Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dance Fever

I'm having big trouble with Multiply loading for me these days, so please bear with me if things go slowly... I don't know why but when I click a page, the entire browser freezes for 5-10 seconds and I never know if it is going to come back or not..... Enough of that...

Jenny posts great dance music that soothes the soul, makes us come alive with the desire to move our souls, to shake our souls... I love the stuff she posts because.. simply... I guess I never grew up with that kind of music. Mayu always teases me and says that in a former life I was probably black because the soul music has always "done something" to me. She has noted that every time I point out a song to her that really moves my soul, it's always that kind of music... so totally different from hers, so different from anything I have been exposed to here these past 20 years here in Japan and so absolutely nothing like the Country & Western that I grew up hearing all the time on Saturday mornings (thanks, Dad). So she wonders where I found my love for it, if not from a former life?

I liked Jen's latest music video she posted. The music didn't move me so much (the reggae style is not as powerful to me as soul stuff), but the story was cute, and I loved the watch the main character has! I want one of those!!! It's called Luv Me Luv Me and you can watch it at that link.

Stephanie posts fabulous Song of the Week music that I really enjoy (except her heavy metal and rock stuff which I never liked even from a young kid). She is always listening to music and has a big variety that she is fond of which never ceases to amaze me how different the stuff she loves can be. Her latest song is by that Jason Mraz guy who sings the "Geek in the Pink" song that her kids made into a dance tribute to me last summer (check that link if you never saw it last year). Her Song of the Week this week is called "I'm Yours" and it is a lot of fun. I tell you... I want to get as close to the edge as possible many times over... and then finally jump and enjoy the whole experience! Care to experience that with me? Hold my hand when we finally jump? You can scream all the way down if you like... but don't be surprised if my screams and laughter and whoops drown you out! (You'll see what I mean).

I really never was good at dancing or music, honestly I played the guitar and practiced it for about 10 years but quit because the music I wanted to play was only on radios and I could only play music I read off score. So, it went by the wayside, because my ear never picked it up well, and I didn't seem to have the rhythm to feel it either.

I remember that on more than one occasion I got seriously laughed at (scoffed at is more appropriately.. perhaps sneered at might even be better?) by one of my long-term girlfriends in my early 20s for looking like a fool on the dancefloor. I think it got hardwired into my brain (having learned about this concept recently, I do believe that is what has happened and why I have been so shy about dancing all these years).

I tried for a while to break that with another girlfriend who loved to go out drinking and dancing at clubs with me. Whew! memories of those wild times!!! That's when I ... I.... did the unthinkable and got my ear pierced *gasp*! Those were good times.


But after I came to Japan things changed and I never had a chance to dance in clubs and bars, at concerts, etc. (admission: I have never been to a real live big concert. ever!) Mayu goes to "lives" or concerts held by her "group" of musicians at live houses where about 100-150 (mostly women) are admitted to sit and listen, and enjoy. They clap their hands a lot, sing along, (make illegal recordings and post them on their fan blogs) but it's not a dance scene.

Then there is the Stardust Revue concert that I have been to with Mayu a few times when they came to Fukui over the years. Bunka Kaikan (Culture Hall) would fill up with a thousand people. Everyone would stand up and all "dance" but the dancing is entirely "choreographed" and everyone is doing the exact same moves with their arms at the exact same time... and I always felt a little weird in that environment because it was like everyone was in on the secret but me! Either that or they were all doing the same "speaking in hands" as some religious holy rolles do... It felt... unccomfortable for me.

Fukui doesn't really offer that kind of bar scene where you can go and dance. I know Tokyo does, but I don't live in Tokyo. The bars here are small, dark drinking and smoking establishments (for men) that have no music playing other than the music of the drunk businessman tossing his fish dinner up into the toilet and I don't really get so moved by that scene other than to move my ass out the door and home!

Soooo other than dancing with the wild boars... their legs are a little too short for me so it gives me a sore back, or the monkeys.. they keep trying to steal the thing they mistake for a banana (I don't understand why), or the bears... who just run when they see me...  I really haven't had an opportunity.

But I always wish I could, and I hope that when the next phase comes along I will be able to be in an environment with friends and loved ones who will love to be with me and drag me out on the dance floor and ENJOY the way I dance like a condor. I really really dooooo....

There is a group of dancers that I have loved all my life... ALL my life... ever since I was young; I think they are the coolest, the free-est, and the most happy go lucky dance troupe I know. I can only hope that one day i can dance like them... I really want to be them on the dancefloor... I think whenever I see them... "I want to be you...."

I wanted to share a dance video with you, but thanks to the big Music Moguls denying embedding, I wasn't able to put it in the videos for you to enjoy. Even going the "click youtube link" route, doesn't work for this one.

So, all I can do is share this link with you here, and hope that you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed it all my life:

I hope you enjoy it!

I love you!



  1. You know.... of all the Cams in the world, you're the Cammest.

    (That bed looked awesome!!)


    Someday, I'm gonna have a black and white spotted little dog... and I'm not gonna name him Snoopy. Nope. I'm gonna name him Charlie. And... I'm gonna love that little dog (or bitch if it's a girl) like there's no tomorrow......

    I think I dance like the girl in the purple.. I toss my hair like that. Hee. Ask Alan. (actually.. I think YOU have it on video!)

    This made my day, Wouk! The music is uplifting... full of memories... and just.... feel good music.

    REAL soul music!

    I love you!


    (or is it I love me, You. I forget...)

  2. back to listen again.....

    Don't feel bad, Cammy Brown, I've never been to a real live Big Concert either.

