Monday, May 2, 2011

Kissing The Water Dragon

Wow... long long LONG ride today. I'm amazed that I can do this much riding after not riding for almost an entire year. I guess that the Tokyo stairs and gym really do help.50km and three mountains. Just like the old days before I met Max! Heck if I'm still in as good a shape as I was 15 years ago that's rockin' it!

Let's keep going. Gotta get back to the Max(i) Pad for a hot shower and then a trip to the supermarket to buy some meat (unfortunately the quantity they eat at their family is about half of what I normally feed on. Throw in this exercise and...)!

I love you!!

P.S. This is Paula's water spirit I am hugging on her behalf. Because I love her!

1 comment:

  1. I was just looking at that water dragon the other day in my pics... that was a beautiful spot. Also thanks for the "Hug"... will write more later. For now I must do some tasks that need tasking...ugh..
