Saturday, August 28, 2010

I got on the bike tonight and went out along the river for a night run. It felt soooo good to cycle in the dark and use my atrophying night vision (it's never dark in Tokyo!).


  1. Hope you didn't run over any night loving joggers!
    No headlight on the bike?

  2. Teeny little blinker. I wish the joggers wouldn't wear all black. You'd think they were training to work with Steve on a special undercover tactical mission... But the beauty of it all is that you really really REALLY have to USE your senses: the light is dimmed so you can't see nearly as much, but if you practice, the eyes get stronger. Then you need to use your ears a lot more as well, because the ears can tell you what is coming before the eyes do. This is a point where most of us humans are getting weaker and weaker because we rely so much upon our eyes to tell us what is there. That's why I love night runs so much!

  3. Yeah, brilliant fun!

    Before I did this job we used to organise what we called the Cannonball Runs, where we`d ride our motorbikes at full speed down really narrow country lanes from one end of the Island to the other with no lights on. What a buzz! On some nights we had to outrun the Pigs! Cool.

  4. OMG!!!

    Is there anything you do that's not dangerous, Babe?


  5. Oy!

    I had to go and fall for a nerd with a death wish ;-P

  6. There`s nothing nerdy about playing chess!

  7. Steve - Did you ever get into the Star Trek 3D chess? And yes, riding with the lights off is truly amazing....

  8. Jeez Cam, that s***ts truely dangerous! A flying tiddly could take your eye out!

    * snerk *

  9. No............. are you taking the pee? I`m guessing that`d be truely nerdy.

  10. Very funny, You.
    Well see if i care when you wrap yourself around a tree one night....