    AND.... I like the way you dance!!

    When you danced with me in my kitchen!! OMG... one of my favorite memories!! What were we dancing to? Oh yeah!! Everything.... hee hee

  3. Hi Stefnee! Glad you liked it! I love you!
    Hi Jen, Hi Matt! Thanks for visiting! I love you guy and girl!

  4. Jen - Is that really a banana in my shorts or am I just happy to see you?!

  5. That you dance at all adds joy to the world!

  6. I love the peanuts! And that song is great, a little trivia... did you all know that one of the ladies most popular with dance tunes "Fergie" is Charlie Browns little sister's voice.

    Oh and banana dancing.... is it the famous banana dance? I must go see???

  7. Just put a bright spot smack-dab at the beginning of my workday.

    Can a beginning me smack-dab?

    It is now!

    Thank you :)

  8. Multiply keeps kicking me off of pages. I just had to return here 3 times to finish reading this......BTW.

  9. Love that tune... sometimes at gigs, in between songs, I'll start playing it... the band will join in for a few bars, the crowd goes wild... yes, it's a harder-rocking version, but c'mon... EVERYONE loves the Peanuts...

    I used to be so self-conscious about dancing... I spent several months after my wife and split though, going out, watching others dance... I only saw a few people I would really consider "good" dancers... most were just moving, more or less, to the beat... and they were having fun... and no one noticed! So now... I just move... no great shakes as a dancer... but I have a lot of fun. :)

  10. Ohmigosh... that's awesome! And I just realized, SMall Thing has never seen anything Peanuts! What kind of parent am I?!?!

  11. Jaime - Oh My God! Minus Points for YOU!!!!

    Alan - Thanks for the words of encouragement. When I was looking through YouTube for an embedable version, I found a pretty cool heavy metal version of this song. I think I ruptured an ear drum....

    Linda - That's a bonus to me. It means that I can keep you coming.... back.

    Kristen - Glad you enjoyed it! Shall I take you over to Matt's shower now?

    Paula - Very neat trivia! And is there a banana dance? Is that what you learn in dance school with Mr. Dance Partner? *wink* I love you! I miss you!

    Haley - That I WANT to dance.... I love you!

  12. *hangs head in shame and orders DVDs from Amazon*

  13. OMG!!!!

    I have loved Peanuts for ever!

    I was particularly fond of Snoopy and in my freshman year of college friends would get me anything Snoopy for any or no occasion at all.
    Peanuts RULE!!!

    You won't regret it, Jaime!

    Tell us how SmallThing likes it, OK?

  14. Sadly... my kids were not that amused with The Peanuts. *sigh*

    but... they love old Garfield comic books... and Calvin & Hobbs.

    *Spencer, by the way, is the flesh and blood version of Calvin. I swear it. It's uncanny*

    (I'm more of a Lucy)

  15. Kristen - I know. So from now on, every time you tease me I'm going to threaten you with a "shower with Matt". I love you!

  16. Oh Cam... you don't know of Josephine Baker?? And her famous "Banana Dance"? She was and is still touted as the first African American SUPER STAR... the girl had moves and was daring.... she would do her dance in Paris, less dressed of course.... She was lovely and elegant. Here is a clip google her or browse some of her clips on You Tube... she's a great example of a smart woman. She was beautiful, strong... and talented, way ahead of her time!

  17. *scoffs*

    Like that is ever going to be a problem.....

    *wink, wink*

  18. pft....lilke that is ever going to be a problem?

    *wink, wink*

    I think not, Camalicious.

  19. Josephine Baker rocks!

    Jeepers creepers, my hips are tired just watching her.


  20. Cam you need to record youself doing that dance dance revolution video game I know they have them there in godzilla land

  21. Paula - I just put my back out watching her...

    Kristen - I don't know what dance dance revolution is.

  22. Hey, me too! If you're ever in Northern California, be sure to visit the Charles M. Shulz museum in Santa Rosa -- lots of Peanuts and Snoopy artwork and memorabilia.

    I happen to appreciate just how wonderful it would be to be Snoopy, happily fed, laying atop his doghouse. Yep -- that would be me. :-)

  23. I never have heard of.... Josephine Baker.... whew.... she's ... wow.

    Neat little documentary there Paula!

  24. Yes, Paula, thank you for that education. Very interesting! Does everyone (except Stefnee and I) know who Josephine Baker is?

  25. Yup! She was one of many African Americans who left in sort of self exile in Paris since this country was none to friendly toward Black peformers, writers and artists.

    There's a tv movie from a few years back. It was pretty good. Better google it or check INDB for who was in it... one of the biggies oof Blace actresses... not Hallee, was it Angela?

    will get back to yas

    Oh she also adopted a litter o' children and provided them a fine lif as she was quite wealthy.

    She was pretty awesome.

  26. Is anyone else having trouble with Multi being so s l o w???

  27. I'm not.. but I know Cam was...

    They're having trouble with Hurricane Stuff there...

  28. Okay... lemme see if this works... one of the best bass players ever...

  29. Mic used to play bass for me...I'd just sit and watch, listen for hours.

  30. Linda - And now? He plays the mouth harp?

  31. He is amazing. His name is Stuart Hamm. He plays for a rocker named Joe Satriani, but there are several videos on youtube where he plays bass solos live... he does a heartwrenching version of "Moonlight Sonata"...

  32. Monlight Sonata is my favorite Beethoven song... It's one of the like.... 5 songs... I can still play on the piano. That.. and just about any christmas song.

    Love Beethoven.

  33. Cam....LOL...yeah, mouth harp.....

    Sold all his string instruments. :)
