Friday, September 26, 2008

Keiko: Solar Paneled Cat

The temperatures dropped in the night. It was quite chilly outside compared to most of September. The temperatures dipped down to about 54F outside, and 55F inside... The nice thing is that the humidity is down to a dry 60-80% so it isn't too bad at all. Unless you are sleeping under summer-weight towel-blankets.

This morning, because the temps dipped in the night, I awoke to both of my feet cramping, the arches cramping, the toes cramping. I was able to get the cramps out of one of them, but no sooner had I accomplished that "mean feet", than the other one decided to cause me consternation. So I got up, hobbled around until they were not looking so much like talons anymore, got dressed and went outside just to see if Keiko had come back.

Keiko was standing there looking at the genkan, shivering, wondering how to step up. I filled up a bowl of cat food and he gorged on that. Then I fed him 1/3 of an uncooked hamburger and he devoured that. When I came back, he was up sitting in his chair, shivering.

This cat is REALLY skinny.. his bones stick out all over the place, and instead of having strong shank and thigh muscles, they are concave (not a good sign).

We did our morning rituals here in the house as usual. I was just sitting here enjoying my coffee when I heard this thud! Crash! and I knew what was going on....

Keiko was in the midst of attempting another prison break!

So I went outside and saw that he had jumped over the low blockade, and had attempted to push the high one out of the way. But instead of being successful, I guess he knocked it down on top of himself and it had pinned him to the sidewalk. What a silly cat!

I decided to let him wander around out there, but he lay on the concrete for a while to get some warmth, perhaps. Then he got up and hobbled around, collapsing on the wet moss in the yard (no grass, just gravel). He tried to get up after possibly realizing his mistake, but couldn't. So I picked him up, carried him back to the walk, "knocked him down" again and left him there. A few minutes ago I went out to see if he had left and he was back in the genkan drinking water. Then I peeked out again and he was back up in his chair.

I just put the chair out in the sun to see if he likes that.... he seems to be staying there quite happily. (A double check and then a triple check reveals that he is still there... so I took the next photo.)

Maybe he will be here later, maybe not. Maybe he will return, maybe not. I just do worry because his body is far too concave for his own good, and he really can barely walk. Who know? Maybe a wild (hungry) monkey will get him for a snack in the middle of the night, though I must admit that the monkey would probably be rather disappointed at the lack of meat on Keiko's young bones. An emaciated cornish game hen might be a better catch...

Perhaps Keiko is a Solar Paneled Cat...

I'm going riding.

I love you!



  1. Keiko is the biggest problem child I've ever read about!!!

    I'm real glad he's back.

  2. Sounds like a typical tom cat. ;o) Comes 'n' goes 'n' sometimes eats well 'n' sometimes doesn't. Lucky to have found you, is Keiko! *winks 'n' grins*

  3. he's found his home. roundabout way, but he's found his safe least we can hope he has enough good sense to realize a good thing when he's got it!

  4. I had a cat once that would NOT stay home, no matter how cold it was.....this cat was a barn cat turned pet. I could not STAND to open the door for her, because I KNEW she may not come home. So, I started keeping her in. Mic warned me that she would not go for that (his cat). I said "Pooh, I am trying."

    She started peeing in the house.

    I opened the door for her.

    A year later she was gone for over 2 weeks and we knew she was not coming home.

    Stink (her name) would LOVE to climb in strangers opened car doors, trunks, whatnot. I think someone transporterd herwithout knowing.....who knows? But she was definitely not happy staying inside.

  5. Aww bless... he is so lucky ot have you both..I remeber my cat deepley returning after a fight all battered he would not let me take him ot the i nursed him..he never left my side..aww blesss im hopeing your little pussy cat will be fine...
    it is hard to see an animal or human in that condition...
    while Sajid wa sin hospital earlier this year he was so frail I remeber him trying to walk to the bathroom like he had jelly tore my heart..Thank god he is much better now but his body mass is still very low..hugs to you all with love joolsx

  6. Cool here last night also Cam. Down to plus 3 C I think thats abour 38 F but the house only dropped to 21.5C thats around 71F..(NO FURNACE CAM ). Keiko seems to be a pain in the butt. Does Mayu get this much attention.??

