Sunday, May 29, 2011

Country Music

Good goddess it's a nice day out here in Kobuchizawa (Yamanashi Prefecture) today! I can actually wear a long sleeved dress shirt (untucked and rolled at the sleeves) and feel perfectly comfortable!

The sound of the wind blowing in the trees is extremely relaxing, like music to my ears. I can still see snow in the ravines up in the Yatsugatake range. It is days like this that really remind me how much I loved living in the Fukui countryside, even though the humidity was always above 75% and it rained often. May and October were heaven, like living in Shangri-la.

Mayu and her boyfriend are making a weekend trip up here this weekend. She said she is soooo craving nature! That made me smile. Coming from Tokyo life for 25 years and then living in Fukui for 20 (adult) years changed her in ways that she can feel the primal pull of the goddesses, and not just the lunar one now. That is very good. I love to see how she has grown...

I love you!


  1. That's pretty nice Cam.

    May the rest of your week be at least as nice as this day!!


  2. And you too, John.

    By the way, one of the members of the Kobuchizawa labs is from Fukushima. His mother still lives there. He is in his 50s now, I think. Anyway, he said that she lives about 55km away from the reactors and he is EXTREMELY angry at the government because he says they have lied and been deceitful to everyone living there. They should have followed the original 80km zone that the foreign governments were recommending as even where she lives is completely polluted with the fallout. The peach industry, vegetables, fishing, rice, meat, milk, everything has been destroyed. He is very angry and will never trust this government again.

    But other than that (it came up when I asked him about it), it was a great day!

  3. I hope it flies, John. The project, not your brain, I mean. I have no idea what kind of business it is going to be, BUT I know better than to ask you about it, even privately. I know how well you are able to "keep a secret". And that is good. Your thoughts should only be discussed with your wife, and your business partner; nobody else needs to know the details.

    I look forward to seeing you in the news, and learning in the future how everyone vilifies you, like they do Bill Gates and all the other very successful entrepreneurs. Of course they would all say that you are just in it for the money, that you put the screws to everyone, rip people off, etc. etc. etc. but, well, you know the fox and the grapes story. I wish that people would spend more time appreciating the good things the very rich (not born into richness, but developed it from their greatest asset - their mind) have done and are doing to advance our societies, rather than try to tear them down a notch or two from their sofas, by trying to google anything "bad" about them, and then believing it without actual verification. That saddens me.

    Anyway, when I see that you are being dissed for things like developing YYY programs in Africa/Fukushima ("Just a tax haven"), or developing new businesses and supporting startups ("For control of oil"), etc. then I will know for sure, that you are on the right track, that your business plan was sound, that you were successful.

    At that time make sure that my emails don't get blocked by your executive secretaries, otherwise I won't be able to write you and congratulate you.

  4. If any of my staff block your emails,... they won't be my staff for long,... nor for that matter allowed to stay in Texas!!!

    This whole thing of course is entirely dependent upon having executive staff in the first place, which I'm determined to have fly before my mind does!!!

    I look forward to reading about you in the future as well,... or rather more about you.

    Some how I suspect the stories the media will cook up on you will be far more entertaining and colorful!!! All untrue of course, except for those impossible to make up ones with the wild and unexpected twists of humor and irony. The irony being no one will believe the paparazzi is telling the truth.

    After all, how could that be pulled off using a Texas cattle gate of all things?? How??

    And how did he even think that up??

    Thank you for the well wishes Cam, and keep the same in mind with myself when you find yourself in a similar position!!!

    Most Respectfully,
