Thursday, September 25, 2008

Little BroBrat has lost his Cat

NOTICE:  These two photos were taken on the 24th of September after coming back from the vet with "our cat", Kimagure Keiko. They are the most recent pictures in our posession.

If you have seen this cat, or know of his whereabouts, please contact us immediately at!


I have been barricading Keiko into our outer genkan just to keep him around and prevent him from wandering off in his weakened state. I really didn't want him hobbling off on weak rear legs, skinny from possible starvation, and getting a falling injury, being run over by an automobile, or carried off by some hungry hawk that is looking for struggling weak, feeble food... (or poisoned by an eternally angry dickheaded neighbour).

Yesterday Keiko pushed the gate open and left.

I had put him on the ground inside our outer genkan to eat and drink (he is eating a lot, and drinking a lot and has always had a very large appetite). Then I came back into the house for an hour or so, and spent time getting stuff ready for an 11am meeting. When I went outside again to go, Keiko was nowhere in sight.

I scoured the streets, the neighbourhood, and even drove up and down each street here, but alas I could not find him.

He did not come back last night.

It has been very windy, stormy and raining all day today as well, and Keiko is not back. It's too bad because he finally seemed like a cat that liked us; I could pick him up, carry him around, put him out for a pee (looong pees), watch him hobble back and want to get back up on his bed, pet him for a prolonged time like I was able to do with Stefnee's cats... No more hissing, no more running away, no more shying away when I tried to touch him.

But I don't see him anymore.

Maybe Keiko will show up when he's sick and needs more medical attention. I had better save my yennies.....

Have a nice evening.

I love you!



  1. Gawd that cat is like a runaway kid!!!

    I hope you find him REAL soon Cam.

  2. ohhhhh,, Keiko...

    He's used to the wild... as wonderful and loving as you and Mayu are, it's in his nature to run free.

    i hope he'll be back and that he'll be ok while he's ootnaboot...

  3. maybe he has to get back to his Kitty Wife and Kitty Kids

  4. Sorry to hear this, Cam... hope he returns.

  5. Actually, the fact that he was well enough to walk on out is a testament to you and Mayu, Cam.

  6. He's prolly an outdoor kittykitty, CammyCammy...... I bet he comes back later when he needs a safe place ;)

  7. Like a teenager that has the burning desire to sneak out of the house through the window at night to hang out with his/her friends. Know of any? Were you?

  8. Sorry, that was a general "you", not a Jaime, "you". My humblest.

  9. It was funnier when it was a Jaime "you"... :P

  10. A cat? Never. A burning teenager? Also not ever. A bad child? Very much so.

  11. Any news?

    Well i'm sure he's doin his cat thing.

    Hope you see him again soon.

    I kove you!

  12. My kitty likes to go out but always comes back.

    Don't have a teenager of my own...yet - I watch my sisters kids from a distance and dread the day.

    I never did sneak out the house. Had no desire to. Meh.

  13. Oh I know how stressful this is.. I'm happy he was feeling better..

    I hope he comes home soon.


    I love you!

  14. Keiko....Here kitty kitty! : ) Please come home!
