Sunday, August 21, 2011


On Friday after my failed attempt to find the TV STARS cache (I'll be back!), I was heading to Gotanda Station and saw this sign that IMMEDIATELY made me think of the most beautifl woman I know in Arizona, Paula! For those of you who don't know, Paula started a pet patisserie called Poochie's a few years ago. It didn't go over well, which was very unfortunate, but looking back I think that Paula can say she learned a LOT from that (mis)(ad)venture. 

The funny thing about this photo, is that although you cannot see it, the shop doesn't look ANYTHING like a bakery. It looks more like an office; a very cluttered, crowded, Japanese business office. With one overweight Japanese middle aged guy sitting behind a desk crammed full of papers, staring at me as I took this photo. In spite of looking around the entire office, there was not a single piece of pet paraphernalia, nor food, nor cooking utensils, nor even a stuffed toy dog to be found. 

So one has to wonder whether this business is so successful that it needs a separate office of this size, or if the signboard is a throwback to a former store, or if it is the name of a business that has absolutely nothing to do with dogs and baking? I don't know. But this is Japan/Tokyo, and nothing surprises me here anymore, though I have developed strong forehead muscles from all the eyebrow raising I have done these past 20 years...

So for you Paula, I salute you with... a bone! To our experiences in life! May we continue to learn a LOT from them, especially from the hard ones.

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