Thursday, September 25, 2008

Something's Fishy about Fish Oils

Well, gang, it's time to "explode" your understanding of health issues again with a great newsletter from YES Supplements (my PEO guys and girls). Brian Peskin, my guru was asked to speak at a giant medical-related seminar... and it's about time! Things are finally starting to change big time as the truth that Brian has pieced together on health, carbohydrates, cancer, obesity, and the necessary essential fatty acids is catching on with doctors who are now seeing their own irrefutible results.

I'll let this newsletter tell you the entire story.

I love you!


P.S. I thought I'd also let you know that Brian and Ken, the CEO of YES Supplements will be here in October to talk about a company that wants to import the YES Supplement products and market them here. They will be meeting with that company in Osaka and I'll be heading over to meet them. I am sooo glad that they have finally found a (rich enough) company to want to bring them here.


BoulderFest 08 Experience
August/September 2008

BoulderFest is a lecture/seminar event with nutritionally-related medical information presented by and for practitioners. It is hailed as "The Latest Findings in Nutritional Medicine, Featuring World-Renowned Speakers from Across the Globe." Taking place in Broomfield, Colorado, July 17th - 20th, the event proved to be quite exciting.

Professor Peskin was invited by Crayhon Research, Inc., the organizer of this renowned event, after a doctor familiar with Peskin's work insisted he be included as a speaker.

Professor Peskin's presentation challenged the conventional wisdom with respect to cancer and cardiovascular disease. In particular, his talk put to the test their incorrect "recommendations" for EFAs, which have allowed these leading killers to reach epidemic levels in the USA and around the world. Most importantly, his presentation provided a strategy to successfully avoid either of these diseases based on the meticulous research of Nobel Prize-winner Otto Warburg, MD, PhD.

Professor Peskin's lecture followed one of many "experts in the field" on the "benefits" of supplementing the diet with Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids extracted from fish oil. Brian deftly showed the errors in the preceding lecture but diplomatically kept the focus on state of the art scientific information instead of the all too common ad hominem attack.

Professor Peskin, as always, was in peak performance. The PowerPoint presentation used to complement his lecture was filled with rock-solid references from medical textbooks as well as the world's leading medical journals, followed by incredible real-life results and information supporting all of the points made from all angles. Nothing was left unanswered or incomplete.

BoulderFest 08 was a huge success and many practitioners and their patients will be greatly helped by Professor Peskin's presentation. Here is what the editor of UK's CAM Magazine had to say about his presentation:

"Thanks for a great presentation. Your talk was worth the price of the whole BoulderFest." -Simon Martin, Editor, CAM Magazine (UK) - For practitioners of complementary & alternative medicine.

The Problems with Fish Oil -- It Isn't EFAs!

WARNING: Popular health writers and nutritionists do NOT understand the difference between "parent" EFAs and "derivatives"! They do not take into consideration that most, if not all, foods contain substantial amounts of damaged omega 6 EFAs, which are NOT used by the body!

If you follow the nutritional news you will find that many nutritionists and doctors are still expounding the virtues of fish oil (and excessive amounts of flax oil) in order to supplement the essential fatty acids that our bodies require. The problem with this belief is that it is completely ineffective in improving one's health. In fact, our health as measured by virtually all credible groups has gotten worse while skin cancer rates in particular, have exploded. This should be your first "red flag" that gets you thinking that perhaps conventional wisdom is dead wrong.

We found a great number of practitioners at BoulderFest 08 who still believed in the benefits of fish oil, despite all of the information published to the contrary. Many were moved by the professor's presentation and ready to change their recommendations accordingly!

If you surf the net regularly for information on nutrition and how to become healthier, you will find that fish oil is constantly promoted as being an excellent source of "much needed omega 3 essential fatty acids". These scientists, doctors and nutritionists also try to tell you that we already get a huge amount of omega 6 essential fatty acids in our diet and that we only need to take omega 3. The problem with this thinking is the omega 6 fatty acids in foods are mostly damaged in the first place, and secondly that there are no omega 6 derivatives in frying oils at all!

Your body requires "parent" omega 6 and "parent" omega 3 essential fatty acids (hereafter known as PEOs, or parent essential oils), but fish oil contains almost NO "parent" oils. Fish oils have 10 times more derivatives that the body makes on an "as needed" basis from the parent oils. This means that by ingesting fish oils, contrary to what we are led to believe, we get a very harmful pharmacological overload of omega 3 series derivatives. Research shows that an incorrect balance of the critical parent omega 6:3 ratio or an overdose of derivatives can exacerbate health problems; therefore it is essential to find the right balance.

