Friday, August 27, 2010

After this week's presentation preparation blitz, today was a bit slow. Busy days are always better than slow days at work because you are challenged, and productive, working to a timeline. Rather than sit around looking for work, I decided to use some of my flex time and come home two hours early. It's nice to get naked, do the laundry, vacuum, clean and basically get all the chores done on a Friday late afternoon while the sun is still out so that the rest of the weekend can be filled up with other enjoyable things!


  1. Indeed it is good! Yesterday was my "long Thursday" My 12 hour day. And it was busy so went fast.

    Today a short day and I get out at 12.30, but that will end in October when I pick up the laser classes. Then I will be in school till 5:30 again.

  2. So.... once you graduate from those classes, can we start calling you Barbarella?

  3. Hiya Cam! Glad you got to enjoy your afternoon - bring on the weekend!!! Hopefully this evening weather is as fantastic in your area as it is here! We've really enjoyed hanging out on our porch tonight. So nice out!

    What's your schedule look like in the near future?

  4. Hi Jaime - If you can meet me, I'm yours! The only thing is from 9/17-26 I'm taking off that week as my summer vacation and going to visit Max. To ride!

    By the way, if you and Small Thing ever want to come and visit my neck of the woods, you two can spend the night and then head home the next day. That way you don't have to worry about being at the mercy of hours of trains in one day.

  5. Well considering I was the "youhoo" wax model today getting my nether regions exploited and all out there so that my business was out so everyone got a good look at my goodies.... sure.

    I also waxed legs thigh's and youhoo's today on a few other class mates, but lucky for them, they had the privacy I was not afforded.

  6. Do you work with any men's youhoos?
    Can I be a model? Oh wait... I'd have to grow mine all back!

  7. We will have to yes.... not sure how I feel about that because, well just not sure how I feel about waxing a mans balls... but yes. We will have to do it at some point. :-/ I am very hesitant.... cause honest waxing the private parts I found yesterday hurts like hell!

  8. Let me know when you do your first ballwax!

  9. I`d rather EAT my gnads than get them waxxed! What is the point?

  10. I have no idea but its apparently popular and I will have to conform to have steady employment as most people want you to be proficient in all kinds of waxing...

    But I am with you, a bit CRAZY I know.................. LOL

  11. Oh no worries I will blog it, and post photos....LMAO

  12. Over here we call it a `backs, cracks `n sacs` wax.

  13. Oh so they do it there too.... not sure if I should be relieved or not that its a global thing... LOL

  14. I'm so used to having no pubic hair, no armpit hair now that whenever I see the huge birds nests on the Japanese guys in the onsen, it is rather shocking! I have a dream... and that's to dip myself into a pool of electrolysis that GENTLY works all the hairs out of the follicles so that from the neck down I am hairless. I want to keep the hair on my head, though, as it can be pretty darn sexy with 3 day scrub. (But you gotta shave the neck, otherwise it just looks messy).

  15. I don't mind hair on a guy, its fun to curl the chest hair around your fingers, treasure trails are also quite nice to trace..... never even thought anything about a man not having hair? I suppose it would be fine. Its not the hair, its the man in the skin, their attitude, the way they treat me and the rest that they have to offer that ultimately attracts me....

    But I couldn't help think of you Cam dipping yourself in a vat, as the Kitty Galore character.... she was a cat who fell into a vat, and now she is a hairless cat....LOL

  16. Paula, I agree with you on the playing with chest hair, and damned if the thought of the pleasure trail didn't send a lil thrill through me...
    But... ahem...
    Alright I'm just gonna say it...
    It IS nice not to get those stray hairs in your mouth at certain ... crucial times...
    Am I right?

  17. Yes, true I agree... about that, but there are ways around that. Trade secrets... of course!

  18. Just seems a bit ....................... odd, Cam

  19. Truthfully, Steve, it dramatically reduces the aggregation of sweat and bacteria that feeds on sweat particles leading to what we call body odour. And in this particularly humid clime I find it is a lifesaver. Besids that, having no hair under your armpits allows you to apply antiperspirant directly to the skin instead of caking it onto the hairs which will further reduce breathing space, thus enhancing the sweaty armpit smell. It works. Ive been shaving my pits since 1990. Also, at the gym, beach, etc the lack of pit bush enhances the cut and line of the musculature in that area making it look very sexy. I recall that Jen was very impressed with that look hen we first met at PR. Its very nice and still very masculine. And for a guy like you who orks out it would enhance the look even more.

    As for removing the pubic hairs... that is because I need to do anything short of letting it all hang out to reduce the buildup of humidity in my trousers. Swamp Crotch is pretty bad over here and I intend to battle it! (not to mention the nurses shaved it all off when I had an appendectomy in 1993 and it was easier to keep it scaled back then all off from that pointonward.)

  20. I don`t work out for the looks, Cam. Ok............. I get with the Crotch Rot................. still think it`s a tad odd. But hey! Each to their own, dude. I still shave my legs despite not cycling competitively for a year now.

  21. I tried shaving arms and legs several times over the years but the ingrown hairs were terrible! I finally gave up.

    I didnt think you work out for the looks, Steve. But with the amount of activities you do (including current work and past military experience) the look you most likely DO have will be accentuated. Just like smoothly shaven legs enhance well-built musculature...

  22. Wait!!!

    Just seeing this....

    My Nicey shaves his legs???
    Damn... Who knew?

    And i think you're right, Cam.
    Whether he does it for the looks or not the fact is Stevie look GOOOOOD!
    So yeah... anything that accentuates it... I'm down wit dat yo!
