Sunday, August 8, 2010

Obesity and US.

Governments, health industries, nutritionists, around the world have been focusing relentlessly on reducing the obesity epidemic. Now that "metabolic syndrome" has become a "medical condition", the drug companies are dipping into the pot and selling potentially extremely harmful drugs designed to alter the body mechanisms regarding how we put on weight. This is frightening, because the body responds the way it is supposed to respond: converting carbohydrates and sugars into bodyfat. To counteract that natural response is just asking for trouble. But they (drug makers) know a "good thing" when they see it, so they are capitalizing on our obesity.

You DON'T NEED DRUGS to control this. You need KNOWLEDGE. An understanding of how the body works, how it responds to the foods you eat, and what to do to have your body react NATURALLY so that it burns your own bodyfat, rather than storing the huge amount of carbohydrates we consume AS bodyfat.

Obesity is connected with so many illnesses it ain't funny, gang. We NEED to understand this stuff, because if we continue to listen to the advice of the "professionals", we are going to get exceedingly sicker. This is going to be a big problem for Canadians because the costs for healthcare are going to exceed the amount the government brings in in taxes, etc. What does this mean? It means there will be an overload on "our free healthcare", which will lead the government to move toward a system similar to that in the USA and allow competition, and "the markets" to take care of the problem. But as we can see from the example of the USA, the markets do not solve this problem; the "markets" make people more obese and poorer at the same time the pharmaceutical companies, and private healthcare companies balloon in profit and the executives get billions of dollars of bonuses all based upon how sick we continue to be.

Read Read everything he has to offer on his site. Download all of his papers and read them. Learn. Be a scientist for a bit, and understand how your body REALLY reacts to the food you put in your mouth.

Read .
There is a huge amount of research results posted here that likely most have never heard of. Read it. Read it all.

LEARN about this stuff.

And then put it into effect.

If you want to know where to get the right supplements of Parent Essential Oils go to Read about the stuff there, and learn. Then make educated decisions.

I also recommend you get Brian Peskin's two books: "The Hidden Story of Cancer", and "The 24-Hour Diet". You can get them at Now if you buy both books you can get the second one at half price, and you can't complain about that.

This morning I read the following article... which led to my evangelism above.

PLEASE. LEARN. THIS. STUFF. Because your doctors, your governments, your nutritionists, your healthcare professionals, your healthcare providers, your personal trainers.... they don't understand. And if you follow their advice which is based upon the current "trendy advice", you will be following in the footprints of millions and millions of people who are heading for disaster...


From Reuters Health Information
More Than 70 Million US Adults Obese: US CDC

WASHINGTON (Reuters) Aug 03 - More than 72 million U.S. adults, or 26.7%, are obese, up 1 percentage point in two years, the U.S. government reported on Tuesday.

Obesity has become "a major public health threat" and is steadily worsening, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

"We need intensive, comprehensive and ongoing efforts to address obesity," CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden said in a statement.

"If we don't more people will get sick and die from obesity-related conditions such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of death."

The CDC examined data from the national Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which surveys 400,000 people and asks about height and weight, among other things.

Looking state-by-state, the CDC found that 30% of adults in nine states are now obese. In 2000, no states reported obesity rates of 30% or more.

The survey found 2.4 million more people admitted to being obese (based on their body mass index) in 2009 than in 2007, a 1.1 percentage point increase. And the CDC said this is almost certainly an underestimate, as people often say they are taller and weigh less than they actually do.

"Recent estimates of the annual medical costs of obesity are as high as $147 billion. On average, persons who are obese have medical costs that are $1,429 more than persons of normal weight," the report reads.

Blacks were the most likely to be obese, with 36.8% of U.S. black adults having a BMI of 30 or more - and more than 41% of black women.

More than 30% of Hispanic adults were obese.

As in previous surveys, Mississippi had the most obese people and Colorado the fewest.

The federal government and some states have been moving toward using legislation to help people to exercise and eat healthier foods.

New York and California have been considering a tax on sweetened soft drinks to defray the cost of treating obesity-related diseases. President Barack Obama has made reducing obesity a priority, assigning his wife Michelle Obama and cabinet secretaries to tackle childhood obesity in particular.

"People in all communities should be able to make healthy choices, but in order to make those choices there must be healthy choices to make," the CDC's Dr. William Dietz said.

"We need to change our communities into places where healthy eating and active living are the easiest path." (subscription required)


  1. In my community children from the age of 7-12 have trouble with being over weight, but there is no healthy place to eat; our local fine dining places consists of McDonald's and Hardee's (sp), 2 pizza eateries. Even the teens deal with a lot of weight problems just like the younger kids. When I was that age I might have got to dine out 1-2 times a month, now in this day and time my 2 nephews average eating out 3-4 times a week; that would total 156-208 times a year.......

  2. Jalopy - Um.... how about... eating... now this may be a novel suggestion but...

    at. home.


  3. Its scary... how wrong our diets are in this day and age.

    There is no safe place to eat out really.... its better for your health AND the family unit as a whole to eat together at home. After all healthy habits are learned at home....

  4. I agree!

    Mmmmm McDonalds..... *poke*

  5. Cam,
    I eat at home, just my opinion the parents of today is just to sorry to take the time to cook a family meal. It is easier for them to just drop by the fast food place. I take these rant and rave fits often......I guess I've did it again, maybe I didn't sound to

    The parents of today's children don't believe in eating at home or cooking, that's why I'm still single.....I can boil my own water.....lmao
