Tuesday, August 17, 2010

1:10am 32C/90F inside with killer humidity and no natural air flow.Rivulets of sweat trickle. Gonna be a loooong night.


  1. Guess you couldn't get to sleep after you said goodnight earlier...

    Doesn't your bedroom have the AC unit? Or was it the LR?
    Whichever, can't you put the thing on blast, and close off the other rooms as well as possible (hang sheets over doorways, etc) and at least cool it down enough to get some sleep?
    It's what we did back in da hood when i was growing up. We'd all camp out in the living/dining room cuz the only ac was a unit in the front window.

    Even laying in front of a fan helps a little... the movement of air on your body makes it just a little bit less horrific.

    I write this at my kitchen table under the ceiling fan after coming in from the sweltering heat (less humid than the past two days though). The thermometer on the deck reads 91F, but the computer reading from Weather.com says it's only 86, so figure somewhere in between.
    Others would have put the AC on but it's not that bad so why cool down the whole house when it's just me here in this one room?

    I'm comfortable as the sweat now evaporates from my body under the cool-ish breeze. mmmmmmm.....

    Hope you get some sleep, Mou.
    Love you!

  2. I finally fell asleep about 3am. And that was with two fans blasting on me. I would have been condemned by Japanese for that because there is an interesting belief (grounded in what historical truth I wonder?) that if you blow air on your body at night you will die. I didn't die, though this morning I feel like death.

    Maybe tonight I'll "pull a hoody" and blast it.

    Have a good day. Running late now as I forced myself to toss and turn an extra 30 minutes this morning just to get a little more shut eye. I think my eyes look like blackened trash cans this morning.... speaking of which, I need to open up THIS trash can and shovel some feed into it. Then shower. I stink from sweating all night....

    Thanks for the comment and for visiting!

    I love you!

  3. You're just a "hot box", as my Mom used to say ;-)

    Have a good day, SweetyMou!

    P.S. the Germans also shun AC... not sure about fans, but i think they think you catch cold from being cold... go figure...

  4. 32C? I might, just might, get my thermals off for that

    Night all!

  5. Didn't i send you off to bed a while ago, Mister???


    Cammy's going to work...
    My Stevie's going to bed....

    Nothing left for me to do but....

    Hit da PUB!

    Karaoke night... gotta call Traci or Tom!

  6. It is so hot here too but you have it hotter there , here it's 10:48 and it's 28 cel. and humid as hell !! I have two fans aimed at my bed for later lol

  7. Ah Cam... think of it as body purification, when you sweat like that the toxins just pour out, and lord knows after all those Mc Visits you probably have some toxins to sweat out. People pay big bucks to be exposed to this kind of things, think steam sauna, bikram yoga, indian sweat houses.... see your on your own personal vision quest! HA!

    Well in all seriousness, a cold shower, and a fan work. Also a cold compress behind the back of your neck or on your forehead... sleeping in the tub with a few ice cubes.....

    Oh and don't forget a lot of water to replace the sweat that is pouring....

    Hope it lets up soon...

    BTW tomorrow will be like that here too first thing in the morning, we had a lot of rain and WET to dry up so until about 3ish it will be HUMID as hell here.... no such thing as "DRY" heat during monsoon season in AZ.

  8. it was 37C/99F-ish yesterday plus crazy humidity. Today was similar for us. Craziness... this PNW girl isn't used to those kinda temps and drowning in humidity! The Japanese kids who are doing the cultural exchange camp here weren't too fond of all the heat yesterday either but today was way better, since we spent most of our time at the pool :oD

    Hope you cooled off!

  9. And tonight it's going to rain with temps dropping to 27-30C tomorrow (and 100% humidity of course) so it shall be a veritable ice box in our neck of the woods!

    I'm betting that The concrete jungle (aka Shibuya) was probably over 40C with all the concrete and glass, and stuff. It was a hot, hot day yesterday.

    Drink, drink water and be merry!
