Thursday, August 26, 2010

I gave a stellar, captivating, enjoyoble, humourous and critically important info-packed presentation to the global client today. In my mind anyway...but that is where success is made or broken. It all begins in the mind. As The Universe says, "Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones." And He is so right. What you visualize with all your might, be it good or bad, you get. As Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right!" So what is going on in your life right now where you could change your thinking from "can't" to "can"? Do it! Right now. Yes, you can! I love you!


  1. Well knock him dead, impress his pants off... you get the idea! Have fun!

  2. Jen - Yes, this was a repost from Facebook where third person is most commonly used, and I missed correcting it. I added the I in the beginning....

    Ah hell, let me reply with a better answer than the truth:

    Yes! He and I.... we are having a rocking good time on the balcony tonight! Howling at the moon and getting our moods on, we are!

    How's that?
    Yeah, how's that?!

  3. Jen - Yes. At the moment I was writing it, the voice in my head was a male voice. Therefore The Universe at that moment was a He.

    This has absolutely NO BEARING on what "sex" The Universe will manifest in my world the next time, you see. The Universe has been He many times, She many times, but never IT. The Universe changes. If The Universe is always She to you... well, I think you may need to go and talk with a psychologist.

  4. I prefer IT. I try not to think of gender or even human form at all, doing my best to think of it as spirit, energy, light.

  5. It's one of the things i'm not crazy about with The Notes...

    It always comes off as that Mike Dooley guy.
    It makes it hard sometimes to separate the message from the messenger.

  6. Who's Mike Dooley? I get messages from The Universe. I don't know where yours are coming from.

    So how are things going these days? Is JennyFit running REALLY well? Are you happy with it?

    And did Colin get any other work outside of dog escorting?

  7. Do you really not know Mike Dooley, the originator of of of the site or are you purposely blocking the person so as to more freely accept the messages?
    I can usually do that, but sometimes it's a bit difficult since i've read his other stuff and associate HIM/his "voice" with the notes.

    All is well, car's great (except for the whole no convertible top thing. It feels sort of .... ordinary, whereas i used to get looks and comments with the Cruiser... oh well...

    Haven't heard from DaBaby in a while but i live by MY mom's mantra, "no news is good news".
    He's told me he LOVES it there so it's ALLL goood!

    BTW... I KNOW you did a stellar job on your presentation. Would never have expected anything less of you.
    Congrats anyway!
