Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Splash from the Past

Goran and I arrived in Fukui on the same day in 1991 and were sent to Ono City, a town of 40,000, to teach English in the two high schools. I stayed for three years and Goran for one (he moved into Fukui for another two and then to Kanazawa before heading to France for a bit and finally settling back in the USA).

The internet didn't exist back then really so most of us lost track of one another. Facebook brought us together again.

Goran came to Japan for a two week volunteer holiday, he spent the time working and cleaning up in the tsunami zone. We met tonight for dinner and a good long talk. It has been almost 20 years since we last parted ways but it was so good to see one of my old friends from the times when we were truly strangers in a strange land.

It was a great night.

The only drawback was seeing all the frothy, vomit patches along the long underground corridor to my line home. I have a weak tummy for that kind of stuff and there were more than just three or four instances when I had to engage "the far sight" and practice my walking meditation and breathing. I had no desire to leave my semi-digested yakitori around for the homeless...

Enough. I'm starting to salivate.

Thanks Goran! It was fantastic to see you again. I love you, man!