  7. Cats love to roam around, especially if it is a male. Have several male cats and they are always on the go. I am glad that Keiko came back home. Was chilly here this morning, got down in the 40's. Hopefully Keiko is home to stay.

  8. This morning it is 10/50 outside, and 12/54 inside. It is a bit chilly. We are both wandering around with fleece blankets... The cat has a blanket on him, too

  9. Maybe he'd like a nice lil sweater to keep him warm.
    Maybe the Fabric Goddess could make him a lil kitty jacket.

  10. You guys are just trying to keep him there with that blanky... if he had his very own lil jacket he could go back to tom-cattin around the neighbourhood, all toasty and stylish!

    Ooooh... maybe a little teeny kimono... yeah that's the ticket!

  11. Mayu was just outside. He wanted to get up so she put him on the ground. He wandered out to the hydrangea, peed, then wandered back, struggled up the step to the genkan then stood there shivering, and staring up at his chair again.... Now he is back looking like that photo you see here. I wonder what he would be like in a kittymono? Probably the laughing stock of the canmunity.

  12. He's SOOOO cute.

    And i don't really like cats.

  13. i made a traveling litter box out of small tub. he wants to be part of a pack, Cam!!!

  14. you and Mayu could be his new pack, but he needs to enter 'the space'.

    (notes: I clean the small litterbox every day when I feed. it's no muss, fuss and they always come home to roost at night)

  15. he'll be so happy when he knows he has a pack!

  16. The thing about indoor outdoor cats...

    What i REALLY hate.....

    I when the go hunting and feel the need to share evidence of their kill with you.

    My bosses Cat, Freddy met me in the parkinglot last week with a still living snake in his mouth...UGH

    And a friend once told me of the discovery of her cat's "prize" when she shoved her foot into her slipper one morning.

    A dead mouse surprise would have been bad enough...

    The half a mouse was more than i would be able to handle... OY!

  17. Give That Cat some EFA's and see if that helps.

  18. Jen - He's barely able to walk to go and pee.. I don't think he's going to bring home much more than de-pressurized bladders for a while...

    Rachel - Great idea!!! (Mayu is actually giving the cat other oils, stuff that she is researching and experimenting with these days... interesting experiment, I must admit).

  19. we gave our Toby PEOs... they work!

    Keiko is.. so sweet, Wouk...

    *kitty kisses*

  20. You gave Toby Pee - eee - ooh!s ? No wonder I broke your sink!

  21. Know what song is going through my head??

    What's new kitty-moo? Woah, Woah
    What's new kitty-moo? Woah, Woah
    kitty-moo, kitty-moo
    I've got flowers
    And lots of hours
    To spend with you.
    So go and put on your cute little kittymono!
    Kitty-Moo, Kitty-Moo
    I love you
    Yes, I do!
    You and your Kitty-Moo nose!
    What's new Kitty-Moo? Woah, Woah
    What's new Kitty-Moo? Woah, Woah
    Kitty-Moo, Kitty-Moo
    You're so thrilling
    And I'm so willing
    To care for you.
    So go and put on your cute little Kittymono!
    Kitty-Moo Kitty-Moo
    I love you
    Yes, I do!
    You and your Kitty-Moo face!
    What's new Kitty-Moo? Woah, Woah
    What's new Kitty-Moo? Woah, Woah
    Kitty-Moo, Kitty-Moo
    You're just precious
    And if my wishes
    Can all come true
    I'll soon be petting your sweet little Kitty-Moo head!
    Kitty-Moo, Kitty-Moo
    I love you
    Yes, I do!
    You and your kitty-moo lips!
    You and your kitty-moo eyes!
    You and your kitty-moo nose!

