacon, but isn't so doesn't taste nearly as good, of course. And salting it isn't the same thing.

  7. Dude........ it mostly certainly hasn`t got the appearance of bacon.


  8. Is that the closest they get to bacon in Japan?

  9. Nicebutdim... yes. It's pathetic. Poor Cam....

  10. Seriously? I`m veggie and even I think that`s a disgrace!

  11. It's like.... processed, pressed lunchmeat... the marbled look is simply dark and light meat. It's all the same texture and thickness... If that were the only bacon available to me, I'd pass. (and I'd eat my weight in real bacon when I hit North America!)

    It wasn't good.. it's very very sad. :(

  12. It was pork. Not bacon. Thinly sliced back. BIG mistake to think of it as bacon. It would be like expecting a pork chop to taste like a thick slab of bacon.

  13. Well.. still.... I weep for your lack of real bacon... tis a crime.
