Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Basket Case

I took Keiko to the vet this morning to have him examined and have some tests performed on him. We want to understand why I found him with no leg strength in his rear left leg, and motor skills that mimic my dying Tug to a "T" just languishing in the middle of the road about six or seven houses down the street..

I took him in our grocery basket; it was extremely easy to do and he put up no fight whatsoever. He was unusually quiet, and only got a bit "hissey" when I took a corner and the basket tipped over spewing him about. Keiko did try to climb out twice, but I just tapped his hind quarters and "knocked him down" as I used to do with Tug when I wanted him to sit still and then he was quiet.

At the vet in Katsuyama, we waited for about 10 minutes before heading into the examining room. The first thing that the vet noted is that Keiko is 500g SKINNIER than when Mayu first found him on his last legs, flea and lice-ridden back in June! How strange.... because we have been feeding him twice a day a LOT of food for three months... but it very well could explain his lack of muscling if he hasn't been getting any food for the two weeks we haven't seen him.

Please take a look at my video, This is Keiko: The Final Journey, if you have no idea of what I speak.

The vet noted that the inside of Keiko's mouth is very red (i.e. possibly infected). But his skin and fur looks as healthy as it has ever been!

Then they gently but firmly held him down, stuck a probe up his bum (he was rather loud at that time) and took some blood.

I put Keiko back in the basket and we waited outside the exam room for the comprehensive test results to come back. About 10-15 minutes later, as Keiko quietly, but attentively eyed the monster dogs that came and went, the vet came out and told us that aside from a fever, and that red mouth, as well as a high white blood count indicating a possible infection, Keiko is as healthy as an ox!

I had him tested today for feline aids, feline leukemia, liver illnesses, kidney illnesses, white blood cell and red blood cell counts, and some other tests. All came back negative, aside from the high wbc count.

We gave him an antibiotic injection, and are supposed to take him back again in two weeks (if he hangs around and lets us, right?)

I only paid $150 for all these tests (I'm pretty darn sure that back home it would have cost a LOT more) and then took Keiko banking, post officing, and then home. We ate some (he ate some) raw chicken, some dry cat food, drank some water, went for a long pee and stumbled around. I put him back up on his chair for the afternoon and got to work. I checked in every once in a while, then took him out and he peed again. He tottered back, ate some more raw chicken (as if it was his first meal in ... two weeks?) and cat food. Then I put him back up on his chair and (*checking*).. Keiko is still there, all curled up in a little ball.

So.. what can I say? How many lives does he have left? I have no idea.

I took some more video footage and will piece it together in a day or two when I have some time.

Weird... weird....

Well, at least we know if the supermarket foods continue to go through the roof, we'll have some healthy meat on hand!

Here is the shopping list:

  • Lettuce
  • Tomatoes
  • Celery
  • Tofu
  • Stray Cat
  • Dish Detergent
  • Mayonnaise
  • Coffee
  • BBQ Sauce
  • Potatoes
  • Black Pepper
  • Garbage Bags
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Nair Hair Remover
  • Onions
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Jack Daniels

I love you!


P.S. When it was time to go there were about six or seven people in the waiting room. I picked up the basket that Keiko was in (see image above), looked at everyone, put on a big smile and said, "Well, it looks like it's time to continue my grocery shopping for today's dinner!" They all burst out laughing and waved at me as I left the premises.


  1. Hmmm... curious. You'll have to keep us posted as to his progress.

    And... Jack is supposed to go at the top of the list...

  2. If the Jack Daniels, NAIR, or BBQ sauce are for the cat's use then you are a sick, sick man, Mr. Switzer.

  3. I can't imagine NOTHING is wrong with him? I dunno... Pharaoh has had similar leg issues and he's less interested in play lately, but we chalked that up to changing season.

  4. Cam, I am soooooo glad nothing is seriously wrong.

    Here, that would have cost me a paycheck to get those tests done......

    Hmmm....I see nothing on the list that you can mix the JD with. Straight up?

  5. I, too, am VERY glad that Keiko is better than was first thought.

    Maybe the infection in his mouth has stopped him from eating. When cats are sick, it's normal for them to go off on their own and maybe that's what he did for those two weeks.

    An infection! I am so f*&cking relieved!!!! Poor little babies can't get the help they need without aide from a human and I'm so glad he picked you and Mayu to look after him :D

  6. That's a good point - maybe the hard food hurts sensitive bits of his mouth?

  7. Gosh, maybe I've been spoiled by vets, but usually I can get all those tests for about the same amount? o.O Are vets just really expensive in some parts of the world?

  8. Jaime - Are your vet costs subsidized by the military, by any chance? I KNOW the GEORGE FORMAN GRILLS you can get on base are shockingly cheap....

  9. LOL That they are ;o) I have it, I just need to get my butt out and SHIP IT. *hangs head*

    We only took Vegas to the base vet - the kitties were cared for out in town. The cats haaated the base vet. Dunno why, but Vegas didn't seem to care one way or the other.

  10. A vet here could cost near on 2 grand.

    Vets are ridiculously priced here. I'd be better off taking my pets to a human hospital for x-rays and blood work.

    The fact that you got it back after such a short wait is a minor miracle, too. Here, you'd get the results the next day, while you pet stayed at the vet, for a price, of course.

  11. Anybody else have experience with "Global Vetting"? I'd love to hear your stories of planking, hidden costings, pirates, scuttlebutts, and backstabbing!

  12. Aw Im glad hes still with you..I could not watch the video befoer I thought it was his ni e to find this blog today love to all joolsx

  13. Aw Im glad hes still with you..I could not watch the video befoer I thought it was his ni e to find this blog today love to all joolsx

  14. Isn't "yaki" grilled??? Or am I just confused? o.O

  15. Yes it is, it was my "Yaki Nikku" pun, because of Cam's last line.

  16. No pun intended. Look at the delicious side dishes that are going with the yaki neko!

  17. Dish detergent is for afterwards, not to be used as a seasoning, right?

  18. Sicko Japanese humour...

    Glad Keiko's doing better.

    I love you.

  19. The Jack Daniels is for marinade, and the detergent is to "cut the grease" while cleaning up.

  20. I'm disappointed you're buying Jack when you can get Crown Royal for under ¥2,000!

  21. Jack is better for marinades... Crown is better straight!

  22. I do have several bottles of Woodford Reserve, the BEST Bourbon in the Multiverse. I'll let you try it when you visit, Matt. You will NOT be disappointed!

  23. I'm glad things went so well, Cam.

    am I the only one who's never had bourbon?

  24. Better hide that bourbon when I visit!!

    I'm glad you are able to take care of Keiko. He's a lucky cat!

    Jaime... military vets are waaaaay cheaper. oy.


  25. Glad to hear that Keiko is eating and doing better, let us know how things are going.

  26. Stefnee - If you ever visit, the bourbon is ALL yours! I love the smoothness, but it doesnt love me!

  27. Just what are you putting Nair on Cam? Will we see a hairless Keiko or a hairless Cam? *giggle*

    I was worried it might be feline leukemia. Now I don't know what the heck it is!

  28. Amy - Keiko has lots of hair. I'm not a fan of eating lots of hair... especially in this day and age of trimming styles...

  29. omg you crack me up!
    in PR i took my nearly dead Maboya to a vet who was under construction
    he treated her (and 4 other animals) on the side street while workers hammered away at the new building. He charged me $10 for some medicine that saved her life. nothing more.
    perhaps she is related to keiko. in that interconnectedness that we all are.
