Saturday, August 27, 2011

Geocaching: The Green Frog Home

Damn that was a tough one, so deceptively simple. No wonder some can find it in 20 seconds and others can't locate the cache at all!

I left Mayu's this morning about 8am and walked to her station, catching the train about 8:30. I had to make a transfer at (are you ready for it?) Takadanobaba station to get to Shibuya.

Like Ginza my GPS was going haywire here because of all the damn electronics everywhere. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if men living/working in Shibuya had damaged sperm from all the electromagnetic radiation floating around here!

So back and forth I went, trying in vain to triangulate closer to the goal. No luck. I was even right there twice this morning and once a while back with Megumi when we first tried to find this three star difficult microcache.

Finally I turned off the device and went analog, using my memory and my sense of touch. And I found it! It took damn near an hour hanging around Hachiko trying to act nonchalant (holding a weird thick bulky device in my palm) and be stealthy about my searches. A homeless and very dirty gent came up to me and signed the universal "alcohol?" sign to me. When I responded that I only had tea, sorry, he walked away.But thats OK because the bazillion "Shibuya Girls" milling about made up for it.

I think I might have four or five videos worth of footage to work on in the near future thanks to my wanderings on Saturday and Sunday morning. But first, to get home, do the cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, ironing AND most important of all the grocery shopping for the week!

Got a smarphone? Buy the app and the next time you are ootnaboot with friends, add a little extra fun to your outing and see if there are any geocaches where you are going. You might just find a new and enjoyable addition to your already wonderful life!

I love you!