Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Celiac's Clusterfuck

Today I am attaching a recent "study" showing that ONCE AGAIN, the actual number of people with Celiac's Disease (an allergic reaction to wheat, barley, rye, etc.) is "rising". In the old days, it was considered a "rare" disease with one in ten thousand afflicted. That changed by a factor of 10 so that 1/1,000 were considered "wheat intolerant". Then it went up to about 1% of the entire population (1/100) having this inability to digest wheat. Now they are saying it is GREATER than 1% in both adults and children. And as the testing methodology and technology improves, rates continue to climb.
Here is what they write:
"Their findings suggest that CD is roughly 4 times more common now than in the 1950s.
"This tells us that whatever has happened with CD has happened since 1950," Dr. Murray said. "This increase has affected young and old people. It suggests something has happened in a pervasive fashion from the environmental perspective," he added.
It blows my mind that they don't understand!!!
Those of us who have been following, understanding and living Professor Brian Peskin's extensive research into carbohydrates and essential fatty acids KNOW MORE than these reseachers! This quote, shows how little the scientists, and medical community are paying attention to their original university studies on biochemistry, physiology and the basic science of the body:  "The reason for this increase is mutlifactorial, but there is probably a true underlying increase."
What happened 50 years ago? We started living "The Great Carbohydrate Experiment", or "The Great Carbohydrate Lie". That's what happened!
About 50 years ago governments, the health industry and nutritionists made the shift from meat, eggs, cheese, natural foods being good for you, to carbohydrates being required for "energy" while all of the above is bad for you ("fat in meat and cheese makes you fat", or "cholesterol in eggs is bad for you", etc.)
All I can do is shake my head over the lack of understanding concerning the body's digestion, and use of the food we eat for life requirements.
If this article doesn't attach, please let me know and I'll find a way to post it to the site. I have only done this with photos in the past, never with documents, so this is a first.
The material requires a login to read, so if you have an account with medscape.com, that's great. If you don't maybe you can make one and get the daily newsletters on this research that continues to show how Brian Peskin continues to be right time and time again.
I love you!


  1. My wife and daughter both suffer from this debilitating desease. My dear wife almost died from Chrone's Disease. She has since found out that almost all Chrones patients are also CD. Since becoming gluten free she no longer suffers.

  2. Cap - I'm glad to hear she is not "pushing up grass".

    What you shared here needs to be shared with more people. Spread the word.

    We humans are NOT meant to eat grains.


  3. Hi Cam -- Yes I am trying to spread the word. Wife was very close to pushing Daisies. The Medical profession is just now tying Chrones an CD together. (Well some of them)