Your tissues require "parent" omega 6 and "parent" omega 3 (2.5:1 to 1:1 is ideal in a supplement range), but no fish oil supplement provides this ratio in adequate amounts.
There are numerous articles on "EFAs" to be found containing some good information, but nearly all of these articles lack a basic understanding of the difference between "parent" and "derivative" EFAs (Parent omega 3 = ALA & Parent omega 6 = LA - all others are derivatives).

Avoid standard off-the-shelf EFA supplements which primarily contain derivatives. They are not going to give your body what it needs.

It bears repeating. Most of the omega 6 consumed in our diet is processed and ruined so you require much more UNADULTERATED, UNPROCESSED parent omega 6 than the industry currently believes.

This incorrect recommendation will not provide sufficient unprocessed parent omega 6 and will give you an excess of omega 3 and omega 3 series derivatives. Science clearly states that too much omega 3 is immune system depressing, cancer- causing, and can lead to excess internal bleeding; the opposite of what we desire. Companies intending to help you may actually be causing you greater harm if they don't have this science upon which to base their product development.

Please read "The Scientific Basis of the Optimal Omega 6/3 Ratio" (a $49.95 value you can download for free) at This will give you a much better understanding regarding the importance of the correct balance of these essential parent oils.

Were you aware that fish have no oil glands from which to extract their "goodness"? That's right. In order to get the oil out of the fish it must be "juiced", in a process that is not unlike turning wood into slurry. This pressing, boiling, mashing, and chemical extraction of many common (cheap) off the shelf omega 3 supplements produces harmful and biologically inactive fatty acids that become severely damaged from heat and chemical processes.

If this misunderstanding on the correct balances of the omega fatty acids in fish oil isn't enough to make you concerned, there is another problem that nutritionists and doctors rarely talk about, and that is the pollutants in the environment in which the fish live.

There are very few bodies of natural water left where pollutants and toxins do not exist. Therefore, it is likely that we could easily be consuming a large amount of toxic heavy metals, PCB's, and other harmful elements along with our fish oil supplements. All pollution-removing process, used to prepare fish oil supplements ruin the quality of the PEOs. Source: "Prop 65 Activists Target Fish Oil," Nutrition Science News, Boulder CO, Nov. 1997, Vol. 2 No. 11, Page 537.

Submit your recipe to for consideration to be included in the NEW Cook it Cool cookbook (coming soon). If your recipe gets chosen for inclusion in Cook it Cook, you will receive a FREE copy of the book when it's released.

This Month's Low-Carb Recipe: Rolled Broccoli Appetizer

1 pound of thin-sliced lunch meat (turkey, ham, chicken, beef)
2 pounds broccoli spears
1/4 cup mayonnaise (not diet)
1/3 cup sour cream (not low-fat)
2 Tbl. orange juice concentrate (frozen, thawed)
1 Tbl. Dijon mustard
1 tsp. basil leaves (dried)


  1. Use a large microwaveable dish (we suggest no plastic ever in the microwave). Add 1 Tablespoon of water, cover and vent. Microwave oh high for 6-7 minutes or until the broccoli is crisp and tender. Be sure to rearrange the stems at about 4 minutes in then finish heating. Be careful removing the cover and drain broccoli.
  2. Quickly put broccoli into cold water to halt cooking then drain water and pat well to dry.
  3. Combine sour cream, juice concentrate, mayonnaise, mustard and basil in a small bowl.
  4. Cut meat slices into 2-inch wide strips. Spread the sour cream mixture evenly on the meat strips. Place a single broccoli piece at the short end of the meat strip then starting at the shorter end roll broccoli into the meat tightly. Broccoli spar should stick neatly out of the top of the meat roll.
  5. Place each rolled broccoli onto a serving platter, cover and refrigerate until serving time. You can also garnish before serving if you prefer.

Makes about 20 servings.


Pinnacle Press, PO Box 56507, Houston, TX 77256, USA


  1. The best part of these posts is always the recipe at the end.

    It's the reward for slogging through all the scientific gobbldygook.

    Trust me people... two years on the dang thins now...

    You've seen me... check out this summer's beach album on my page if you want to see how a soon to be 53 year old body looks ( thankfully the flat butt is not visible).

    I owe it to my eating habits and my level of activity, which is enhanced by the PEOs i take daily.

    OK ... earning no royalties from this endorsement, i will let it go at that and go get my kwoffee.

    Later, Mou...

    I love you!

  2. Thanks for the free endorsement, Jen! I love you!

  3. 53 Jen?!! Holy crap you look fantastic!

    The PEO's have helped me tremendously with my energy and carb cravings.

  4. Thanks, Amy.

    It's pretty awesome too.

    I don't go to the gym or anything (who has time for that), but when you eat well and take the PEOs your normal level of activity is enough... provided you're not a slug.

    It would probably still help the slug too ;-)

  5. dang
    you just blew another one for me
    fish swimming in polutants
    then made in to '''healthy'' fish oil??
    whoda figured
