Monday, August 4, 2008

Bless My Obesity for I have Sinned

Well, I never thought I would see the day that I would have to admit that there are actually ADVANTAGES to being obese and sick!

Who would have thunk?

COLUMBUS, Ohio - A death row inmate scheduled for execution says he's too fat to be put to death, claiming executioners would have trouble finding his veins and that his weight could diminish the effectiveness of one of the lethal injection drugs.

Read the rest of the story here.

This is ridiculous. I'm going to the river to soak my head....

*Shakes head, walking away....*


  1. What is amazing is his denial right to the end that he ought to pay for his crime...not that i think execution is ok, but this shows u how much of a sociopath he is...

  2. Minx.... you have a very very good point.

  3. They could always starve him to death?

    Oy. Criminals have too many rights.

  4. Probably not.. that would be "inhumane" as all criminals have "rights" Sheesh!. I was thinking they could start slipping PEOs into his diet so he could naturally melt away the pounds... and then when he hit a certain level, they could bring in some undercover FBI agents to snatch him out of his prison cell, and take him to a private location in Syria... .no no ... I'm mixing stories here...

    Besides, he has probably used his insidious criminal mind to great detail and has determined EXACTLY what to eat to keep himself growing... and.... alive.

    Oy Vey! (or however you spell that).

  5. He shouldnt have more rights than his victim and esp not any absolution or special dispensation...sheesh!

  6. But wait! His victim didn't have any rights! Not when he was the judge, jury and executioner! Hmmm...

  7. why should he be spared paying for his crime?

  8. its unfortunate that the price he has to pay for his crime is death, but that doesnt make it ok for him to act like he ought not answer for his actions...

  9. I agree wholeheartedly, Minx! It most certainly does not make it OK. Though, I imagine he is a scared shitless of losing his life as any victim is. Doesn't make it right, but it makes sense that he would do everything in his power to preserve his own life. Self-preservation....

  10. well he should have thought of the consequences back when he commited his crime, no?

  11. i think the death penalty is the easy way out for some of these poeple who choose of their own free will to deny someone else free will....hard life in prison is a more fitting deal...

  12. Hmmm. You've gotta like a guy who's a murderer and rapist (although not necessarily in that order) complaining about pain. Perhaps it's time to bring back the guillotine? I don't think there's anyone with a neck too thick to slice through. Or perhaps the firing squad would be more to his liking? With a large enough calibre weapon death would be almost instantaneous, and with the guns I'm thinking of we could probably save on the cost of a funeral as well.

  13. vonBit - They could just send him to Iraq, preferrably a hot spot, a den of insurrection... Maybe to pick up dead animals on the side of the road in front of the military crews? He might be able to SAVE some lives that way and make slight reparations for his heinous crimes. And then there would not have to be any lawyer fees for the state, nor would the pro and con capital punishment lobbyists need to spend taxpayers dollars debating execution.

  14. it is really senseless is so cheap for many then others exspect to call on the publics sympathyxx

  15. Jools - But the (in my opinion) sad thing is that there IS public sympathy "out there" for his life (after raping and murdering)!

  16. yep it is not good...that people should worry more about him than hi sinnocent victims!!!

  17. Sorry Cam, I think the occupation has raped and murdered enough Iraqis for the time being.

  18. Rob.. no no no... I was thinking he could be on roadside bomb cleanup duty.

  19. Cam, I'm liking that idea. "Hey, Fatboy! Go and somersault down this road for the next few hundred meters."

  20. YANNO
    i saw this yesterday
    and I am STILL trying to take it all in

    mind boggling

  21. I wonder if the women he raped and killed were to fat/skinny to die???

  22. Wel, there is one Humane way to get rid of him..
    Give him a nice Valium,adavan and morphine cocktail...
    Once under, slit his neck into the Juglar and let him bleed away...
    A trip to Irag is Pricey, even on a C5... sides he would only take out one
    pressure bomb

  23. Woody - Well, if he prevented the deaths of 7-8 other coalition members, and kept another 4-5 from being "injured" (read legs and arms blown off but not killed), it would be a good way to pay back society for his crimes, I do believe.

  24. Indeed, If that was the case.. it would be worth it. I wish people like that got less "rights"
    Iraq sucks.. it was a place of such beauty, yet religion has destroyed it.
    I didnt enjoy it there, and My Brother in law is yet headed back again next moth.
