Saturday, August 27, 2011

Serene Parks, Lost & Found Geocaches, Parks, Temples And Burgers

Whew what an adventure today! The park was great and I got a lot of video. Then I headed to the alleged cache site but when I turned on my GPS I discovered that the data didn't get transferred properly from the computer!!!! I spent time looking around the location anyway (google street view is a big help) but found nothing.

Luckily I had successfully downloaded another cache about a klick away so headed out to search for that one. And I did! It was a very neat location (watch the forthcoming video for more details).

I then recalled seeing an otera/temple mark (the reversed swastika - the way it was originally meant to be before Hitler polluted it, damn him anyway...) I got a bunch of photos of that place. It was originally built around 751 which makes it a pretty darn old place. The original temple is no longer there but another generation is in its place. It too is fairly old. I think the ruins are hidden in the surrounding woods.

Now I'm back at Kokubunji Station and going to wend my way to Mayu's but first I need 5:30pm lunch sustenance so Im not grumpy when I see her for dinner!

A great way to spend the day ootnaboot.

I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed the park. It was been so cloudy and grey here today due to Irene, that you don't really want to even get out.

    Have a great time and a nice dinner..........winking (sumthun' extra).....

