Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Google Wants in Motorola's Pants

The other day I shared news about Amazon battling Apple with their cloud iApp for Kindle reader on the iOS. Today we have something even MORE astounding: Google plans to buy Motorola!

This is going to be a very VERY interesting battle, and will wind up possibly pushing Microsoft to acquire Nokia.

What's going to happen to Sony-Eriksson?

I love technology battles!

P.S. Starbucks VIA brand instant coffees are great! I've tried four to date and love them all.

P.P.S. I now know why everyone in the US, calls their Android-enabled smartphone a Droid: It's because that is the brand name that Motorola used when they put out their first Android smartphone! Pass me another Kleenex, will you?

Google's patent play: $12.5B for Motorola Mobility - Yahoo! Finance

Yahoo! Finance http://finance.yahoo.com/

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