  22. o.O I didn't know that was a real song.

    I always say KittyMoo... but.. had no clue........

  23. Now you should go and post (in small size of course) the youtube video where they sing it... I know that if anyone can find it, YOU can, Stefnee!

  24. It's taken from the song by Tom Jones, "What's New Pussycat?" My bring is inserting words and I can't stop it!

  25. bring = brain!

    See! Brain inserts other words...ACK!

    And I got Kitty-Moo from YOU, Stef!

  26. well, I found THAT song.. and this version made me laugh and laugh!!

    enjoy!! KD Lang..

  27. well I'm glad! certain things that people have been saying have been sticking and that's just how it came out! Now we need to find someone to make a video SINGING that song! That parody would be GREAT!

  28. Is that gotch they are tossing at her?

  29. I was thinkin it was a Furry convention...

    What with the costumes.

    That's some freaky stuff, according to my funny, freaky son.

  30. I KNOW WHAT FURRIES ARE!!!! Freaky, nah... to each his own... but.. it makes me giggle!!

    Cam, Yes, gotch... did you hear what she said at the end? That's what made me laugh the most....

  31. Stef knows Furries...
    wonderin about her now... hmmmmm

    Yeah i can see her in a cat costume....

  32. Hee hee!

    I know about them because they were on CSI once... some furry got killed.. and they were investigating it... so.. I googled it.

  33. Colin attended a Furry convention last year for a pshcy paper.

    he said they were all very nice... some were shy, some outlandish.

    No overt sexual behaviour. Just sorta .... weird (?)

    Not so different from the "club kids" who were all the rage in NYC a few years back.

    Hey... takes all kinds....

  34. I just love it because... there's a fettish for everything! And... hey... something for everyone, right?

    I would LOVE to go to a convention.. just to see it!! omg. That would be awesome. Imagine the BLOGGING possibilities!!!

  35. Steffnee!!!


    Is that YOU????


  36. Interesting Fetish. I've never heard nor seen furries before.... plenty of fur... but no furries... Cute picture, Jen! Those open palms are just sooo inviting!

    We do have young women who love to dress up in .... jumpsuit animal jammies with big animal headed hoodies, and wear ... Hello Kitty plastic "healthy slippers"... (as Dunnster blogged about in the past), but I've never seen these little animals before... Not out here in Fukui anyways... Although I LOVE the colour of this furrie's hair! I think that Sheila would look frikkin awesome as a Furry, don't you?

    Stefnee - Hallowe'en is just around the corner... if you made this costume... well, aside from being in a LOT of trouble with all the men at the party... you would certainly win the most prizes there are! (Just take Scooter, PLEASE!"!!!!)

    Time to go and iron my shirt. I don't know if I'll have an iron at the hotel, so... don't want to pack wrinkled shirts, nope.

  37. "We do have young women who love to dress up in .... jumpsuit animal jammies with big animal headed hoodies, and wear ... Hello Kitty plastic "healthy slippers".

    They are Furries too i think, Cam.

    Not all the costumes are as elaborately made as that on on Stef (hehehe...).

    Some are just store-bought chintzy Halloween costumes, or the things that school mascots wear.

  38. You are welcome Cam. I just figured that you were already feeding the cat EFA's Because......... well.............. You are so wild about them.

  39. Have fun with the IRON. I do NOT iron. I send clothes to the cleaner just so I don't have to iron them. The only time that I use the iron is to Sew, and then only when there is no other way But to iron

  40. keep struggling, maybe the bones were broken and set without medical attention, get a funny look.

  41. Just watched him get into his chair this morning. He paws at the clot there until it is out of the way, then digs his claws into the nylon, then pulls his body up with his front legs until he can hook one foot into the X frame of the chair. He rests there, then when ready pulls himself up the rest of the way. It's an ordeal, that's for sure...
