Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Japanese Rice Cycle: Harvest

We took you on an adventure during the planting of the rice seedlings back during Golden Week in May. Now it is time for the harvest of this golden staple of Japan.

Follow us as we meander around the rice paddies ("tambo") enjoying the morning breeze, and smelling the fragrant aroma of freshly cut rice.

If you would like to review the planting in May, please watch, Japanese Rice Cycle: Golden Week Planting .


  1. Don't have time to watch this one right now... I'll try to catch it later tonight..

  2. Thanks for popping in, Alan. I know it's a bit long, but I think you'll like it. It's something that could be used to teach children about different cultures, and stuff around the world.

  3. oh my god!!! your combines are so little!!!! ours are GINORMOUS!! of course... our wheat fields are hugerer... way hugerer than these wee rice paddies. I love that they use the wee trucks to haul the rice.... we have huge farm trucks.

    Very cool prOHcess, Cam. Thanks for sharing!

    We have crews like that around here too. Smaller farmers use Harvest Crews that come in with their own machines and crews and harvest. Bigger farms though... still have their own.


  4. wonderful...nature and the staple dietxx thank you hugs camxx

  5. That was so interesting, I loved watching it and seeing how it is done and all of the different machines used. I also marveled at how well you speak Japanese !!

    We are a fishing community here , but it sounds almost like the same kinds of problems with fishing and selling our lobster. Some fishermen got together like the rice farmers did and got a better price for the lobster bypassing the buyers here who have all gotten together and put a fixed price on lobster and there was no more competition and they all made good money and the fishermen got less and less money, The fishermen who made their own company and sold straight to the factories did really good until the head of this little group started to get greedy and found away to get more money for himself as most always happens and the group fell apart sadly. Also while fishing it is very difficult to fix all the problems of dealing with a company at the same time.

  6. Stefnee - My latest National Geographic has an article on the problems with soil around the world. One of the places they focus on is Kansas. Another is Wisconsin. They talk about the HUGE combines there where the tires alone are bigger than a man is tall. I thought of you when I was taking the video today.

    Sharon - Greed will always do one in. As our "spiritual advisor" said the other day, you must always do things for others, and never for yourself. If you focus this way, you will be taken care of.

    Jools - Thank you!

  7. I Like rice! Having some for dinner. YMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Ha! You played in chicken poo!

    OOps, previous comment of mine......YMU is Lindaladise for YUM :)

  9. Hm..............I am stuck on 3:49.......has not gone further in about 2

    I'll come back later. Time for some wine.

  10. Didn't make it to this last night... too tired after band practice... will watch tonight...

  11. Alan - NO problem at all my friend! Take your time, it isn't going anywhere! The simple fact that you came and let me know you wanted to but couldn't, and then again to let me know that you couldn't says VOLUMES! Thank you very very much!

  12. Linda - Did you ever get past 3:49? (I'm glossing over the chicken poo)

  13. lol....not yet! Working on teletracking at home....2 cell phones to my ears and typing to you........I NEED WINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Ok... typing as I watch...

    Uhm... chickenshit? LOL....

    Strange... I've never seen rice before that wasn't cooked, or in an Uncle Ben's box... odd how it looks so much like wheat...

    Big Co-ops... nothing new there... they've driven many Midwestern farmers here in the U.S. into bankruptcy...

    Very interesting video... I'm still baffled at exactly how the combine separates it all... maybe I'll spend some time researching that... still, I learned something... so today wasn't wasted :)

    Question: It's obviously late summer there... is Japan ante or sub-equatorial?

  15. Alan, Tokyo, Fukui are on the same Latitude as Raleigh, NC. Asahikawa the center city of the northernmost island is between 41-46N latitude which is roughly where Washington State is. Kagoshima City, the southern tip of Kyushu, the southern big island is 31N or further south than Charleston, NC, and the Okinawa islands are a really long string that extend waaaaaay out. Naha, is the capital of the Okinawa chain islands at latitude 26N which places that city somewhere northof Mazatlan.

    Summer is just ending... so the day temps are 90F and the night temps are 65F.

    Does that help you to relate to our location? By the way, the temperatures in Asahikawa range from 95F to -25F while here in Fukui it goes to 100F in the summer to +15 in the very coldest of winter. And houses are not insulated here.....

  16. Thanks, Cam. I was thinking–probably because I never really thought about it–that Japan was sub-equatorial, or at the least, on the equator somewhat. That's a pretty big spread in lattitudes, too, from Washington to Mazatlan.

    No insulation? Sounds like good snuggling weather :)

  17. Alan - Unfortunately, it isn't, to be honest... Mayu and I have a saying that has held true pretty much the entire 19 years here:

    In the summer it is "too hot to fuck".
    And in the winter it is "too fucking cold".

    (sorry Mom....)

  18. insertAudioReply('camswitzer:video:88','upload-camswitzer-88','');

  19. Ooh! What a wonderful voice!!! Yaaaay!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! THANK YOU PAULA!!!!

  20. Indeed
    Coops happened in VT as well.
    Everyone knows Cabot Cheese.
    Booth Brothers Milk as well
    Small Farmers get the knife, while consumers get nailed as well.
    Too bad really.
    I guess this is another reason why I am not a farmer or a farm worker anylonger.
    Excellent Vid Cam

  21. Crap thats right, it was your Bday!
    I should have remembered since mine was sunday!
    Happy Birthday my friend
